Doom2 - Music Not Starting (Explanation)

edited 2009 Dec 2 in Technical Support
I'm using two addons, JDEP and jDAP. Only JDEP is "enabled" in Snowberry.
Both PK3 files are located in ./snowberry/addons folder.

I'm noticing that if I'm using JDEP, the midi music doesn't start in the game.
If I don't use JDEP, midi music does start in the game.

Now, JDEP contains no music replacement, no conflicting DED definitions, etc.


Also, I'm seeing a lot of "notices" in the doomsday.out with regards to Doom1 textures trying to be found in a Doom2 configuration:
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
Con_Init: Initializing the console.
Executable: Version 1.9.0-beta6.7 Sep 30 2009 (DGL).
Sys_InitWindowManager: Using Win32 window management.
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
createContext: OpenGL.
OpenGL information:
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Renderer: GeForce 6600/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!
  Version: 2.0.3
  GLU Version: Microsoft Corporation
  Available Texture units: 4
  Maximum Texture Size: 4096
  Maximum Anisotropy: 16
  Num Texture Formats: 3
  Line Width Granularity: 0.1
  Line Width Range: 0.5...10.0
    GL_ARB_color_buffer_float      GL_ARB_depth_texture          
    GL_ARB_draw_buffers            GL_ARB_fragment_program       
    GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader        
    GL_ARB_half_float_pixel        GL_ARB_imaging                
    GL_ARB_multisample             GL_ARB_multitexture           
    GL_ARB_occlusion_query         GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object    
    GL_ARB_point_parameters        GL_ARB_point_sprite           
    GL_ARB_shadow                  GL_ARB_shader_objects         
    GL_ARB_shading_language_100    GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp   
    GL_ARB_texture_compression     GL_ARB_texture_cube_map       
    GL_ARB_texture_env_add         GL_ARB_texture_env_combine    
    GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3        GL_ARB_texture_float          
    GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_tw
    GL_ARB_texture_rectangle       GL_ARB_transpose_matrix       
    GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object    GL_ARB_vertex_program         
    GL_ARB_vertex_shader           GL_ARB_window_pos             
    GL_ATI_draw_buffers            GL_ATI_texture_float          
    GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once     GL_S3_s3tc                    
    GL_EXT_texture_env_add         GL_EXT_abgr                   
    GL_EXT_bgra                    GL_EXT_blend_color            
    GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate    
    GL_EXT_blend_minmax            GL_EXT_blend_subtract         
    GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array   GL_EXT_Cg_shader              
    GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test       GL_EXT_draw_range_elements    
    GL_EXT_fog_coord               GL_EXT_framebuffer_object     
    GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays       GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil   
    GL_EXT_packed_pixels           GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object    
    GL_EXT_point_parameters        GL_EXT_rescale_normal         
    GL_EXT_secondary_color         GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
    GL_EXT_shadow_funcs            GL_EXT_stencil_two_side       
    GL_EXT_stencil_wrap            GL_EXT_texture3D              
    GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3t GL_EXT_texture_cube_map       
    GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp      GL_EXT_texture_env_combine    
    GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3        GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotro
    GL_EXT_texture_lod             GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias       
    GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp    GL_EXT_texture_object         
    GL_EXT_texture_sRGB            GL_EXT_timer_query            
    GL_EXT_vertex_array            GL_HP_occlusion_test          
    GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip          GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
    GL_KTX_buffer_region           GL_NV_blend_square            
    GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color      GL_NV_depth_clamp             
    GL_NV_fence                    GL_NV_float_buffer            
    GL_NV_fog_distance             GL_NV_fragment_program        
    GL_NV_fragment_program_option  GL_NV_fragment_program2       
    GL_NV_half_float               GL_NV_light_max_exponent      
    GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint  GL_NV_occlusion_query         
    GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil     GL_NV_pixel_data_range        
    GL_NV_point_sprite             GL_NV_primitive_restart       
    GL_NV_register_combiners       GL_NV_register_combiners2     
    GL_NV_texgen_reflection        GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc 
    GL_NV_texture_env_combine4     GL_NV_texture_expand_normal   
    GL_NV_texture_rectangle        GL_NV_texture_shader          
    GL_NV_texture_shader2          GL_NV_texture_shader3         
    GL_NV_vertex_array_range       GL_NV_vertex_array_range2     
    GL_NV_vertex_program           GL_NV_vertex_program1_1       
    GL_NV_vertex_program2          GL_NV_vertex_program2_option  
    GL_NV_vertex_program3          GL_NVX_conditional_render     
    GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap        GL_SGIS_texture_lod           
    GL_SGIX_depth_texture          GL_SGIX_shadow                
    GL_SUN_slice_accum             GL_WIN_swap_hint              
  Extensions (WGL):
    WGL_ARB_buffer_region          WGL_ARB_extensions_string     
    WGL_ARB_make_current_read      WGL_ARB_multisample           
    WGL_ARB_pbuffer                WGL_ARB_pixel_format          
    WGL_ARB_render_texture         WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float    
    WGL_EXT_extensions_string      WGL_EXT_swap_control          
    WGL_NV_float_buffer            WGL_NV_render_depth_texture   
DGL Configuration:
  NPOT Textures: Disabled
  Texture Compression: Disabled
  Variable Texture Anisotropy: Disabled
  Utilized Texture Units: 2
  Multisampling: Enabled (32)
createContext: OpenGL.
GL_Init: Initializing Doomsday Graphics Library.
  Multitexturing enabled (full).
Sys_Init: Setting up machine state.
Sys_Init: Initializing keyboard, mouse and joystick.
  Driver: SDLMixer
SDLMixer Configuration:
  Output: stereo
  Format: 0x8010 (0x8010)
  Frequency: 22050Hz (22050Hz)
  Initial Channels: 8
Sfx_Init: Initializing...
Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
S_Init: OK.
Parsing configuration files.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\doomsday.pk3
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\jdoom.pk3
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\snowberry\addons\jdep.pk3
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\Doom2.wad
  IWAD identification: 00f36acb
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb032.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb033.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb034.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb035.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb036.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb037.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb038.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb039.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb040.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb041.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb042.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb043.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb044.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb045.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb046.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb047.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb048.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb049.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb050.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb051.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb052.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb053.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb054.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb055.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb056.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb057.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb058.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb059.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb060.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb061.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb062.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb063.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb064.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb065.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb066.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb067.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb068.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb069.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb070.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb071.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb072.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb073.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb074.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb075.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb076.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb077.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb078.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb079.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb080.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb081.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb082.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb083.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb084.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb085.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb086.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb087.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb088.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb089.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb090.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\m_therm2.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\mapmask.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\menufog.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\pal18to8.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\sndcurve.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\stcfn032.lmp
W_AddFile: C:\Games\idgames\d2pwad\tolwyn6.wad
Reading definition file: C:\Games\idgames\defs\doomsday.ded
Reading definition file: C:\Games\idgames\defs\jdoom\jdoom.ded
  138 sprite names
  974 states
  140 things
   36 models
    8 lights
  112 sound effects
   36 songs
  365 text strings
   27 particle generators
   30 animation groups
   51 surface decorations
   23 surface materials
   97 map infos
    3 skies
   12 finales
B_Init: Init bindings.
Clearing binding context "deui"...
Clearing binding context "console"...
Clearing binding context "message"...
Clearing binding context "chat"...
Clearing binding context "shortcut"...
Clearing binding context "gameui"...
Clearing binding context "menu"...
Clearing binding context "map-freepan"...
Clearing binding context "map"...
Clearing binding context "game"...
R_Init: Init the refresh daemon.
R_InitModels: Initializing MD2 models.
R_InitModels: Done in 0.01 seconds.
Net_InitGame: Initializing game data.
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
P_InitPicAnims: Registering default animations...
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'FWATER1' linked to terrain type 'Water'.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'LAVA1' linked to terrain type 'Lava'.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'BLOOD1' linked to terrain type 'Blood'.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'NUKAGE1' linked to terrain type 'Nukage'.
P_InitTerrainTypes: Material 'SLIME01' linked to terrain type 'Slime'.
Hu_LoadData: Setting up heads up display.
ST_Init: Init status bar.
Hu_MenuInit: Init miscellaneous info.
AM_Init: Init automap.
DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
Warp to Map 3, Skill 0
Game state parameters: altdeath
P_LoadMap: "MAP03"
convertMap: Attempting conversion of "MAP03".
WadMapConverter::Convert: Attempting map conversion...
WadMapConverter::Convert: DOOM map format.
BSP_Build: Built 652 Nodes, 653 Subsectors, 3327 Segs, 1516 Vertexes
  Balance -7 (l16 - r23).
 Build subsector tables...
 Build line tables...
convertMap: Successful.
R_InitLinks: Initializing
spawnMapThing: Warning, unknown thing num 32000 at [1374, 1395, 0].

Level 3: The Gauntlet
Author: id Software

P_MaterialNumForName: "WOODSKUL" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "LITEBLU2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "PLANET1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL5" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMPUTE1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMP2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "WOODSKUL" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "LITEBLU2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "PLANET1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL5" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMPUTE1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMP2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "WOODSKUL" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "LITEBLU2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "PLANET1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL5" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMPUTE1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMP2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "WOODSKUL" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "LITEBLU2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "PLANET1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL5" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMPUTE1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMP2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "WOODSKUL" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "LITEBLU2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "PLANET1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL5" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMPUTE1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMP2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "WOODSKUL" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "LITEBLU2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "PLANET1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL5" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMPUTE1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMP2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "WOODSKUL" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "LITEBLU2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "PLANET1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL5" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "TEKWALL2" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMPUTE1" in namespace 0 not found!
P_MaterialNumForName: "COMP2" in namespace 0 not found!


  • This is a known issue with the jDEP which is not compatible with more recent versions of Doomsday. The problem was addressed by releasing a new set of addons (the skyboxes available here) which are intended to replace it. The only thing which has not seen a replacement is the fog presets but then, they weren't much use anyway because they would be used on all maps not just those from the IWADs.

    The problem with the jDEP is that it modifies the default Map Info definitions. The default definitions have been updated since the jDEP was released adding music defaults, par times, Sky references and more. The result being that when the jDEP is used, the information added since is therefore missing because the definitions included in the jDEP will override the defaults.

    The inherent problem in the way the definition system works in Doomsday is that it is not possible to restrict the use of a definition set in a way which suits both "resource packs" and user made add-ons. For example, if you want to change the name of your map as displayed when the player first spawns you are forced to create a Map Info definition which replaces the default definition for that map. The problem is that you cannot "patch" the default definition and must make a copy of it and make your changes. Naturally, this means that if the default definitions change in future your map could possibly no longer be compatible.

    This problem is to be addressed in 2.0 process, see definition parser with extensions proposal

    As for the warning messages about unknown materials, they can be safely ignored as they are just informational messages left behind for development purposes (they will be removed in a future release).
  • Ok.

    If I release my own PWAD, am I allowed to include the model of the Sky as well as a new definition pointing to a new skybox? Or do I just need to include the n, s, e, w, and btm TGA/PNG files? I would imagine I should include the model.

    If I release mywad.wad in ./auto/ with a skybox in the appropriate virtual folder structure, gather it up into its own .box or .pk3, and a user plays it AND they have one of the official skybox addons, will they see the conflict dialogue or will my sky appropriately "take precedence" ?

    On another note...

    Could you add a rotate definition to the skybox definition structure (ala Quake2)?
  • Crap. I see the rotate now.

    Anyone come up with some examples?
  • Oh, looks like rotate is a static rotation, not a dynamic rotation in deg/sec.
    So, now I'm confused about Yaw and Yaw speed.

    Reading definition file: C:\Games\idgames\defs\doomsday.ded
    Reading definition file: C:\Games\idgames\defs\jdoom\jdoom.ded
    Def_ReadDEDFile: Error in C:\Games\idgames\defs\jdoom\auto\finaldoom-plutoniaexperiment-sky1.ded:
      Line 11: Unknown label. (Rotate)

    And none of them work now (rotate, yaw, yaw speed, etc.)
  • Tolwyn wrote:
    If I release my own PWAD, am I allowed to include the model of the Sky as well as a new definition pointing to a new skybox? Or do I just need to include the n, s, e, w, and btm TGA/PNG files? I would imagine I should include the model.
    I would suggest you include the skybox model, the textures and the Sky and Model definitions.
    If I release mywad.wad in ./auto/ with a skybox in the appropriate virtual folder structure, gather it up into its own .box or .pk3, and a user plays it AND they have one of the official skybox addons, will they see the conflict dialogue or will my sky appropriately "take precedence" ?
    Only if you define in Info that your mod provides the same resources. Snowberry does not actually look at the content of the addons.
    So, now I'm confused about Yaw and Yaw speed.
    And none of them work now (rotate, yaw, yaw speed, etc.)
    Where are you trying to define them? Lets have a look at your definition.
  • I don't have it anymore, I was just changing the ded in the 1.9.x skybox files to see if I could get the sky to rotate.

    I'm just confused by:

    1. Does the sky rotate (ala Quake2)
    2. Is this an "alignment" variable or a rotational?
    3. Using the Wiki instructions/syntax, I get the error described above.
  • The sky rotation is for models only but yes, when applied the specified model will rotate about its origin.

    If you try it again and are still having problems please post the content of your modified DED here at the forum so we can take a look.
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