Future Doomsday Add-on Distribution



  • DaniJ, please tell us whether some distribution method will be provisionally chosen or the download archive will stay down.
  • IMHO, torrents would be a very good way to distribute them. The files are really cheap to host in addons site.
    You could have some ideas as to have some way to download them directly via snowberry, maybe with meta information for each package and instructions on how the download the torrents.
    I can't see why it is difficult to use it. In Windows, you don't even have to install a program, you can download portable uTorrent (http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/utorrent_portable), dump it to a folder and use it. In linux, well, you probably already have it or can easily get it.
  • why use OR when you can use an AND ? don't choose a method for distribution, use all of them that are available (just like mirrors)

    in addition I also recommend an ftp server running on your own internet connection (your own home server) with user and bandwidth limits (say, 1 user at 30 KB/s ?)
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