Cannot save in Hexen

edited 2014 Nov 3 in Technical Support
Like in the topic, Whenever I try to save I get error and exit to Desktop.
Application path: D:\Games\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1265 ]
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.14.5 (Stable 32-bit #1265) Jun 19 2014 13:11:35
Command line options:
  0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
  1: -basedir
  2: D:\Games\Doomsday/
  3: -sfxchan
  4: 16
  5: -notexcomp
  6: -game
  7: heretic-ext
  8: -iwad
  9: D:\Games\Doomsday\WADs\HERETIC.WAD
  10: -userdir
  11: C:\Users\piap\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/renderer.pack/
              shaders.dei" [path "/data/doomsday.pk3/data/renderer.pack/shaders.dei"]
              from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\doomsday.pk3"
OpenGL 3.3 supported
Sys_GLInitialize: OpenGL information:
  Version:  4.4.12874 Compatibility Profile Context
  Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
  Vendor:   ATI Technologies Inc.
  Compressed texture formats: 18
  Available texture units:    8
  Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
  Maximum texture size:       16384
  Line width granularity:     0.125
  Line width range:           1...63
^ : OpenGL Extensions:
^ :     AMD extensions:
        blend_minmax_factor, conservative_depth, debug_output, depth_clamp_separate,
        draw_buffers_blend, framebuffer_sample_positions, gcn_shader, gpu_shader_int64,
        interleaved_elements, multi_draw_indirect, name_gen_delete,
        occlusion_query_event, performance_monitor, pinned_memory, query_buffer_object,
        sample_positions, seamless_cubemap_per_texture, shader_atomic_counter_ops,
        shader_stencil_export, shader_stencil_value_export, shader_trace,
        shader_trinary_minmax, sparse_texture, sparse_texture_pool,
        stencil_operation_extended, texture_cube_map_array, texture_texture4,
        transform_feedback3_lines_triangles, transform_feedback4, vertex_shader_layer,
^ :     AMDX extensions:
^ :     ARB extensions:
        ES2_compatibility, ES3_compatibility, arrays_of_arrays, base_instance,
        bindless_texture, blend_func_extended, buffer_storage, clear_buffer_object,
        clear_texture, color_buffer_float, compatibility,
        compressed_texture_pixel_storage, compute_shader, conservative_depth,
        copy_buffer, copy_image, debug_output, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp,
        depth_texture, draw_buffers, draw_buffers_blend, draw_elements_base_vertex,
        draw_indirect, draw_instanced, enhanced_layouts, explicit_attrib_location,
        explicit_uniform_location, fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_layer_viewport,
        fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader,
        framebuffer_no_attachments, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
        geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, gpu_shader5, gpu_shader_fp64,
        half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, imaging, instanced_arrays,
        internalformat_query, internalformat_query2, invalidate_subdata,
        map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range, multi_bind, multi_draw_indirect,
        multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query, occlusion_query2,
        pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite, program_interface_query,
        provoking_vertex, query_buffer_object, sample_shading, sampler_objects,
        seamless_cube_map, seamless_cubemap_per_texture, separate_shader_objects,
        shader_atomic_counters, shader_bit_encoding, shader_draw_parameters,
        shader_group_vote, shader_image_load_store, shader_image_size, shader_objects,
        shader_precision, shader_stencil_export, shader_storage_buffer_object,
        shader_subroutine, shader_texture_lod, shading_language_100,
        shading_language_420pack, shading_language_packing, shadow, shadow_ambient,
        sparse_texture, stencil_texturing, sync, tessellation_shader,
        texture_border_clamp, texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_object_rgb32,
        texture_buffer_range, texture_compression, texture_compression_bptc,
        texture_compression_rgtc, texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array,
        texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3,
        texture_float, texture_gather, texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge,
        texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample, texture_non_power_of_two,
        texture_query_levels, texture_query_lod, texture_rectangle, texture_rg,
        texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_snorm, texture_stencil8, texture_storage,
        texture_storage_multisample, texture_swizzle, texture_view, timer_query,
        transform_feedback2, transform_feedback3, transform_feedback_instanced,
        transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object,
        vertex_attrib_64bit, vertex_attrib_binding, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program,
        vertex_shader, vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev,
        viewport_array, window_pos
^ :     ATI extensions:
        draw_buffers, envmap_bumpmap, fragment_shader, separate_stencil,
        texture_compression_3dc, texture_env_combine3, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
^ :     EXT extensions:
        abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color, blend_equation_separate,
        blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract, compiled_vertex_array,
        copy_buffer, copy_texture, depth_bounds_test, direct_state_access, draw_buffers2,
        draw_instanced, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
        framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4,
        gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4, histogram, multi_draw_arrays,
        packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels, pixel_buffer_object,
        point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal, secondary_color,
        separate_specular_color, shader_image_load_store, shader_integer_mix,
        shadow_funcs, stencil_wrap, subtexture, texgen_reflection, texture3D,
        texture_array, texture_buffer_object, texture_compression_bptc,
        texture_compression_latc, texture_compression_rgtc, texture_compression_s3tc,
        texture_cube_map, texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
        texture_env_dot3, texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod,
        texture_lod_bias, texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_rectangle,
        texture_sRGB, texture_sRGB_decode, texture_shared_exponent, texture_snorm,
        texture_storage, texture_swizzle, timer_query, transform_feedback, vertex_array,
        vertex_array_bgra, vertex_attrib_64bit
^ :     IBM extensions:
^ :     INTEL extensions:
^ :     KHR extensions:
^ :     KTX extensions:
^ :     NV extensions:
        blend_square, conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color, copy_image,
        depth_buffer_float, explicit_multisample, float_buffer, half_float,
        primitive_restart, texgen_reflection, texture_barrier
^ :     SGIS extensions:
        generate_mipmap, texture_edge_clamp, texture_lod
^ :     SUN extensions:
^ :     WGL extensions:
^ :     WIN extensions:
^ :   Extensions (WGL):
^ :     WGL extensions:
        ARB_extensions_string, ARB_pixel_format, ATI_pixel_format_float,
        ARB_pixel_format_float, ARB_multisample, EXT_swap_control, EXT_swap_control_tear,
        ARB_pbuffer, ARB_render_texture, ARB_make_current_read, EXT_extensions_string,
        ARB_buffer_region, EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, ATI_render_texture_rectangle,
        EXT_pixel_format_packed_float, I3D_genlock, NV_swap_group, ARB_create_context,
        AMD_gpu_association, AMDX_gpu_association, ARB_create_context_profile,
        NV_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop2, NV_float_buffer
FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2013
Audio configuration:
  CD:    FMOD/CD
  Music: FMOD/Ext
Initialized 16 sound effect channels
Using SteamApps path: d:\games\steam\SteamApps\common
User-supplied IWAD path: "D:/Games/Doomsday/WADs/"
Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
 - hacx.wad: "(basedir)\wads\HACX.WAD"
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
 ! chex.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
 ! tnt.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
 ! plutonia.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
 - doom2.wad or doom2f.wad: "(basedir)\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
 ! doom.wad or doomu.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "DOOM Registered"...
 - doom.wad: "(basedir)\wads\DOOM.WAD"
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
 ! doom1.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
 - heretic.wad: "(basedir)\wads\HERETIC.WAD"
 - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Heretic Registered"...
 - heretic.wad: "(basedir)\wads\HERETIC.WAD"
 - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
 ! heretic1.wad: missing 
 - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
 - hexen.wad: "(basedir)\wads\HEXEN.WAD"
 - hexdd.wad: "(basedir)\wads\HEXDD.WAD"
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Hexen"...
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 - hexen.wad: "(basedir)\wads\HEXEN.WAD"
 => Playable
Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
 ! hexen.wad: missing 
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
 ! hexen.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
 ! hexen.wad or hexenbeta.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Selecting game 'heretic-ext'...
Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jheretic\auto"
Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jheretic\auto"
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 0xf9211c
ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
    Loaded all 58 texture definitions from "(basedir)\wads\HERETIC.WAD:(basedir)\
^ : Loaded all 42 texture definitions from "(basedir)\wads\HERETIC.WAD:(basedir)\
ResourceSystem: Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIPTN2'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISOAR'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIINVU'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIPWBK'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIINVS'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISPHL'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTITRCH'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIATLP'
Parsing primary config "configs\heretic\game.cfg"...
Failed to open "configs/heretic/game.cfg" for write
Failed to open "configs/heretic/player/bindings.cfg" for write
Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
^ : Definitions:
^ :   2    animation groups
      5    composite fonts
      8    finales
      12   lights
      49   map infos
      11   materials
      1    particle generators
      3    skies
      23   songs
      143  sound effects
      128  sprite names
      1222 states
      4    surface decorations
      213  text strings
      7    texture environments
      161  things
ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
Available maps:
  E1M1-E1M9 wads\HERETIC.WAD
  E2M1-E2M9 wads\HERETIC.WAD
  E3M1-E3M9 wads\HERETIC.WAD
  E4M1-E4M9 wads\HERETIC.WAD
  E5M1-E5M9 wads\HERETIC.WAD
  E6M1-E6M3 wads\HERETIC.WAD

Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

S_StartMusic: Starting music 'titl'
[Error] (JSONParser) Error at position 533 (00"
^}): key/value pairs must be separated by comma
MasterWorker: Received 1 servers from master
Game begins...
Starting music 'e1m1'
Loading map "E1M1"...
Map > buildVertexLineOwnerRings: Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Current map elements:
  777 Lines
  154 Sectors
  828 Vertexes
Forced pause for 7 tics

Map: E1M1 - The Docks
Author: Raven Software

GameSession: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\
   " from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Crystal Vial
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Crystal Vial
Quartz Flask
Wand Crystal
Crystal Vial
Crystal Vial
Crystal Vial
Yellow Key
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
~ArchiveFeed: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\
    " from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\
Game ended
Game begins...
Starting music 'e1m1'
Loading map "E1M1"...
Current map elements:
  777 Lines
  154 Sectors
  828 Vertexes
Forced pause for 7 tics

Map: E1M1 - The Docks
Author: Raven Software

GameSession: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\
   " from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\
Crystal Vial
Crystal Vial
Yellow Key
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
You've found a secret area!
Wand Crystal
Gauntlets of the Necromancer
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Wand Crystal
Crystal Vial
Crystal Vial
Crystal Vial
Crystal Vial
Quartz Flask
Crystal Vial
Saving game to "/home/savegames/heretic-ext/"...
GameSession: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\
   " from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\
Game saved
Checking for available updates...
[Error] (JSONParser) Error at position 533 (00"
^}): key/value pairs must be separated by comma
MasterWorker: Received 1 servers from master
~ArchiveFeed: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\
    " from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\
Game ended
Selecting game 'hexen'...
Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jhexen\auto"
Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jhexen\auto"
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 0x166c805
ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
    Loaded all 359 texture definitions from "(basedir)\wads\HEXEN.WAD:(basedir)\
^ : Loaded all 1 texture definitions from "(basedir)\wads\HEXEN.WAD:(basedir)\
ResourceSystem: Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIPTN2'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISOAR'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIINVU'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIPORK'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISPHL'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTITRCH'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIATLP'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISUMN'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIPSBG'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISPED'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIBMAN'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIBRAC'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTITELO'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIBLST'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISKLL'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIBGEM'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIGEMR'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIGMG2'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIGMB2'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIBOK1'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIBOK2'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTISKL2'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIFWEP'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTICWEP'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIMWEP'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIGEAR'
^ : Ignoring invalid sprite name 'ARTIHRAD'
Parsing primary config "configs\hexen\game.cfg"...
Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
^ : Definitions:
^ :   16   animation groups
      5    composite fonts
      8    finales
      62   lights
      11   materials
      39   songs
      245  sound effects
      300  sprite names
      2848 states
      13   surface decorations
      162  text strings
      4    texture environments
      400  things
ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
Available maps:
  MAP01-MAP06 wads\HEXEN.WAD
  MAP08-MAP13 wads\HEXEN.WAD
  MAP21-MAP28 wads\HEXEN.WAD
  MAP30-MAP40 wads\HEXEN.WAD


S_StartMusic: Starting music 'hexen'
Game begins...
S_StartMusic: Starting music 'currentmap'
Loading map "MAP01"...
Current map elements:
  1770 Lines
  400  Sectors
  1971 Vertexes
  12   Polyobjs
Sector #68 is unclosed near (-2496, 1493)
Sector #69 is unclosed near (-2090, 976)
Sector #174 is unclosed near (-824, -608)
Sector #295 is unclosed near (-2182, 2035)
Forced pause for 7 tics


GameSession: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\
   " from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\
Saving game to "/home/savegames/hexen/"...
GameSession: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\
   " from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\
^ : Segmentation Violation

^ > ~ArchiveFeed: Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\
                  cache\" from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday
GameSession: Game ended
^ : Unloaded game
^ : Restoring original display mode due to shutdown


  • There are a few different errors in your log file. Does Doomsday have write access to C:\Users\piap\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\ ? Is this the first time you've played Heretic/Hexen?
  • It definitely has all wright access. Before that I had played Hexen on one of previous versions. I downloaded the newer version, deleted the old and installed the newest one. I will try to clean the files in user folder and see if it helps, since I tried to save in Heretic I think, and it worked, but I did not saved in previous versions of Doomsday any Heretic games so maybe its the user folder problem.

    Yeah. Well, I tried and it is the same. Still have an error. I just cannot save. I wish I would not installed that version.
  • Saving the game is working fine for most people. We just need to determine what is exceptional about your specific set up that is leading to a crash.

    The reason I asked about write access is because according to the log, Doomsday is failing to open your game/binding config files. If you've played Heretic previously then those configs would usually exist in your runtime directory.

    When you say you deleted an old version. Do you happen to recall which version you had previously?
  • I've personally just reproduced this issue in near the latest unstable 1.15 by repeatedly quick saving/loading while switching between Heretic and HeXen game modes, with Heretic ultimately producing the issue.

    Dday simply hang's after the y/n conformation, though it doesn't appear to crash.

    One thing I will say, that is long standing, is that Dday doesn't wipe the 'status' of the quick save between game mode changes. I.e if the user quick saves in Heretic and then switches to HeXen and quick saves, the user doesn't get asked to pick a new quicksave slot; Dday simply saves to the same quick save slot they selected in Heretic (though they still get an overwrite confirmation in the new game mode, if a save game already exists in that slot, otherwise the save is just made without any user prompt).
  • Vermil wrote:
    I've personally just reproduced this issue in near the latest unstable 1.15 by repeatedly quick saving/loading while switching between Heretic and HeXen game modes, with Heretic ultimately producing the issue.
    I'll see if I can replicate that...
    Dday doesn't wipe the 'status' of the quick save between game mode changes.
    There doesn't appear to be a report for this in the tracker.
    Edit: Submitted as issue #1889 and fixed for 1.15
  • Well, I was also deliberately activating HeXen ACS in the process, due to ACS saving bugs that existed in earlier 1.14 versions that were supposedly fixed by 1.14.5. Just in case it was one that slipped the net, so to speak.

    There is also this issue with HeXen saving, that was reported as occurring in 1.14.5:

    The creator of the report states their issue sometimes occurs while quick saving.

    While I personally produced my freeze in Heretic, HeXen seems to be a factor.
  • Issue #1846 is a load time, interpretation issue concerning the ACS game state. Saving the game should not be affected. As far as I know this is the only issue with save games still present post 1.14.5

    The OP has not specified whether this is a quick saving issue, don't know where you got that from.
  • I cannot say if it was a quick save or normal save, but I think it probably would be quick save. I cannot say more since I wanted to play Hexen so I went to using gzdoom right now... The version I used before that was probably something from 2013 but I am not sure. I have switched games, but the problems were also when I just started the game and did not switch.
    After clearing the config files and another installation I wanted to save and still had this error (or similar?). That was in Hexen.
  • DaniJ wrote:
    The OP has not specified whether this is a quick saving issue, don't know where you got that from.
    I was referring to the tracker report I linked to, rather than the OP. My apologies.
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