Plutonia/TNT Secret Exits broken? (returns to Map16)

Downloaded the newest Doomsday build to test out all of the latest bug fixes (which those look great, btw). I tested the monster teleport issues that were fixed (using both Map31 of TNT and Plutonia). I decided to take the secret exit in both maps (well, the secret exit is the only exit in Plutonia Map31, so it's not like I had a choice), and in both cases, I was brought to Map16 instead of Map32.

Also tried this out on a Map15, and the secret exit took me to Map16 instead of 31.

Also, at first glance, this looks ok in Ultimate Doom (tried out E1M3 and E2M5, which both went to the secret exits).



  • Indeed the secret exits in both Plutonia and TNT are misconfigured and have been for a very long time. I have however since fixed these in my common-episode-definition work branch, although it hasn't yet been merged to the master (I'm waiting on some feedback from skyjake).
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