mouse look not working

edited 2010 Feb 7 in Technical Support
I just installed doomsday_190 beta6.8 and mouse look doesn't work. I have a mouse in the control panel, but not in-game. I checked the doomsday.out file and the very last line reads:
mouse: unknown identifier, or command arguments invalid.

this means the game can't see my mouse?


  • Sounds to me like you installed over a previous version of Doomsday. That message in the console is mostly likely caused by attempting to read an old config file from a previous version.

    Open the in-game command console (tilde ~ by default) and enter:
    clearbindings; defaultbindings

    Alternatively, you could locate your config files (e.g., jdoom.cfg and jdoom-bindings.cfg) in your Doomsday runtime directory* and delete them (they will be recreated on startup though you may need to configure a few settings again).

    * The runtime directory differs depending on which OS you are running. In Windows Vista/7 this is typically c:\Users\<your_username>\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime
  • I used to have a very old version of doomsday, like 1.7.xx, but I made sure I deleted everything before putting 1.9.0 on.

    anyways, deleting jdoom.cfg and the bindings.cfg files did the trick. the mouse works now. thanks

    EDIT: after some messing around I found out why the mouse was not working. I accidently unbinded "look up", "look down", "turn left", "turn right" from the mouse while reconfiguring my buttons
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