Key mappings OS X Mavericks

edited 2015 Jan 19 in Technical Support
I am trying to remap strafe left/right to be the Alt + left key and Alt + right key combinations ... how do I do that? When I try and remap the keys via options/controls it just registers the Alt key not the combination...



  • Alt+Left and Alt+Right are the default bindings for strafing, so perhaps you would like to reset your bindings to the defaults in the console prompt with this command?
    clearbindings; defaultbindings

    In the Controls menu, the "Strafe Left/Right" controls expect a single key/button. That's why they accept the first key you press (the Alt). The "Strafe" control sets the modifier key (default: Alt) that changes the turn left/right controls into strafe left/right.

    The implementation of the menu is quite old — it doesn't support bindings with modifiers. Doomsday's underlying input system could handle them but we haven't gotten around to writing a new bindings setup UI.
  • Hey - thanks for the quick reply...!

    I did as you explained and now my controls are as follows:-


    however Alt+left and Alt+right do not strafe - nothing happens at all when those combinations are used... have I done something wrong?

  • the strafe toggle only works for the turning keys aka turn left/right of you have strafe left bound to left then you press left and you would strafe. no extra button required.
  • Thx for the reply Gordon... however I'm not sure if I understand you ... what I want is that <LEFT> on its own turns left, <RIGHT> on its own turns right, <ALT+LEFT> strafes left and <ALT+RIGHT> strafes right ... is that possible to set up?

  • The default control set up of Dday is just that (to match the original games). Thus, you shouldn't have to change any bindings.

    That I think you are confusing what each control does.

    'left' = a key that makes you turn left
    'strafe' = a key that when pressed with whatever key you have bound to left, makes you strafe left
    'strafe left' = a key that makes you strafe left
  • you're right - soz and apologies for the noise... :(
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