How to connect to servers
I cannot enter this server using either doomsday and Doomsday (Unstable) i have iwads of all doom's from steam, and pl2.wad
the engine doesnot tell me reason why it cant connect
i am guessing it can use another CRC of doom2.wad and pl2.wad i am not sure, but what i see it even doesnot want load pl2.wad
the command line and snowberry doesnot help to load pl2.wad
Active servers
1 server in total with 0 active players
0/3Doom II - ei vittu88.112.177.6780
Setup: skill4 coop jumpCurrent Map: MAP01
Multiplayer Host
Addons: PL2.WAD
"": {
"at": "",
"port": 80,
"locked": false,
"ver": 10907,
"map": "MAP01",
"game": "jdoom 1.15.4",
"name": "Doom II - ei vittu",
"info": "Multiplayer Host",
"nump": 0,
"maxp": 3,
"open": 1,
"mode": "doom2",
"setup": "skill4 coop jump",
"iwad": "",
"pwads": "PL2.WAD",
"wcrc": 17415460,
"plrn": "",
"data0": 0,
"data1": 0,
"data2": 0
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<generator>Doomsday Engine Master Server 1.3</generator>
<pubdate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 14:17:01 GMT</pubdate>
<serverlist size="1">
<server host="">
<name>Doom II - ei vittu</name>
<info>Multiplayer Host</info>
<version doomsday="10907" game="jdoom 1.15.4"/>
<iwad crc="109bd24"/>
<setupstring>skill4 coop jump</setupstring>
the engine doesnot tell me reason why it cant connect
i am guessing it can use another CRC of doom2.wad and pl2.wad i am not sure, but what i see it even doesnot want load pl2.wad
the command line and snowberry doesnot help to load pl2.wad
Active servers
1 server in total with 0 active players
0/3Doom II - ei vittu88.112.177.6780
Setup: skill4 coop jumpCurrent Map: MAP01
Multiplayer Host
Addons: PL2.WAD
"": {
"at": "",
"port": 80,
"locked": false,
"ver": 10907,
"map": "MAP01",
"game": "jdoom 1.15.4",
"name": "Doom II - ei vittu",
"info": "Multiplayer Host",
"nump": 0,
"maxp": 3,
"open": 1,
"mode": "doom2",
"setup": "skill4 coop jump",
"iwad": "",
"pwads": "PL2.WAD",
"wcrc": 17415460,
"plrn": "",
"data0": 0,
"data1": 0,
"data2": 0
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<generator>Doomsday Engine Master Server 1.3</generator>
<pubdate>Wed, 14 Oct 2015 14:17:01 GMT</pubdate>
<serverlist size="1">
<server host="">
<name>Doom II - ei vittu</name>
<info>Multiplayer Host</info>
<version doomsday="10907" game="jdoom 1.15.4"/>
<iwad crc="109bd24"/>
<setupstring>skill4 coop jump</setupstring>
the command line to directly connect to server?
DOOMSDAY.EXE -IWAD DOOM2.WAD -FILE PL2.WAD (it throws to menu where i need to select single or multiplayer game)
how to load game directly, and how to connect to server directly from command lines?
Doomsday.exe -iwad "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Doom\base\DOOM.WAD" -connect
bugs bugs bugs!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of what you intend to do, if you want to launch Doomsday and load a specific game automatically (you do) then you should specify the -game you want to play on the command line, for example:
It would help if you posted your doomsday.out (see note at the top of this forum) as it may well contain information that can help us to assist you.
I like having tick boxes, I like having my hand held, I like to just look at a menu and make my choices. It sounds to me like you are moving the program into a command line control'd environment. I loved DOS back in the day but I was thankful when the hand holding GUI came into being.
Doomsday 2.0 will feature a built-in equivalent of the Snowberry frontend, allowing you to load and manage addons from the homescreen and/or taskbar in addition to the console and command line. Much like one does currently with runtime game changing, joining networked games, loading savegames and configuring settings.
Snowberry is being dropped because it will be superceded and rendered obsolete.
"doomsday.exe -game doom-ultimate"
should be "doomsday.exe -game doom1-ultimate"
-game works
-connect seems work not tested (no servers at moment), console telling me about connections and disconnections
-file works
I'm glad to hear it is now working for you