Old ded mods and hosting
Hello everyone,
First of all, did our account information not get transfered from forums.newdoom.com? It would seem not, but I didn't read too much into everything. In any event, it's me primus1236, now primux; because I know all of you care so much.
Anyways, I've got some old DED mods, like BAM's BFG particle effects, and Plasma Gun effects, and don't see them hosted anywhere. Is there somewhere I could upload them? If not, I've got my own server on which I can host them, which brings me to my next point.
I have my own web server that I run on a P3 box here at my house. I'm only on cable, so it's not lightning fast, but I could host some small mods or ded files with particle effects and whatnot. Would this be of use to anyone? If so I could go ahead and write the PHP script for uploads and mod management, it wouldn't take me long, and I'd really like to be able to contribute to the project.
Let me know,
First of all, did our account information not get transfered from forums.newdoom.com? It would seem not, but I didn't read too much into everything. In any event, it's me primus1236, now primux; because I know all of you care so much.
Anyways, I've got some old DED mods, like BAM's BFG particle effects, and Plasma Gun effects, and don't see them hosted anywhere. Is there somewhere I could upload them? If not, I've got my own server on which I can host them, which brings me to my next point.
I have my own web server that I run on a P3 box here at my house. I'm only on cable, so it's not lightning fast, but I could host some small mods or ded files with particle effects and whatnot. Would this be of use to anyone? If so I could go ahead and write the PHP script for uploads and mod management, it wouldn't take me long, and I'd really like to be able to contribute to the project.
Let me know,
To see the thread at great length where we all talked about it, check it out : Doomsday Community Site - Your thoughts?
If they are not yours though, I don't think it's very nice to share around other peoples creations without their permission... :-/ If you want to share the mods from your archives, I think it'd be best to just signup for a Rapidshare Collectors Account (Free) and dump them there, then create a new thread in the relevant section.
Just my two cents incase the higher-ups don't reply straight away.
But maybe they need to be put in a pk3 and uploaded? I think that muight be good. it's just an idea.
There are a lot of "lost mods": Great addons that people made quite some time ago that jDoom users cannot use unless they've been downloading every mod and addon that's been posted in the forums in the past 5 years. I just think it's a shame that just because someone's a new user of jDoom, that they shouldn't be able to see/use all of the cool effects and modifications that we long time users have.
So what is that? A yes, or a no? I've got tons of old stuff, from xerxes' weapons mods, to BAM's particle effects, to DaniJ's MultiFX, and the jDSP with ambient sounds. It just seems a shame that it should be lost to the community forever . . .
P.S. I made a post back on the newdoom forums, asking about whatever happened to jDoom Arena. The developers of the mod talked about it for a while in the thread, and they all exchanged the files, but it was never made available again. Does anyone still have those files? Could we make that available again? I know it only works on the 1.8.x versions of doomsday, but it was a great mod, and I'm sure people would be willing to have the old version installed too in order to play it. *shrug*
In regards to jDoom Arena, better off waiting for Beta 7 at least ( See http://dengine.net/dew/index.php?title=Roadmap ). I've been keeping my cool trying to learn as much/as little as I think I need without throwing it all out the window once it arrives, what with DS completely replacing DED's and so on.
EDIT: Damn, you're quick on the edit button JonusC
EDIT: I thought I might add... I'm just about weeing my pants waiting for Beta 7. I could checkout of the repo to start now but I'd rather wait until it's closer to release to start porting Doom Wars over to Doomsday
At time of writing, Deng release is in the sixth major - 6.7, beta seven is the next major towards Deng2 and will reflect the first big step (in my opinion) towards the new Deng as we know it since 1.9 started. http://dengine.net/dew/index.php?title=Roadmap
FYI, defacto versioning is usually at four decimal points : for example, v1.2.3.4, where format is MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.BUGFIX/BUILD - but most devs these days dont worry about the bugfix/build number as its rarely necessary for public display, just like the Deng team (Doomsday v1.9.0). But for software in production, or huge software (like an operating system, eg Windows NT v6.1.0.7600 = Windows 7) its a must. Of course thats not a hard rule - some prefer a date scheme (v2009.10.7 = released today) and others use a letter for bugfix builds for instance.
Way off topic, but some handy trivia nonetheless :P (this thread has been already answered anyway hehe)