Doom multiplayer issue

edited 2015 Dec 9 in Technical Support
When I host a doom server from the shell I can see two versions of that server when looking at multiplayer games. I see a local server and an internet server. I cannot join the server that is being hosted over the internet, neither can anyone else. I can however join the server that is hosted locally. Ive tried port forwarding and allowing programs thru firewall which had no effect. Is there anything I can try to fix this? I am using Doomsday engine 1.15.5


  • It is a known issue that the server is listed twice: one of them is the server found on the local network, and the other one is the information received from the server index. Doomsday currently lacks the information to determine that these two actually refer to the same server.

    Forwarding the server's port should be enough to allow others to connect to your game. Unfortunately Doomsday doesn't support UPnP or any other automation to assist you in allowing the traffic originating from the public internet.

    We have several tickets in our bug tracker about improving the situation.
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