Mouse look problem when used with keyboard

edited 2016 Feb 29 in Technical Support
Hello all, I'm new to the forum. I'm having a problem where when I start to move my character while using the mouse to look up or down, the game automatically snaps the camera back to the centre. When I'm turning left or right with the mouse while moving, its not a problem. I can only aim properly using up and down when I'm stationary.

I'm trying to play the game without autoaim and just use the mouse to fully do all the aiming. If I can't move and look up and down at the same time its obviously just useless to me. Thanks in advance.


  • Ha, Jesus! I figured it out. I had lookspring on. I'm not sure what its exactly meant to do, but anyway the problem is gone once I turned it off.
  • The original Doom based games were pretty much designed to be played looking straight ahead, and using the keyboard only. I believe the core benefit of the lookspring feature was/is to allow you to look up and down when you feel like it, but if monsters surprise you, it provides a quick way to return the view to the default angle so you can see who's attacking.
  • Ah yeah, that makes sense.Thanks.
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