A_Jump equivalent in DED?
So, I've been reading the DEW very extensively and following the tutorials. I have managed to successfully mod just about everything in the game, and writing DED files feel very natural to me. I had one question about DED, and that question is whether there is an equivalent to A_Jump. I've been scouring the internet, including the New Doom forums, but I have found no reference to such a thing in DED.
However this mechanism could be superseded with a far more powerful solution, which leverages Doomsday Script to give the mod author complete freedom to change the behaviors however they see fit.
As for Doomsday: Well, as I said, I believe that with enough time, Doomsday could have all the features it has now combined with the huge variety of animations, ways of dying, player behavior, AI, and world behavior (destructible objects) in Brutal Doom as a toggle feature or something. That is what I mean in a more specific manner. That combined with Doomsday's user friendliness, launchers, models, lighting, addon compatibility, etc. Like the best of both worlds all on one screen at the same time but can be toggled on and off at will for those who want normal Doom behavior. I hear Doom 4 is going to be somewhat like that.
Certainly, element's of Dday's modding features have only been partially functional during the rewrite, which may explain that to a degree, but nowday's they have almost been completely restored.
If Doomsday used it as a mod and not a feature on top of what they already got, then it wouldn't work with the models and have a modeled version of pieces flying everywhere and stuff. It would just be a port.
BTW, I'm not saying Doomsday would need to change their normal gameplay. I said they could work on BD-like gameplay too and it would be toggled on and off (maybe in a launcher) like an addon that would work with their models. Toggled off and you would have normal Doomsday play. It could be as simple as turning on and off an option, just like you can turn on and off auto aim or jump mode. If another major mod comes along, maybe they could make another addon based on it that incorporated its features and made compatible with their models. I never said they should abandon their version. these would be toggled addons that would work on the models and if they could edit the models to allow that behavior if toggled on.
I think we agree on the most part but we just word it differently.
The goal of the Doomsday engine is not to improve upon Brutal Doom's features. Doomsday has its own feature set that is constantly being improved and expanded. The special effects in BD are impressive, but again, Doomsday has its own special effects and not many people actually care about whether a plasma shot or mancubus fire shot can set a tree on fire. Brutal Doom had its heyday, and now a lot of people are returning to time-proven classic Doom. The people who want to play Brutal Doom just keep a Z-family source port on hand for that. I don't think that there is enough of a push within any community, let alone the Doomsday community, to make such a pursuit worthwhile. I think that if there was, then someone would've already merged Doomsday with Brutal Doom by modding from source.
Well, yeah - It's not an original Doomsday mod, it comes from ZDoom. It's going to be a port no matter what, as it was not originally created by using Doomsday features.
It would take a lot of work to implement that into Doomsday. It is not as simple as just adding everything from Brutal Doom and making it switchable in the options menu. How would it affect the rest of the engine? What new bugs would it present? Brutal Doom itself is really buggy and hacky to begin with, so that would be even more work to fix those bugs, as well. Then there is the fact that not many people really care about Brutal Doom enough to make it worthwhile to do all of this work. The ZDoom community is not even all that interested in Brutal Doom anymore, and Brutal Doom is a ZDoom-specific gameplay mod. It just wouldn't be prudent from a design and/or work flow standpoint. Deng team is a small dev team with limited time and resources on their hands. They do have jobs and families to tend to. Their dev time would be better spent on things like rolling out 1.15, working on Doomsday Script, and working on Oculus Rift.
For the record, I don't have anything against Brutal Doom, per se. I just don't think that an entire source port should be changed just to cater to a single gameplay mod that is no longer highly regarded even within its own parent source port.
Hopefully the Deng team can get more members to join the higher ranks. Doomsday is popular and good stuff, but only 2 people working on the engine, I think. With its popularity, you would expect many more people joining Skyjake and Dani as coders at the top. Maybe more will join someday. I know their are others who do the non-engine stuff, like KuriKai with textures, and I think Vermil does stuff and seems to be an expert. Also several model makers, including Tea Monster and Kuri does it too. I'm sure there are more I know nothing about.
I am no coder or modeler. I know it is very difficult. I took an HTML college class way back in 2003 and I could do that, but the segment we did in JavaScript seemed too difficult for me; of course JavaScript was only briefly used in that class. I'm sure your coding is ever more difficult and probably a hell of a lot of trial and error and testing.
Well, it's more like, Brutal Doom was extremely popular at one point, but it has run its course and now the community is moving on from it. The author is still active, but the mod itself is in the process of fading into the background. I think the Sperglord edition is the only one that anyone really pays much attention to in earnest, and that is because the author of that one has thrown out a lot of things that led to Brutal Doom being so buggy and unbalanced. Brutal Doom itself started out as just Classic Doom with extreme gore, which is entirely achievable with Doomsday. The author got carried away and he put in iron sights, reloading, barrel rolls, the mighty boot from Duke Nukem 3D, one-liners, finishing moves, and other things that have nothing to do with Doom whatsoever. It was awesome when the mod first came out, but after the novelty factor wore off, it became really annoying, and everybody started noticing the bugs and the fact that it actually broke the core gameplay instead of enhancing it.
It is a testament to the talent and intelligence of the team that they can build such an amazing source port with only a few members. They probably wouldn't mind the extra help if qualified people asked to help and they shared the same vision as the team.
It's difficult, but accessible. It just takes a lot of study and patience, but you could figure it out. If you ever wanted to look more deeply into this area, then I would suggest following a few basic C++ tutorials and/or reading books on the subject to get familiar with it. Writing DED's is a good practice, too. Sure, it is not exactly source level stuff like what the team is working on, but it teaches you basic programming logic while building good habits like proper structure and flow control B-) .