Abbs Support for 2.0+
I have been trying to make the Abbs pack work with 2.0.3 and have nothing but failings. I love the models for weapons and most of all i love the colt! I like how it burst shoots pistol rounds for you. If anyone has it working, please let me know what you did, i miss the Abbs pack!
- a couple models and textures are not used at all
- some of the predefined models are not included with the pack and thus can not be loaded
- weapon sounds are provided within a WAD file which does not work with the recent releases of Doomsday
I checked several older releases of the Abbs pack and the Risen3D model packs and got hold of the missing models/textures. I added them to the current Abbs pack, adjusted some of the model path definitions accordingly and removed the unused files. Furthermore I extracted the sound lumps from the included WAD file, converted those to WAV audio files and added them to the Abbs pack by creating an appropriate SFX subfolder.I created two releases of the fixed Abbs pack:
Fullpack - new HUD models & sounds for the standard Doom weapon set
Alternative - same as fullpack, except Pistol is replaced by a Colt, Plasma rifle is replaced by a Winchester rifle
Enjoy yourself!
It was visible amongst my other addons, but unfortunately, after installing the pack, I just got an error message saying "selected packages missing". Doesn't seem to work for me, unless I'm doing something wrong?
Have you tried to copy the add-on into Doomsday's subfolder \data?
Also, what do you mean by "installing the pack"? You activate/deactivate add-ons via the add-ons dialog. Just to make sure there is no missunderstanding, please check my post here which describes the add-on setup process in more detail.
I simply attempted to activate the addon in the same manner I activated all my other addons - using the method described in your post.
Abbspack is visible in the list of addons, but any attempt to run the game with Abbspack selected as an active addon causes the error message "selected packages missing"
I wonder if it's because I'm still using Doomsday V2311?
The updated Doomsday unfortunately caused an issue for me where the volume for both sound and music were kind of linked to the same circuit - i.e turning up audio effects also turned up the music and vice versa - so I reverted back to the earlier stable build.
Anyway, I'll try doing as you suggested and copying the addon into the \data folder.
All I had to do was rename
"Abbspack Fullpack v7.1 (deus-ex fixed edition).pk3"
to just
"abbspack.pk3" and it worked.
For some reason, my Doomsday didn't like the long name. I've no idea why.
But at least it's working now. Thank you very much.
I experienced the same issue and reported it here. With the recent addition of FluidSynth for MIDI output to the unstable builds (from build 2443 onwards) the issue is kind of solved. Find more details in the linked thread.
If you don't like to use unstable builds, the stable build 2435 still allows to adjust sound and music volume independently.