Problem starting Doomsday Engine
i've got a problem when i try to start Doom 2 with Doomsday Engine 1.13.
It opens just a window showing this text:
The content of Doomsday.out is:
My PC specifications are
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
GeForce 7900 GT 256 MB
Windows 7 Professional 32 Bit
I hope anyone can help me.
Thank you in advance!
i've got a problem when i try to start Doom 2 with Doomsday Engine 1.13.
It opens just a window showing this text:

The content of Doomsday.out is:
Application path: F:\Program Files\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.15.8 (Stable 32-bit #1857) Feb 1 2016 03:42:49
Command line options:
0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
1: -basedir
2: F:\Program Files\Doomsday/
3: -dsound
4: -sfxchan
5: 16
6: -fullscreen
7: -nohighpat
8: -nohightex
9: -notexcomp
10: -noramp
11: -game
12: doom2
13: -maxtex
14: 512
15: -iwad
16: F:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Flavia\Zeugs\doom-ii_dos_04l3\DOOM2.WAD
17: -wh
18: 640
19: 480
20: -userdir
21: C:\Users\Flavia\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "renderer.pack/
shaders.dei" [path "/data/net.dengine.client.pack/renderer.pack/
shaders.dei"] from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\
^ : Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "renderer.pack/
lensflares.pack/shaders.dei" [path "/data/net.dengine.client.pack/renderer.pack/
lensflares.pack/shaders.dei"] from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\
Joystick_Init: Joystick name: 1242808
Canvas > GLInfo: Using requested maximum texture size of 512 x 512
GLFramebuffer: Texture-based framebuffer failed: [ConfigError] (GLTarget::validate)
Unsupported (0x8cdd)
Trying again without depth/stencil texture
^ : Color texture with unified depth/stencil renderbuffer failed: [ConfigError] (GLTarget:
:validate) Unsupported (0x8cdd)
Trying again without stencil
^ : Color texture with depth renderbuffer failed: [ConfigError] (GLTarget::validate)
Unsupported (0x8cdd)
Trying again without texture buffers
^ : Renderer features unavailable: postfx, lensflare depth
OpenGL 2.1 supported
Sys_GLInitialize: OpenGL information:
Version: 2.1.2
Renderer: GeForce 7900 GT/GTO/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Compressed texture formats: 3
Use texture compression: no
Available texture units: 4
Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
Maximum texture size: 4096
Line width granularity: 0.125
Line width range: 0.5...10
^ : OpenGL Extensions:
^ : ARB extensions:
color_buffer_float, copy_buffer, depth_texture, draw_buffers, fragment_program,
fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader, framebuffer_object, half_float_pixel,
half_float_vertex, imaging, map_buffer_range, multisample, multitexture,
occlusion_query, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite,
shader_objects, shading_language_100, shadow, texture_border_clamp,
texture_compression, texture_cube_map, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_mirrored_repeat,
texture_non_power_of_two, texture_rectangle, transpose_matrix,
vertex_array_object, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader,
^ : ATI extensions:
draw_buffers, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
^ : EXT extensions:
Cg_shader, abgr, bgra, blend_color, blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate,
blend_minmax, blend_subtract, compiled_vertex_array, depth_bounds_test,
direct_state_access, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_object, gpu_program_parameters,
multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_pixels, pixel_buffer_object,
point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal, secondary_color,
separate_shader_objects, separate_specular_color, shadow_funcs, stencil_two_side,
stencil_wrap, texture3D, texture_compression_s3tc, texture_cube_map,
texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_dot3,
texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_lod, texture_lod_bias, texture_mirror_clamp,
texture_object, texture_sRGB, texture_swizzle, timer_query, vertex_array,
^ : IBM extensions:
rasterpos_clip, texture_mirrored_repeat
^ : KTX extensions:
^ : NV extensions:
blend_square, copy_depth_to_color, depth_clamp, fence, float_buffer,
fog_distance, fragment_program, fragment_program2, fragment_program_option,
framebuffer_multisample_coverage, half_float, light_max_exponent,
multisample_filter_hint, occlusion_query, packed_depth_stencil, pixel_data_range,
point_sprite, primitive_restart, register_combiners, register_combiners2,
texgen_reflection, texture_compression_vtc, texture_env_combine4,
texture_expand_normal, texture_rectangle, texture_shader, texture_shader2,
texture_shader3, vertex_array_range, vertex_array_range2, vertex_program,
vertex_program1_1, vertex_program2, vertex_program2_option, vertex_program3
^ : NVX extensions:
^ : S3 extensions:
^ : SGIS extensions:
generate_mipmap, texture_lod
^ : SGIX extensions:
depth_texture, shadow
^ : SUN extensions:
^ : WGL extensions:
^ : WIN extensions:
^ : Extensions (WGL):
^ : WGL extensions:
ARB_buffer_region, ARB_extensions_string, ARB_make_current_read, ARB_multisample,
ARB_pbuffer, ARB_pixel_format, ARB_pixel_format_float, ARB_render_texture,
ATI_pixel_format_float, EXT_extensions_string, EXT_swap_control, NV_float_buffer,
NV_render_depth_texture, NV_render_texture_rectangle
My PC specifications are
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
GeForce 7900 GT 256 MB
Windows 7 Professional 32 Bit
I hope anyone can help me.
Thank you in advance!
However, judging by the error message, your video card may be too old. You may have more luck with an older build of Doomsday, such as Doomsday 1.10.4.