[Support] Doomsday Engine Will not Start Game

edited 2015 Apr 2 in Technical Support
I apologize if this issue has been covered before...I haven't seen this error in the forums yet.

I have been using the Doomsday Engine for months now without issue. Suddenly, without any rhyme or reason, I am unable to play any of the Doomsday Engine games.

When I double-click on the Doomsday Engine desktop shortcut, it opens. When I select ANY game and click "Play," I get the following error:
App init failed:
[NotFoundError](Folder::locate) "persist.pack" was not found or had incompatible type (in folder "home" (contains 11 files from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime")[path "/home"])
Any suggestions on how to correct this error? I have uninstalled the Doomsday Engine, and reconfigured it from scratch multiple times, to no avail.

I'd be grateful for any helpful suggestion. I am currently running Windows 8.1 64-bit

Thank you in advance!


  • The following might help. Go to "\Users\{username}\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime" and look for the "persist.pack" file, and delete it. Some of your Doomsday settings will be forgotten (e.g., current display mode), but this should allow the game to launch again.
  • Like most software, Doomsday doesn't remove it's configs, save games etc when you uninstall, which are by default stored in your documents folder on Windows (unless you remap the directory with one of your choosing).

    Head there and delete the appropriate files and then try again.

    Certainly, it might be cool though, if the Dday uninstaller featured an option to delete them (alot of software offers users the option to delete or keep them when they uninstall). But how would that work with Dday's ability to remap the config folder; maybe a message could be added to the installer then.
  • Vermil & skyjake,

    I wanted to thank you both for the quick responses and ideas to try.

    Unfortunately, my hard drive crapped out, so I am reinstalling everything from scratch - YUCK!

    If I encounter the issue again, I'll definitely try out your suggestions and report the results.

    Thank you both again!

    Kind Regards,

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