Loading screen off-center when starting Doomsday

This is an issue I have had since the 1.15 unstable builds. Sometimes, when starting Doomsday, I notice that the loading screen is off the center of the screen, which causes the entire game to be off-center. The only two ways I can get around this is to either press F11 twice (to turn off and then re-enable fullscreen) or to close and reopen Doomsday and hope the issue goes away.

If this is a video card/driver-related issue, I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti, with the latest driver on it.

If desktop and game resolution is a problem, I run my desktop at 1920x1080 and Doomsday at 1280x1024.



  • I don't believe this is video card/driver specific as I've seen it happen myself and heard reports from users with a few different systems. My guess is that this occurs when running at a different resolution to the desktop due to a display mode change that isn't completing quick enough before the UI begins laying out widgets.

    Does the same occur if you start up Doomsday at your desktop resolution?
  • Changed my Doomsday resolution to my desktop resolution (1920x1080), tried several times, and didn't get the problem.

    Switched Doomsday back to 1280x1024 and got the problem on the first attempt.
  • Please submit a bug report so the next time I'm doing stuff on Windows I'll remember to check it out.
  • I submitted this as issue #1892 to our tracker.
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