Doomday Launch the Games without loading Launcher and without in menu Doomday
I remember before i could Launch Doom [with Dooday Engine] but it not working anymore as maybe you changed the Target code
May i ask how you run Doomdays Doom without Launcher etc and Straight to Doom Games
I use to run from Batch and or the Target Box
I think what i did was in the:
"X:\Games\Doomsday\bin\doomsday.exe" -basedir "X:\Doomsday" -file "X:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\HUD_Mage_v1.2.pk3" -file "X:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\xhtp-20100714.pk3" -sfxchan 16 -fullscreen -notexcomp -game doom1-ultimate -iwad "X:\Games\Doomsday Games\Doom 1 [Final Doom]\DOOM.WAD"
var WindowStyle_Hidden = 0
var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
var result = objShell.Run("cmd.exe /c Doom I The Ultimate Doom.bat", WindowStyle_Hidden)
X:\ is the Drive Letter
Thank You
The link use to be before
the Explain was:
This is a tutorial for making a custom Windows shortcut for Doomsday
1. Open the Doomsday Frontend, press Alt+C to get the command line ("Preview command line").
2. Paste everything in a text editor (e.g., Notepad 2) and join all lines (select all & Ctrl+J), select all & copy.
3. Create a .bat file in the Doomsday folder, with the following commands (paths are examples):
\Doomsday\bin\Doomsday.exe -basedir... (paste here the joined command line)
4. Save the file.
5. Create in the same dir a .js (Javascript) file with the commands (replace "filename.bat" with the name of your bat file):
var WindowStyle_Hidden = 0
var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
var result = objShell.Run("cmd.exe /c filename.bat", WindowStyle_Hidden)
This will suffice, you'll maybe want to create a shortcut to the .js file and have a custom icon.
You can actually skip the js passage, but when you launch the .bat file directly a command prompt window will stay on the background, the js will make it hide.
May i ask how you run Doomdays Doom without Launcher etc and Straight to Doom Games
I use to run from Batch and or the Target Box
I think what i did was in the:
"X:\Games\Doomsday\bin\doomsday.exe" -basedir "X:\Doomsday" -file "X:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\HUD_Mage_v1.2.pk3" -file "X:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\xhtp-20100714.pk3" -sfxchan 16 -fullscreen -notexcomp -game doom1-ultimate -iwad "X:\Games\Doomsday Games\Doom 1 [Final Doom]\DOOM.WAD"
var WindowStyle_Hidden = 0
var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
var result = objShell.Run("cmd.exe /c Doom I The Ultimate Doom.bat", WindowStyle_Hidden)
X:\ is the Drive Letter
Thank You
The link use to be before
the Explain was:
This is a tutorial for making a custom Windows shortcut for Doomsday
1. Open the Doomsday Frontend, press Alt+C to get the command line ("Preview command line").
2. Paste everything in a text editor (e.g., Notepad 2) and join all lines (select all & Ctrl+J), select all & copy.
3. Create a .bat file in the Doomsday folder, with the following commands (paths are examples):

4. Save the file.
5. Create in the same dir a .js (Javascript) file with the commands (replace "filename.bat" with the name of your bat file):
var WindowStyle_Hidden = 0
var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
var result = objShell.Run("cmd.exe /c filename.bat", WindowStyle_Hidden)
This will suffice, you'll maybe want to create a shortcut to the .js file and have a custom icon.
You can actually skip the js passage, but when you launch the .bat file directly a command prompt window will stay on the background, the js will make it hide.
The deciding factor here is the "-g" ("-game") command line option. When that is found on the command line, the game library view is skipped and the game is loaded directly.
Note that the parameter given to "-g" can either be an ID like "doom1-ultimate" or it can be one of your game profiles, including custom ones. For example: The benefit of using a profile here is that you can configure all the mods and settings via the game library and then launch into the game directly from the command line later, without setting any additional options.
Why are you loading the HUD_Mage_v1.2pk3 and xhtp with doom1-ultimate, where they won't be useful?
Oh God Command Line wont let me Copy/Paste so:
-basedir "E:\Game Dir etc"
-file "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\addons\hexen_ds.pk3"
-sfxchan 16
-game hexen
-iwad "E:\Game Dir etc"
That work in Batch BUT it run Doomsday Menu so how to let it run STRAIGHT to Hexen Game and not the Doomsday Menu and not the Snowberry Launcher
P.S the .js:
var WindowStyle_Hidden = 0
var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
var result = objShell.Run("cmd.exe /c Hexen I Beyond Heretic.bat", WindowStyle_Hidden)