How to load .pk3 games

edited 2015 May 12 in Technical Support
Forgive, probably obvious question, but I have had zero success searching...

How do you run .pk3 Doom mapsets?


  • what sourceport are they from since that had everything to do with it but generally you would load them like any other pk3 i would think? i know Risen 3d supports that.
  • Gordon wrote:
    what sourceport are they from since that had everything to do with it but generally you would load them like any other pk3 i would think? i know Risen 3d supports that.
    My question is how do you load *any* .pk3? I select them in the interface like I would a .wad and nothing loads.
  • if using snowberry you need to have a check mark next to the pk3 that is in the addons folder in snowberry or you can use the -file command or load it directly in the front end. that part i do not know.
  • That's what I do. It fails. Is there any doco anywhere on using .pk3s? I can't find anything anywhere.
  • It would help a lot if you linked us to the add-on you are trying to use. Then we'd be able to figure out why its not working as most other add-ons do.
  • DaniJ wrote:
    It would help a lot if you linked us to the add-on you are trying to use. Then we'd be able to figure out why its not working as most other add-ons do.
    You're not reading my question. How do you load *any* .pk3? For your sake, here is a typical one - ...
  • No, I did read your question and as it had already been answered, I figured there must be some other reason why it is not working.

    After taking a look at the page you linked to the answer is clear - this mod is designed for ZDoom based ports and as such, is probably not compatible with Doomsday. I can't test this theory right now because I'm replying to you from my mobile, however, that page says that these maps use non-standard identifiers and therefore won't work with the current stable release (assuming that is the only ZDoom feature in use). If it is the only feature used, trying using the latest unstable build and enter "listmaps" in the console - if there are maps listed like MW1M1 then try using the "warp" command in the console to load them.
  • Dani is right we have answered it clearly enuff but if you need a tutoral then i am happy to provide but it's simple to do.
  • As DaniJ said, you will have to manually warp to the maps; however, doomsday will not discover the maps inside this PK3 as said PK3 does not follow doomsday conventions. I decompressed the PK3 and loaded the maps manually, although they are loadable, they are not playable due to the fact that they use ZDoom-specific features.

    An example of a doomsday-compatible map in pk3 format (return to phobos -- quite a good map, but needs to be updated to support some new XG features):
    * data
      + - jdoom
        + - auto
          + - shr_tex.wad
          + - destiny.gwa
          + - destiny.wad
        + - Music       
          + - D_RUNNIN.mid
    * defs
      + - jdoom
        + - auto
          + - p_lights.ded
          + - p_mapinfo.ded

    Of course, it doesn't have to have exactly the same types of files. For instance, destiny.gwa is optional -- it's just prebuilt BSP node data for the map renderer.
  • rhargrave wrote:
    destiny.gwa is optional -- it's just prebuilt BSP node data for the map renderer.
    FYI: Doomsday does not use this data. Instead we opt to build new BSP data using the built-in node builder, on the fly.
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