16:10 HUD Weapon Models are too low on original HUD
On version 1.15.8 the guns are a little bit too low when using the normal DOOM HUD on 16:10 native displays. My native resolution is 1680x1050 and I have to go to 4:3 or 16:9 (which really sucks using 16:9 on 16:10 display) resolutions to make them look like the size I remember and yes I've tried different 16:10 resolutions to see if it's a specific 1 that's causing this and I've played with the FOV and Aspect Ratios options from Smart, 1:1 Original and Stretched all give the same result and don't actually change the size/scale on 16:10 when changing any of the options not just Gun Models. Is this a problem with version 1.15.8? And if so will this ever be hotfixed or is there a slightly stable build of 2.x I can use to have this issue sorted and not get bugs or performance issues?
This applies to 3D models only. The 2D sprites are non-adjustable.
The status bar can alternatively be resized smaller or completely hidden. You can do this in the Options menu.