Doom Gore

edited 2016 Nov 3 in Addons for DOOM
hey guys awhile back I linked a gore mod I found on this site I havnt been able to find a way to contact the creator of the mod but I always felt the blood was very cartoony in style so I decided to start editing the blood to see what results I could get.

>>>>> I know nothing about modding <<<<<<<<<

this is all practice for me and I want to learn so any advice would be great.

here is the link for the edited file

i do plan to edit more but i would like some advice first and i will try and contact the creator of the original file so all credit to the orginal creator over at anglefire.


  • edited 2017 Dec 16
    I downloaded you're edited version of the doomgore pk3. I like it better than the original. I want to include it in a mod I'm making for Doom 1 and 2. I would of course credit you for the changes you made, but did you ever add any more to it since you posted this? And, did you ever find out who to credit as the original creator at angelfire?
  • hey sorry I haven't checked back here in awhile, sadly no I never manage to find out who the original creator was and I haven't added more to the file since I uploaded it.
    it be nice to get someone more exp to work on it and see if they can improve it any, over what I did. I tried to make it look more real with my very limited knowledge and messing about to see what happens
  • oh if anyone have the file I uploaded can you please send it to me I seem to have lost my edited version , and il do more work on it again
  • edited 2018 Jul 26
    I have the version after you edited it right here. I really like it.. I am using it right now with my mod, which I decided to start again from scratch. I hope you or some one else can improve it although I like it as is and will continue to use it with your blessing. Great job man!
  • yea ofc man you can carry on using it and try and edit it your self if you like.
    I have no knowledge of modding / coding or even English lol what you have there was me messing about it prob could be refined a lot more but glad u like the current result.

    I looked up blood splatter patterns before starting to try and get the dark and light blood areas as accurate as I could when the blood splatter.

    If any one here on the forum have 5 mins and look over the coding and give advice that would help alot

  • Darklight wrote: »
    If any one here on the forum have 5 mins and look over the coding and give advice that would help alot

    I checked your DoomGore addon and noticed that it accidentally alters the visuals of other effects, too. For example the barrel explosion or the fire projectile of the imp, which both look worse when using your mod. This is due to the replacement particle textures included in your mod overriding Doomsdays default textures.

    I modified your definition to use point particles instead of the provided textures to fix these bugs, the resulting blood visuals are similar if not the same. I removed the particle textures from the distribution as they are not required anymore.

    When you compare my updated definition with yours you will find that I removed some entries not required, such as the ';' character at the end of each line. and modified several entries to use the current syntax, e.g. 'Flags = flat | stagetouch' instead of 'Flags = "ptf_flat ptf_stagetouch"'.

    Find the updated mod attached. Feel free to make use of it as you like.
  • thank you very much :) the mod wasn't mine to begin with and I never was able to tract down the original author. I was messing about with it to see if I could improve how the blood looked as originally it looked more like cartoon blood splats. I tried to make it more like a spray I guess.
  • I gave it a quick test and il see if I can modify it come more, will try and learn come more I think the colour of the blood is off so il play about and see what I come up with. thank you deus
  • deus-ex wrote: »
    Darklight wrote: »
    If any one here on the forum have 5 mins and look over the coding and give advice that would help alot

    I checked your DoomGore addon and noticed that it accidentally alters the visuals of other effects, too. For example the barrel explosion or the fire projectile of the imp, which both look worse when using your mod. This is due to the replacement particle textures included in your mod overriding Doomsdays default textures.

    I modified your definition to use point particles instead of the provided textures to fix these bugs, the resulting blood visuals are similar if not the same. I removed the particle textures from the distribution as they are not required anymore.

    When you compare my updated definition with yours you will find that I removed some entries not required, such as the ';' character at the end of each line. and modified several entries to use the current syntax, e.g. 'Flags = flat | stagetouch' instead of 'Flags = "ptf_flat ptf_stagetouch"'.

    Find the updated mod attached. Feel free to make use of it as you like.

    Thank you deus !! I have edited the blood and got the colour I want BUT Blood1 and Blood2 is generating red blood on the Barron havnt gotten as far as testing the cacodemon yet.
    I cant seem to remove the red blood on the Barren :(
  • ok so a Night sleep is what I needed :)
    ok I got rid of Blood1 and Blood2 as this was applying to all monsters and I couldn't remove it for some reason.
    I reworked the file into 3 blood sections Red,Green,Blue so its easier to work with.
    I changed Blood Yea! to a Damage Mobj so the particles only apply to my selected monsters and made Gibbed and Blood Spurt my darker red blood.

    I edited the color,,gravity and radius of the red blood so it didn't look so crazy on the wall edges.

    still to be done is to rework the green and blue blood sections to match the red blood setup for the Barren, Hell Knight and cacodemon.

    for now the Gibs have been removed but I know what I did wrong now anmd feel confident I can add that back in at a later date BUT my biggest concern with that is making it look too cartoony again or just over the top like brutal doom so perhaps some direction and advice for that later.

    anyways here is the modified Gore file for testing let me know what you think.
  • edited 2018 Oct 7
    I checked your latest blood definition, here are a few comments:
    • The gravity of the blood particles needs tweaking, currently the traversal speed of the blood flying through air is too slow.
    • The Cacodemon blood generator is missing the pain state, thus it bleeds red when receiving damage.
    • The red blood generator has its life time set to endless via 'Max age = -1', which requires Doomsday to start a new generator for each new occurring blood damage, including every new damage dealt to the player. When reaching a certain amount of running generators, the Doomsday engine starts to get noticeably slow.

      I tested your blood definition without any other addons and still experienced a slowdown after a little while. I recommend to limit each generators lifetime, i.e. like you did for the green blood, via 'Max age = 1500' or using similar values.
  • deus-ex wrote: »
    I checked your latest blood definition, here are a few comments:
    • The gravity of the blood particles needs tweaking, currently the traversal speed of the blood flying through air is too slow.
    • The Cacodemon blood generator is missing the pain state, thus it bleeds red when receiving damage.
    • The red blood generator has its life time set to endless via 'Max age = -1', which requires Doomsday to start a new generator for each new occurring blood damage, including every new damage dealt to the player. When reaching a certain amount of running generators, the Doomsday engine starts to get noticeably slow.

      I tested your blood definition without any other addons and still experienced a slowdown after a little while. I recommend to limit each generators lifetime, i.e. like you did for the green blood, via 'Max age = 1500' or using similar values.

    ok I set the max age = 1500

    I added the blue blood for the cacodemon

    i adjusted the gravity and the particle count slightly

    the blood seem the ball or be delayed on the shot on the monster body not sure how to fix that yet.

    thank you deus for testing this its coming along nicely and id like to get this to a stage where it could be considered finished + this is learning experience for me
  • ok I fixed the blood problem which make it appear as a ball on the body the problem was the spawn age was set way to high so lowered it to 1 now.
    im unsure on the gravity atm if I set it any higher the blood just falls straight to the floor and don't spread see what you think of the new settings anyways.

    if this all appears to be ok I am going to add some more blood next il add one for the spectre pinky as I think it should have translucent blood like its body.

    the main thing I want todo when its done is to improve the generators so they don't slow down doom at all.

    if you can think of any monsters that should have its own blood please make a list I am thinking skulls need shattered bone instead of blood and so on.
  • deus-ex wrote: »
    I checked your latest blood definition, here are a few comments:
    • The gravity of the blood particles needs tweaking, currently the traversal speed of the blood flying through air is too slow.

    the slow blood you was speaking about is the kill shot blood on state Die that's the darker blood I set the gravity lower so It spread further within the radios of the brighter blood.

    I have messed with it more since the last upload I wont upload again until I add the pinky Spector blood. I have it now set to gravity 0.25 if you can think of a better value that gives the same effect let me know.

  • so while testing the pinky shadow blood I stumbled across something I preferred so I have added it to all my bloods green , red and blue and with this change the pinky shadow don't need it own blood.

    give it a test and give me your opinions please
  • so this is almost done now its getting to a stage where it could be considered complete I think. this time I modified the tics per stage and how long the blood lasts before clean up. edited the amount of particles per generator but increased the radius of the blood.
    edited the gravity so all blood falls the same speed. Removed the unneeded stage for each generator.

    apart from opinions on style and look the only thing left I think at this stage is to figure out if possible how to change the gun shot colour when it hits the monster only noticeable when shooting barons - hell knight and cacodemon as their bloods are green and blue but the shot on impact is red.
    this might have something todo with Blood 1 and Blood 2 within doomsday ?

    so here is the new upload give it a test and lets finish this mod as I am getting fed up of closing and restarting doom for testing lol

  • edited 2018 Oct 8
    Darklight wrote: »
    apart from opinions on style and look the only thing left I think at this stage is to figure out if possible how to change the gun shot colour when it hits the monster only noticeable when shooting barons - hell knight and cacodemon as their bloods are green and blue but the shot on impact is red.
    this might have something todo with Blood 1 and Blood 2 within doomsday ?

    Your guess is correct, what you see there are the default Doom red blood sprites. However there is a way to disable specific sprites from showing up.

    Pro Tip 1:
    For example to disable the red blood sprites use this at the start of your doomgore definition:
    Model { State = "BLOOD1"  Md2 { } }
    *Model { State = "BLOOD2" }
    *Model { State = "BLOOD3" }
    After disabling these sprites you can (but don't have to) define your own particle generators for BLOOD1, BLOOD2 and BLOOD3 with respect to the different blood colors.

    Darklight wrote: »
    so here is the new upload give it a test and lets finish this mod as I am getting fed up of closing and restarting doom for testing lol
    I have been through this hell a lot of times many years ago when creating the HeXen Community Collection Pack (XCCP), a 3D model, hires texture and particle effect addon package for Hexen. Back then I asked in the forum whether we could get some Doomsday developer tools allowing to edit particle definitions live in game without the need to restart the game each time. That would ease the developing process tremendously, but unfortunately the request was left unheard/unanswered.

    Also, with the current iteration of Doomsday it is not possible anymore to add/remove/modify files in a addon folder and simply restart Doomsday with a prepared savegame for testing, like I did back then to save some valuable time, instead Doomsday will complain about any addon changes.

    Pro Tip 2:
    You can help yourself a bit to streamline the development process. For example when developing a particle generator, create several copies of the same definition file (e.g. number them through from 1 to 10, or A to Z), where each file has one ore more aspects of the generator changed for testing purposes. Then start/load a game with or without any of these particle generator files.

    Now when in game:
    1. Open the main menu, goto options, select "Show Taskbar"
    2. Click the Doomsday button in the lower right corner
    3. Click "Browse Mods..."


    Now you can select/unselect any compatible addon from the addon file list to load/unload them on the fly. Ain't that sneaky?

    Note that this will reload all current active addons as well, so if you are using hires textures and 3d-models at the same time, the reloading process can take a little while, depending on your computer system speed. You can load an iteration of an addon on top of any loaded addon, you do not need to unload the initial addon first. Sometimes though it is necessary, when the load-on-top does not work for some reason.

    Pro Tip 3:
    You can define a keyboard shortcut to quick-access the Taskbar. However this cannot be done from inside Doomsday, you have to edit the appropriate bindings configuration file instead.
  • thanks for the Tips will save me some time at least. putting a lot of work into a mod that wasn't mine to begin with but I think some people will enjoy it.

    I tried messing with Blood 1 and blood 2 to begin with as that was in the original mod but could not get it to apply to the monster I wanted in the colour I wanted.

    now I know a little bit more il give it a shot again.

    I believe doomsday has 4 Blood files for doom so I need to disable all 4 of them.
    then make State = blood1 | "SHOTGUY" then *Generator state = blood1 for each monster and make that red?
    so blood 2 would be blue and blood 3 green?
    isn't there a red bullet shot that appears tho?
  • Perhaps I am too tired today but I couldn't make a new Blood1 with out it reapplying the red blood back to the Barron.
    I use your code and disabled the Blood files at the start of the Mod to be honest there's so much blood being produced you wouldn't notice the Blood1,2,3,4 being disabled unless you play doom a lot,

    so if people are happy with the Mod il write up a credits file to go with it.
    if you think it needs the blood1,2,3 ect and a new generator I am happy to make it but unsure right now how to apply it to the monsters I want it on.

    once ive had a small brake and a proper play through of doom so I can apricate the mod so far I will have ago at making shattered bone for the Skulls on death so least they will fit with the theme of this mod.

    any other opinions are well come I might tweak the green and blue blood abit more right now it still looks like your painting rather then the creatures blood but that's just cosmetic stuff to be fine tuned.

    the only big concern now is to make sure its not slowing down doomsday so perhaps the particles and aged need abit more fine tuning to get it right.
    let me know.

  • Update:
    1:Green and Blue blood transparency changed
    2:Green and Blue blood colour changed
    3:some particles radius changed
    4:spawn rate of particles on Barron changed
    5:particle count changed on Die State
    6:cleaned up the file some more with some unneeded states

    overall I am happy more happy with green and blue blood now I have darkened the blood which I think fits in more with Doom atmosphere even tho it don't match the blood on the corpses but wont take much to change that if ppl think it needs to be brighter.
    the Transparency was changed to make it look more liquid and less like paint bec the amount of blood was just covering everything.

    I think a real play through is needed now I have not had a chance to play through doom to see how the blood effects the engine atm so I am relaying on feed back to know.

    I cant remember what the original skulls death looked like in doomsday so want to look at that, perhaps something that can but put in this mod like shattered skull.

    I don't know if I have the artistic talent to make good gibs for exploded corpses or if that would even fit in with the atmosphere doomsday engine gives I like the more serious feel of doom in this engine and don't want a blood mod that reminds me of Brutal doom.
  • update:
    1: Removed unneeded Particle generators for blue and green blood
    2: changed colour of Blue blood to match corpse

    Since the blue and green blood didn't really need a Darker blood colour like the red blood has atm I removed the generator for it and included Pain and Die states into the one Generator to streamline the file abit.

    Atm I am working on making my own gibs ( Guts and Bones ect ) for exploded bodies and broken skull / shattered bone fragments for the lost souls. I won't include them in this mod until I am happy.

  • Update:
    1: disabled all Die and xDie blood
    2: removed die blood generator

    Due to the amount of blood produced when the monsters are shot the Die / Xdie blood wasn't noticeable and felt unneeded

  • ok guys I have made my 1st attempt at what I think what should happen when Lost souls take damage !! I think sparks / embers should come out when they take damage and then extinguish when they touch a surface.
    have a look and see what you think of my 1st attempt. perhaps some smoke when be a nice touch but noidea how to go about doing that right now

  • @deus-ex

    you have given me a lot so far to play with to help me progress with my mod id like to know can you add a light source to the particle generator ?
    I am using blend and bright on my particles coming out of the Lost soul I was wondering what the effect would look like playing with lights and small halos?

  • No, you cannot add light sources to particle generators. But you can alter the light level of particles to some extend.

    Once there used to be a Definition reference distributed with the engine, along with other manuals. Eventually they got dropped due to not being updated since quite some time, as time constraints did not allow the development team to maintain the manuals regularly anymore. Also at that time there were attempts to make this information available online in knowledge Wikis, with different ranges of success as of today.

    Doomsday v1.9.0-beta4 was the last release including all these manuals, should you want to take a look at these yourself. I attached the Definition reference below, simply search it for the word "Generator" to adjust yourself to the right chapter. Keep in mind though that it does not include the latest syntax level. Not only because of this I also recommend to take the DOOM Resource Pack (jDRP) as an additional source of reference and inspiration. And yes, it has blood definitions, too.

    Btw, I just noticed after all this years that the Definition reference has the mega-awesome subtitle "Knee-Deep In The DED". :D
  • @deus-ex
    thank you il take alook at those for examples and see what I can mess about with I was reading through and such and came across and it does say sprite perhaps il make a sprite and mess about abit.

    the effect of blend and bright isn't awful on the generator and the blood mod starting to take shape it be nice if it was a lot more polished then it is but its a process to start from nothing and learn this.
  • so quick update I have edited some of the final death sprites for some monsters and removed the pools of blood they rest in as the difference between my blood and the pool of blood was large I just did a few just to see what people think?
  • Wow, it's great to see you are working on this again! I just downloaded it but I will have to try it after work tomorrow, I got to get some sleep. I will let you know what I think after I try it out!
  • @DoomsdayNinja84
    glad your still around some feed back would be nice !!
    not sure if the sprites will be kept in this pack was just something I wanted to try see how it looked.
    the mod changed from Sprites to particles with Deus help and the idea was keep it simple to not slow down Doomsday to much. it still need some adjusting here and there but the overall look and feel is about right I think
  • looked at the cacodemon 3d model and its blood got an idea might try out
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