
Hello !

I cannot get SDL_Mixer to work at 44100 sample rate...Even if the control panel in Doomsday says so, my soundcard's mixer still reports 22050 Hz. Also the 44.1 kHz music that I play with jDoom is downsampled as I hear the upper frequencies beeing rolled off.
Using DirectSound I can use 44.1 kHz sample rate, but I get no music...

Any suggestions ?

Thanks !


  • At present, only one audio playback plugin can be used at a time. The DirectSound plugin does not support music playback, hence you get no music when it is chosen.

    Unfortunately there is no real solution to this presently. SDL_mixer is doing the down sampling and AFAIK there is nothing we can do to stop it, its just a limitation of SDL_mixer.

    We have already established that SDL_mixer is quite simply not good enough for us and it will be addressed by supporting a new library (most likely FMOD Ex) in a future release.
  • Thank you DaniJ for your reply !
    So I guess that even if I were to use OpenAL I would get 44.1 kHz, but no music for the reason mentioned above by you...

    Anyway I'm not bothered to much about's just that I like to play with music and it would have been nice if the music played at its original sample rate.

    I've run across a new (or old) bug...Every save or quick save that I do in Inferno (Ultimate Doom) ends up with a segmentation violation error everytime I load that saved game from the game menu...(ex: I load the game from the Doomsday Frontend in Windows and then try to load that particular save...).
    The only workaround is to manually start a game (say: New Game -> Singleplayer -> Inferno-> Hurt me plenty ) and only THEN I can successfully load the previously saved games...

    P.S. Perhaps I should have changed the post's name to "segmentation error" or something similar but it's to late now...sorry !
  • So I guess that even if I were to use OpenAL I would get 44.1 kHz, but no music for the reason mentioned above by you...
    I've run across a new (or old) bug...Every save or quick save that I do in Inferno (Ultimate Doom) ends up with a segmentation violation error everytime I load that saved game from the game menu...(ex: I load the game from the Doomsday Frontend in Windows and then try to load that particular save...).
    The only workaround is to manually start a game (say: New Game -> Singleplayer -> Inferno-> Hurt me plenty ) and only THEN I can successfully load the previously saved games...
    This is a known issue yes. Its not map related at all and happens with all DOOM games. The problem has been fixed for the upcoming 1.9.0-Beta6.9 release.
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