Doomsday crashes instantly on launch...
I've had doomsday installed on my PC about 8 months ago, which it worked perfectly. I then deleted because I switched to mainly using GZDoom. I've decided to reinstall Doomsday today to the latest stable version 2.01. I then launched it, and in 3 seconds i get an error saying 'Doomsday.exe has stopped working". I've tried reinstalling, no effect. I then tried installing to older versions, same result. 
Any help would be appreciated.
I have Windows 7 and my GPU is NVIDIA GTX 950

Any help would be appreciated.
I have Windows 7 and my GPU is NVIDIA GTX 950
I am currently investigating a couple of possible reasons for a launch crash on Windows (possibly monitor refresh rate and file system related issues). The upcoming 2.0.2 will also improve things a little so that fatal errors shouldn’t cause crashes any more, instead just showing the error message as expected.
This sounds somewhat similar: