Qeffects and Doomsday

edited 2014 Oct 17 in Technical Support
While doing some post processing enhancement research online I noticed that qeffects was able to be used at one time with doomsday.exe. I tried using it with the latest build 1.14.5 and well the opengl32.dll crashes the doomsday exe. Works fine without it but i was hoping to try and get some bump mapping or embossing working because this effect has looked awesome using gzdoom but i like doomsday sometimes for a better looking vanilla gameplay with 3d models. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated. I hope I am posting this in the right place. If not let me know and thanks for a great engine port.


  • The lastest version of Doomsday already implements its own post processing enhancements for things like Bloom and Stereoscopic 3D. Also the 2.0 model renderer which is currently in progress implements effects like normal mapping.

    You won't be able to use these "OpenGL shims" with modern Doomsday. This shouldn't be much of an issue because we're now implementing those kind of effects natively.
  • Thank your for your response. Yes I already know and use doomsday's current enhancements and have pushed them as far as it can go. Always trying to see if I can add a bit more though. Maybe Bump mapping will be in the near future? If only doomsday could use some of the more advanced scripting as zdoom and gzdoom Ie Brutal doom, the Island, ect. Would take a huge animation project to get the md2 models to act like the sprites in brutal doom but that would be Ohh so cool. anyways Enough fantasizing. Again thank you for your response.
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