Hexen - Afrit/Gargoyle stuck in multiplayer
Hello Deng's. Now and then I play Doom/Heretic/Hexen games, I just love Doomsday, yesterday I encountered this strange bug with a friend.
1.15.8 (Windows 64bit)
Steps to reproduce
In a Hexen multiplayer session (tested in coop only), meet any afrit (black gargoyle that spits fireballs at you) creature.
(Best is to choose mage class and set difficulcy level to highest or second highest, the afrit spawns in first map at the beginning just in front of you).
Expected result
Afrit flies around and attacks player.
Actual result
Afrit gets stuck at the location where encountered and is invulnerable and non-clipable (you can't walk through it). A second copy flies around and attacks player. The copy can be killed normally. This behavior works only in multiplayer (even with just 1 player), in singleplayer everything is fine. This breaks several maps where the afrit spawns in the middle of corridors.
Offtopic: Is it possible to set no damage player vs. player when in coop mode? It hurts when you fight hordes of creatures and your friend trying to help delivers a fatal blow to you
1.15.8 (Windows 64bit)
Steps to reproduce
In a Hexen multiplayer session (tested in coop only), meet any afrit (black gargoyle that spits fireballs at you) creature.
(Best is to choose mage class and set difficulcy level to highest or second highest, the afrit spawns in first map at the beginning just in front of you).
Expected result
Afrit flies around and attacks player.
Actual result
Afrit gets stuck at the location where encountered and is invulnerable and non-clipable (you can't walk through it). A second copy flies around and attacks player. The copy can be killed normally. This behavior works only in multiplayer (even with just 1 player), in singleplayer everything is fine. This breaks several maps where the afrit spawns in the middle of corridors.
Offtopic: Is it possible to set no damage player vs. player when in coop mode? It hurts when you fight hordes of creatures and your friend trying to help delivers a fatal blow to you

Unfortunately, this is a known issue. We haven't been putting much effort in recent years into multiplayer bug fixing, and particularly Hexen MP is in a rough state. I will reserve a point release entirely for MP improvements after the stable 2.0.
This is currently only supported in Doom and Heretic using the "server-game-coop-nodamage" cvar. Alas, we haven't implemented this in Hexen.
If you managed to bring this to 1.x you would become my personal hero
Anyway, I wish I was familiar with C/C++, I'd go for it myself. I pimped votemap feature for players into 1.9, perhaps I'll have a look if I can do it in 1.15 (for the shell) or the no-coop-damage for Hexen, but my C skills are way low. Is there any other help you possibly need, maybe I can do something else for this project.
It seems that the bug has already been fixed in unstable 2.0 builds.
I managed to complete the hub "Seven Portals" in coop multiplayer session with a friend.
We never met an issue with getting stuck afrits and centaurs in unstable build #2072.