Any hope to see Strife on Doomsday?
Hello DEng Forumers,
while I'm just a newbie here on DEng Forums, I'm also a real fun of such beloved port since 2004, entertaining me a lot with Hexen and Doom64-EX TC.
BTW, my question: is out there any hope to see in the nearly future a jstrife.exe or something else like it for Doomsday? I really appreciate this port expecially for its brimful GL system, and Strife in a such limit-removing port like this could be amazing.
while I'm just a newbie here on DEng Forums, I'm also a real fun of such beloved port since 2004, entertaining me a lot with Hexen and Doom64-EX TC.
BTW, my question: is out there any hope to see in the nearly future a jstrife.exe or something else like it for Doomsday? I really appreciate this port expecially for its brimful GL system, and Strife in a such limit-removing port like this could be amazing.
I don't know when I would have the time for Strife, but the notion is interesting.
Anyway, DEng has a beautiful light world occlusion trick in it, and if I'm not wrong it's the only limit removing port with it, so continue the hard work then.
On and off, or you'll get seriously stressed with such stuff
PS: ah ah ah "...the time for Strife"