I downloaded the package tried to put it in the right directory tried to do what the self-explanatory package told me to do... doesn't work. Please help!
Which model package are you using? If its the jDRP, available from the Add-ons page, then you need to extract the contents of the ZIP file into your add-ons folder (rather than simply dropping the ZIP in there).
The default add-ons folder, on Windows, is at c:/users/MyNameHere/Documents/Doomsday Frontend/addons. Although you can use any folder for your add-ons so long as you point the frontend to that location.
Without your doomsday.out log file it will be difficult to help you resolve the problem. Usually its simply a matter of downloading the Doomsday installer, running it, then extracting the content of the model resource pack to your add-ons folder and enabling it in the frontend.
Let us know how you get on with a fresh install. If it still doesn't work then try a system wide search for doomsday.out - it should be there somewhere.
If you haven't yet reinstalled the 3D models as directed above - do so. Then start up the frontend, enable the models and then launch Doomsday to check if they are working or not. When done, quit Doomsday.
If they still aren't working, locate your doomsday.out and then post its contents here (its a plain text file, so you can open it in say, Notepad).
Yes, it's the jdrp
I uninstalled Doomsday entirely.
I'll start all over again based on any friendly advice.
Let us know how you get on with a fresh install. If it still doesn't work then try a system wide search for doomsday.out - it should be there somewhere.
If they still aren't working, locate your doomsday.out and then post its contents here (its a plain text file, so you can open it in say, Notepad).