Sidedef packing?

edited 2010 Jan 7 in Technical Support
Hey, im trying to run doom2 plutonia or TNT and as soon as i want to start a new game i get an error and the game seems to crash

Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment
Game state parameters:
SetupLevel: MAP01
VerifyMapData: BEHAVIOR for "MAP01" could not be found.
Useable data will be generated automatically if needed.
DetermineMapDataFormat: (V2 GL Node Data)
(glBSP 2.20 | 2010-01-06 10:42:56.7860 | 0xe3fb1588)
P_LoadMapData: MAP01
Loading Sidedef Texture IDs...
P_LoadMapData: Map MAP01 utilizes sidedef packing, which is currently unsupported

thats what it says in a window after the programm failed to start up a new game. Help would be very much appreciated.

PS Im using the snowberry frontend and the latest doomsday engine


  • You are using an older version of Doomsday which does not support sidedef packing.
  • Im using the LATEST version of doomsday! 1.9.0 something
  • Con_Init: Initializing the console.
    SW_Init: Startup message window opened.
    Executable: Version 1.9.0-beta5.1 Jan 23 2007 (DGL).
    G_PreInit: Registering Bind Classes...
    Parsing configuration files.

    it says at the top of the doomsday.out
  • Speed12345 wrote:
    Executable: Version 1.9.0-beta5.1 Jan 23 2007(DGL).
    current is 1.9.0-beta6.8. You're apparently using something from 2007
  • And when a developer tells you you're using an old version, you'd better believe it.
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