Fixing dead zones. mapping buttons to Xbox 360 controller

edited 2014 Dec 27 in Technical Support
I'm having 3 annoying issues while using an Xbox 360 wired controller.

1st is dead zones.
When joystick in enabled my view slowly looks down and slightly to the right by itself.

How do you map different functions to the left and right triggers?
I'm trying to map speed to left trigger, and fire weapon to the right trigger.
It only allows to me map either or.

Same issue as 2nd but with the D-Pad.
I want to map different weapons to up, down, left, and right but it's only allowing me do just map 1 side, and that's it.

I'm hoping it's something really easy to fix in game.


  • Dday's gamepad code is dated; it doesn't officially support 360 pads and other users that have tried them with Dday report the same dead zone issue yourself does.

    A third party program might allow you to use a 360 pad with Dday though.

    The gamepad code is due to be rewritten though; it seems relatively high up the priority, as it has appeared on the original plans for the last couple of stable releases before, unfortunately, being pushed back to the following release due to time constraints.
  • Thank you for the reply!
    Now that I know what's going on, I'll keep an eye out for future updates.
    Thanks again for the help!
  • yes please add xbox 360 controller support. the xbla version of doom works perfect with the xbox controller
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