[macOS] Doomsday 2.0 crashes at start
I downloaded Doomsday 2.0 and when I launch it I get the splash screen before it crashes completely. Running the binary from the terminal prints
Illegal instruction: 4
I am running 10.11.6 on an early 2009 iMac (2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB). Is my machine or OS too old for 2.0?
I can try making a manual test build after I check the options, so you can try it out.
You can run it straight from the disk image.
I've built this one with the macOS 10.11 SDK.
EDIT: Tracker issue https://tracker.dengine.net/issues/2242
The game window composition is being done differently (rendering everything to a texture first), which will cause problems on slower GPUs as they need to do an extra copy of the entire window.
One possible reason for unusually low frame rates that I've noticed on my old 27" iMac is that due to the high resolution and relatively slow GPU, it is quite limited by fill rate. It helps the performance a lot if you drop Pixel Density in Renderer Settings. Alternately (or additionally), try disabling antialiasing and the Bloom effect (cvar "rend-bloom"). Those are the biggest hits on fill rate.
For me, I can get ~60FPS if I use Pixel Density 0.5 with AA + Bloom enabled in fullscreen. The AA compensates quite nicely for the halved resolution.
(My Mac has an ATI Radeon 4850.)