Crossplatform Network Game Crashes (Mac, Win)
Hi guys,
we have a problem running a coop game over LAN.
We've tried out a lot of things now, even reduced the connection between our 2 computers to a single lan cable (connection works, tested), and many different versions of Doomsday Engine, but it always comes down to the same problem:
If Windows runs the server, Mac crashes back to the desktop without any notice.
If Mac runs the Server, Windows crashes with the following message:
The full content of the doomsday.out file would be
any suggestions? I know that we played the game cooperatively in summer with DENG, only difference between now and then ist, that the Mac is now running 10.6 instead of 10.5.
thanks in advance
we have a problem running a coop game over LAN.
We've tried out a lot of things now, even reduced the connection between our 2 computers to a single lan cable (connection works, tested), and many different versions of Doomsday Engine, but it always comes down to the same problem:
If Windows runs the server, Mac crashes back to the desktop without any notice.
If Mac runs the Server, Windows crashes with the following message:
N_SendDataBufferReliably: Tried to send 3l bytes (max pkt size 2l).
The full content of the doomsday.out file would be
1 server has been found.
Name: P/M L Ver: Game: Location:
0 : Doomsday 1/16 10900 jdoom 1.15.3 :13209
MAP01 (DOOM2.WAD:f36acb) p:0ms Multiplayer Host
doom2 skill3 coop jump
Players: Player
N_InitService: In/out UDP port 13209.
N_SendDataBufferReliably: Tried to send 3l bytes (max pkt size 2l).
any suggestions? I know that we played the game cooperatively in summer with DENG, only difference between now and then ist, that the Mac is now running 10.6 instead of 10.5.
thanks in advance

personally I suggest using chocolate doom for networked games until deng has working multiplayer