Crash when moving to a specific location in doom2 level 19
Hello Doomsday Forum,
I use the build 1682, on a Windows 8.1 64bits machine. When playing DOOM2 on level 19 (the Citadel), there is a location which repeatedly causes a game crash.
Here are two pictures of the location in the game, where the crash will occur when going forward:

The contents of my Doomsday.out:
Thanks for your help!
I use the build 1682, on a Windows 8.1 64bits machine. When playing DOOM2 on level 19 (the Citadel), there is a location which repeatedly causes a game crash.
Here are two pictures of the location in the game, where the crash will occur when going forward:

The contents of my Doomsday.out:
Application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday 2.0.0\bin\Doomsday.exe
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1682 ]
Executable: Doomsday Engine 2.0.0 [#1682] (Unstable 32-bit) Aug 10 2015 04:05:06
Command line options:
0: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday 2.0.0\bin\Doomsday.exe
RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "renderer.pack/
shaders.dei" [path "/data/net.dengine.client.pack/renderer.pack/
shaders.dei"] from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\
^ : Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "renderer.pack/
lensflares.pack/shaders.dei" [path "/data/net.dengine.client.pack/renderer.pack/
lensflares.pack/shaders.dei"] from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\
OpenGL 3.3 supported
Sys_GLInitialize: OpenGL information:
Version: 3.3.0
Renderer: GeForce 210/PCIe/SSE2
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Compressed texture formats: 23
Use texture compression: no
Available texture units: 4
Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
Maximum texture size: 8192
Line width granularity: 0.125
Line width range: 0.5...10
^ : OpenGL Extensions:
^ : ARB extensions:
ES2_compatibility, ES3_compatibility, arrays_of_arrays, base_instance,
blend_func_extended, clear_buffer_object, color_buffer_float, compatibility,
compressed_texture_pixel_storage, conservative_depth, copy_buffer, copy_image,
debug_output, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, depth_texture, draw_buffers,
draw_buffers_blend, draw_elements_base_vertex, draw_instanced, enhanced_layouts,
explicit_attrib_location, explicit_uniform_location, fragment_coord_conventions,
fragment_layer_viewport, fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow,
fragment_shader, framebuffer_no_attachments, framebuffer_object,
framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, half_float_pixel,
half_float_vertex, imaging, instanced_arrays, internalformat_query,
internalformat_query2, invalidate_subdata, map_buffer_alignment,
map_buffer_range, multi_bind, multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query,
occlusion_query2, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite,
program_interface_query, provoking_vertex, robust_buffer_access_behavior,
robustness, sample_shading, sampler_objects, seamless_cube_map,
separate_shader_objects, shader_bit_encoding, shader_objects, shader_texture_lod,
shading_language_100, shading_language_420pack, shading_language_include,
shading_language_packing, shadow, stencil_texturing, sync, texture_border_clamp,
texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_range, texture_compression,
texture_compression_rgtc, texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array,
texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3,
texture_float, texture_gather, texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge,
texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample, texture_non_power_of_two,
texture_query_levels, texture_query_lod, texture_rectangle, texture_rg,
texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_stencil8, texture_storage,
texture_storage_multisample, texture_swizzle, texture_view, timer_query,
transform_feedback2, transform_feedback_instanced, transpose_matrix,
uniform_buffer_object, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object,
vertex_attrib_binding, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader,
vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, viewport_array,
^ : ATI extensions:
draw_buffers, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
^ : EXT extensions:
Cg_shader, abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color, blend_equation_separate,
blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract, compiled_vertex_array,
depth_bounds_test, direct_state_access, draw_buffers2, draw_instanced,
draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit, framebuffer_multisample,
framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4, import_sync_object,
multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels,
pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal,
secondary_color, separate_shader_objects, separate_specular_color,
shader_integer_mix, shadow_funcs, stencil_two_side, stencil_wrap, texture3D,
texture_array, texture_buffer_object, texture_compression_dxt1,
texture_compression_latc, texture_compression_rgtc, texture_compression_s3tc,
texture_cube_map, texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
texture_env_dot3, texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod,
texture_lod_bias, texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_sRGB,
texture_sRGB_decode, texture_shared_exponent, texture_storage, texture_swizzle,
timer_query, transform_feedback2, vertex_array, vertex_array_bgra
^ : EXTX extensions:
^ : IBM extensions:
rasterpos_clip, texture_mirrored_repeat
^ : KHR extensions:
^ : KTX extensions:
^ : NV extensions:
ES1_1_compatibility, blend_square, conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color,
copy_image, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, explicit_multisample, fence,
float_buffer, fog_distance, fragment_program, fragment_program2,
fragment_program_option, framebuffer_multisample_coverage, geometry_shader4,
gpu_program4, gpu_program4_1, half_float, light_max_exponent,
multisample_coverage, multisample_filter_hint, occlusion_query,
packed_depth_stencil, parameter_buffer_object, parameter_buffer_object2,
path_rendering, pixel_data_range, point_sprite, primitive_restart,
register_combiners, register_combiners2, shader_buffer_load, texgen_reflection,
texture_barrier, texture_compression_vtc, texture_env_combine4,
texture_expand_normal, texture_multisample, texture_rectangle, texture_shader,
texture_shader2, texture_shader3, transform_feedback, transform_feedback2,
vertex_array_range, vertex_array_range2, vertex_buffer_unified_memory,
vertex_program, vertex_program1_1, vertex_program2, vertex_program2_option,
^ : NVX extensions:
conditional_render, gpu_memory_info
^ : S3 extensions:
^ : SGIS extensions:
generate_mipmap, texture_lod
^ : SGIX extensions:
depth_texture, shadow
^ : SUN extensions:
^ : WGL extensions:
^ : WIN extensions:
^ : Extensions (WGL):
^ : WGL extensions:
ARB_buffer_region, ARB_create_context, ARB_create_context_profile,
ARB_create_context_robustness, ARB_extensions_string, ARB_make_current_read,
ARB_multisample, ARB_pbuffer, ARB_pixel_format, ARB_pixel_format_float,
ARB_render_texture, ATI_pixel_format_float, EXT_create_context_es2_profile,
EXT_create_context_es_profile, EXT_extensions_string, EXT_framebuffer_sRGB,
EXT_pixel_format_packed_float, EXT_swap_control, EXT_swap_control_tear,
NVX_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop2, NV_delay_before_swap,
NV_float_buffer, NV_multisample_coverage, NV_render_depth_texture,
FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2013
Audio configuration:
Music: FMOD/Ext
Using user-selected primary IWAD folder: "D:/Windows_Downloads/Games/Doomsday/wads"
Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
- hacx.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\HACX.WAD"
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
! chex.wad: missing
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
- tnt.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\TNT.WAD"
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
- plutonia.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\PLUTONIA.WAD"
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
- doom2.wad or doom2f.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
- doom.wad or doomu.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOMU.WAD"
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "DOOM Registered"...
! doom.wad: missing
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
- doom1.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM1.WAD"
- libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Doom 64: Absolution"...
! doom64.wad: missing
- libdoom64.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libdoom64.pk3"
=> Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
- heretic.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\HERETIC.WAD"
- libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libheretic.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Heretic Registered"...
- heretic.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\HERETIC.WAD"
- libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libheretic.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
- heretic1.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\HERETIC1.WAD"
- libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libheretic.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
! hexen.wad: missing
- hexdd.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\HEXDD.WAD"
- libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libhexen.pk3"
=> Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen"...
- libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libhexen.pk3"
! hexen.wad: missing
=> Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
- hexen.wad: "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\HEXEN.WAD"
- libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libhexen.pk3"
=> Playable
Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
! hexen.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing
- libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libhexen.pk3"
=> Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
! hexen.wad or hexenbeta.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing
- libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\libhexen.pk3"
=> Not playable (incomplete resources)
Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
^ : Definitions:
^ : 7 materials
ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
Game could not be selected automatically
MasterWorker: Received 2 servers from master
Selecting game 'doom2'...
Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jdoom\auto"
Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jdoom\auto"
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 0x109bd24
ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
Loaded all 428 texture definitions from "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\
Parsing primary config "configs\doom\game.cfg"...
Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
^ : Definitions:
^ : 1 episodes
30 animation groups
6 composite fonts
10 finales
9 lights
33 map infos
7 materials
27 particle generators
3 skies
68 songs
110 sound effects
138 sprite names
974 states
51 surface decorations
368 text strings
11 texture environments
140 things
ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
Known maps:
0: MAP01 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
1: MAP02 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
2: MAP03 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
3: MAP04 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
4: MAP05 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
5: MAP06 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
6: MAP07 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
7: MAP08 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
8: MAP09 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
9: MAP10 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
10: MAP11 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
11: MAP12 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
12: MAP13 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
13: MAP14 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
14: MAP15 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
15: MAP16 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
16: MAP17 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
17: MAP18 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
18: MAP19 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
19: MAP20 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
20: MAP21 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
21: MAP22 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
22: MAP23 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
23: MAP24 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
24: MAP25 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
25: MAP26 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
26: MAP27 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
27: MAP28 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
28: MAP29 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
29: MAP30 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
30: MAP31 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
31: MAP32 "D:\Windows_Downloads\Games\Doomsday\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
Found 32 maps in total.
DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
InFineSystem > FinaleInterpreter > S_StartMusic:
Starting music 'dm2ttl'
^ > Mus_Start > M_Mus2Midi: Failed opening output file "dd-buffered-song1.mid"
Loading game from "/home/savegames/doom2/"...
S_StartMusic: Starting music 'shawn2'
^ > Mus_Start > M_Mus2Midi: Failed opening output file "dd-buffered-song0.mid"
Loading map "MAP19"...
Current map elements:
1255 Lines
251 Sectors
1489 Vertexes
Forced pause for 28 tics
Map: The citadel (Uri: Maps:MAP19, warp: 19)
- Author: id Software
Game loaded
BindContext: Binding 10 deleted
^ : Binding 11 deleted
^ : Binding 53 deleted
^ : Binding 17 deleted
^ : Binding 18 deleted
Segmentation Violation
Game ended
Failed opening "configs\doom\game.cfg" for writing
Failed opening "configs\doom\player\bindings.cfg" for writing
Unloaded game
Restoring original display mode due to shutdown
Z_Shutdown: Used 1 volumes, total 33554432 bytes.
Thanks for your help!
In front of the Soul Sphere the OP's screenshots show is a teleporter that takes the player to the area of the map sector 250 is in; sector 250 is just to the left of the players view upon landing.
Thank you for the feedback. I can add that same problem happens under Linux (Ubuntu 15.04 64bits), after downloading Doomsday Engine sources (build 1682) and compiling them.
On the standard output, the following lines appear about sector 250:
Hope this helps,
Picture: ... sp=sharing
The same error is on the sector on the other side of the map.
If you remove these extra lines, the game will not crash.
Thank you for this information; as suggested by the screenshot you posted, I will try to edit the MAP19 in DOOM2 with the tool "gzdoom" you used. Let's hope that maps bugs will be handled in future Doomsday 2.0 builds, which are already nice Doom engines!
If you don't want to wait, I'd recommend to use tools to export the said MAP into a different WAD and edit it there and simply load that said WAD additionally. GZDoomBuilder can export them.