DE 2.0 - minor issues / feedback
Reading through the bug-tracker it's obvious that there are more important bugs on the table than what I've seen! 
But I thought I'd share some feedback anyway!
I am using Heretic
- using no taskbar/status bar, displaying the map turns it back on, but only while viewing the map
- using F11 gamma correction causes DE to switch to fullscreen mode, although after adjusting it reverts to windowed mode (but with no window border or chrome)
- using verbosity (-vvv) to invoke DE retains the value even when invoking without the argument (perhaps a command that changes it?)
and as just feedback and non-bug
- should DE exit when running a game? seems like quitting a game should return you to the DE main/home screen

But I thought I'd share some feedback anyway!
I am using Heretic
- using no taskbar/status bar, displaying the map turns it back on, but only while viewing the map
- using F11 gamma correction causes DE to switch to fullscreen mode, although after adjusting it reverts to windowed mode (but with no window border or chrome)
- using verbosity (-vvv) to invoke DE retains the value even when invoking without the argument (perhaps a command that changes it?)
and as just feedback and non-bug
- should DE exit when running a game? seems like quitting a game should return you to the DE main/home screen
Yeah, the verbosity level is currently remembered for subsequent sessions. I agree this may be against the user's expectations; perhaps it would be wisest to adhere to the logic that anything specified on the command line is meant to apply only to the current session, and not be saved persistently.
The log verbosity settings can also be modified via the task bar UI, which is why they default to persistency. (Plus of course we are moving away from requiring anything to be specified via command line options.)
I agree. If games are started via the Home screen, the most logical behavior for quitting the game would be to return to the Home screen. I will implement this at some point before the stable 2.0 is released.
The -vv command line option should perhaps be retired and replaced with a -v1...-v7 command line options that correspond to the task bar options?
Oh yeah that does work! I totally missed it.
Just to offer a friendly opinion... I think most users would miss it and consider it a bug instead of a feature. Is having a statusbar in automap different from the game a feature people use?
I agree with your -v idea, as well as SkyJake's idea to make command line options non-persistent. I think that is the expected behavior of most users.
Again, just offering friendly opinions as a big fan of DE. No criticism was intended!