Doors no longer work properly in Doomsday 1.14.5

edited 2014 Nov 17 in Hexen
It seems that switches don't always open the doors anymore. I don't know if that is in the door logic or the saved game files. I upgraded from 1.13x mainly because of the star stairs issue. But now, in some game sessions, not all doors will open, and the only fix seems to be start from the beginning.


  • Is this specifically when loading a saved game? If so then please post a link to where we can download a copy for debug. There is however a known issue with interpreting Hexen saves made at certain points, which is scheduled to be fixed for 1.15 - it could be that.
  • DaniJ wrote:
    Is this specifically when loading a saved game? If so then please post a link to where we can download a copy for debug. There is however a known issue with interpreting Hexen saves made at certain points, which is scheduled to be fixed for 1.15 - it could be that.
    Thank you for getting back with me. I am not sure if it was a saved game issue or just the switches no longer registering at random. I would have to play more. So far, I have only made it as far as Seven Portals. I ended up getting stuck behind the 2nd Guardian of Fire door and having to go back through and going out the other warp point to go out the open door.

    I might also want to try installing other versions between the latest and the one I had before in case it is a regression.
  • Your issue sounds very much like that which is already known when saving at that point during the game.
  • It seems to be in 1.14.4 too. I didn't have this problem under 1.13. I think it just might have to do with saved games not saving correctly outside the main hub. Maybe the links between the interconnected areas get broken when saved. I might continue my regression testing and find where it broke. So far, what you said seems to be the case to me, since I had no trouble this last time until returning from Guardian of Ice (and I fell several times and thus reloaded).
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