OS X and corrupted ingame messages

edited 2009 Jun 12 in Technical Support
I have noticed a minor bug in the OS X version of the Doomsday Engine.

Under OS X the ingame messages, e.g. when you pick up a weapon, are corrupted. The last letter of the message is always missing. For example, when you pick up an armor bonus in Doom the message should be "picked up an armor bonus!" but actually the "!" is missing. Or when you pick up a crystal vial in Hexen or Heretic the engine says "picked up a crystal via". The "l" is ommitted. This bug appears in all supported games.

Under Windows this bug does not appear. As far as I can tell, only the OS X version seems to be affected by this bug. Probably it can be fixed in a future release of the Doomsday Engine.


  • The best way to get something fixed is to submit a bug report or if it has already been reported, to add weight to it by adding whatever additional information you have (such as what system you have).

    In fact, this issue has already been reported but as the Windows developer, there isn't much I can do about it (I can't reproduce the problem) so it would be best to try and attract skyjake's attention.
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