Support for No Rest For The Living and Master Levels in DE2.
Hi guys, just found DE 2.0 - VERY cool stuff! 
But how to launch DOOM 2 - No Rest For The living (from DOOM3 BFG Edition), Master Levels for DOOM 2 and DOOM 64 in Doomsday Engine 2.0?
Is there (will be?) any official support or "side-ways" to play these three mods in Doomsday Engine 2.0.
Searched forums for an answer, but couldn't find anything useful. All related topics are from Y2013-2012..
Thanks in advance!

But how to launch DOOM 2 - No Rest For The living (from DOOM3 BFG Edition), Master Levels for DOOM 2 and DOOM 64 in Doomsday Engine 2.0?
Is there (will be?) any official support or "side-ways" to play these three mods in Doomsday Engine 2.0.
Searched forums for an answer, but couldn't find anything useful. All related topics are from Y2013-2012..
Thanks in advance!
Doomsday doesn't have official support for No Rest for the Living, though it's easy enough to write a small ded that provides the nesscerry information to run it as a Doom2 pwad in Dday: I've privately written a ded that covers map progression, level names and music for instance.
Doom64 is an entirely new game and while Deng Team plan to support it and have made a start on it, it's probably a long way off.
Tried to add it's WAD manualy in DE 1.0, but it resulted in an error.
Thus you have to do it the old fashioned way and use the command line to directly launch into Doom2 with the NRFTL pwad: "-game Doom2 -file C:\folderpathhere\nrftl.wad".
You could import the Snowberry launcher from a 1.15 installation if you have difficulty entering the command line manually; it's a GUI for it; it's due to be retired in 2.0 as it's functionality is being moved into the engine, hence why it isn't included in the 2.0 unstable builds.
"C:\Games\Doomsday 2.0.0\bin\Doomsday.exe" -game Doom2 -file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DOOM 3 BFG Edition\base\wads\NERVE.wad
but it lauches regular DOOM2, 1st level... :-/
Exectly same problem with Master Levels WADs.
Guys, please help to make No Rest For The living run in DE.
Thanks in advance!
Actually you must use the quotes .. there are spaces in the path.
If the path is real, with the quotes it should work.
"C:\Games\Doomsday 2.0.0\bin\Doomsday.exe" -game Doom2 -file "C:\games\1\ATTACK.wad"
But it doesn't work - DE lauches main game select screen.
What could be wrong?
These WADs are very small. Do I need any other resources?