Unable to get the TNT31.wad to load
I was playing the 'regular' version of TNT --- tnt.wad, and realized the yellow key was missing. I had the fixed version -- tnt31.wad.
When I tried to make the switch, it can't find either one, and I don't know why, and have found nothing in the forums, or manual that is addressing this. The screenshots show the 'Final Doom TNT' and the 'missing data file.
The other one shows the dialog box that comes up after clicking on the TNT box icon. I don't apparently know what's wrong and where I'm suppose to have this tnt31.wad file loaded so the game can find it.
I tried to place the '31' wad in the same folder the other wad file was located, and then I removed the previous wad file from the folder so the only one there was the '31' wad file.....in case there would be a conflict. This file is now in a "TNT" folder in the directory that Doomsday Engine IS pointing to, I think, but the '31' file isn't landing for whatever reason.

Help would be appreciated, thanks
When I tried to make the switch, it can't find either one, and I don't know why, and have found nothing in the forums, or manual that is addressing this. The screenshots show the 'Final Doom TNT' and the 'missing data file.
The other one shows the dialog box that comes up after clicking on the TNT box icon. I don't apparently know what's wrong and where I'm suppose to have this tnt31.wad file loaded so the game can find it.
I tried to place the '31' wad in the same folder the other wad file was located, and then I removed the previous wad file from the folder so the only one there was the '31' wad file.....in case there would be a conflict. This file is now in a "TNT" folder in the directory that Doomsday Engine IS pointing to, I think, but the '31' file isn't landing for whatever reason.

Help would be appreciated, thanks
Thank you......ok, I placed the original back, and everything looks fine, but I don't see how I would select the '31' wad over the other one. How to know which one the game is using?
So, you're saying if the game picked up anything at all, then it will have the patched '31' file in use. It's not something that's to be selected or chosen specifically?
Sorry for the questions, but I'm just trying to understand how these files differ and fit together. I appreciate your help with this, tank you.
Note, after that, if you already reached level 31 and have save there. that save is not good I think, because it saved a broken level. You'll have to load level 31 from the beginning.
Ok....I think it should be like this then.....does this look right? It looks right to me, but that isn't saying much, but I think this is what you mean.....good instructions.....the game plays ok and yes, I did start from the beginning, but glad you mentioned that. Thank you once again!
Ahh.....ok, will give it a go, and I can't thank you enough! I've never received such detailed, clear help, and that's what I need apparently!