Eternal Doom map27 doesn't work

edited 2015 Jan 27 in Technical Support

Just finished the map26 on Eternal Doom, but when it tries to load the map27, it just crashes back to desktop.

Do you know what would cause it?

I have AMD 7950 with latest stable drivers and windows 8.1 and I use latest unstable doomsday because it uses bloom which I don't want to lose when moving on to stable branch.


  • Eternal Doom III MAP27 is loading just fine for me with the current stable version 1.14.5 Please post your doomsday.out
  • Application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
    Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
    Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1318 ]
    Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.15.0 [#1318] (Unstable 32-bit) Aug 11 2014 03:38:48
    Command line options:
      0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
      1: -basedir
      2: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday/
      3: -file
      4: C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD
      5: -sfxchan
      6: 16
      7: -notexcomp
      8: -game
      9: doom2
      10: -maxtex
      11: 4096
      12: -iwad
      13: C:\250gig WD\wads\DOOM2.WAD
      14: -userdir
      15: C:\Users\eyelid\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
    RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "renderer.pack/
                  shaders.dei" [path "/data/net.dengine.client.pack/renderer.pack/
                  shaders.dei"] from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\
    ^ : Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "renderer.pack/
        lensflares.pack/shaders.dei" [path "/data/net.dengine.client.pack/renderer.pack/
        lensflares.pack/shaders.dei"] from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\
    Library_New: Error opening "/bin/wadmapconverter.dll": [LoadError] (Library::Library)
                                                           Cannot load library C:\Program
                                                           Files (x86)\Doomsday\Bin\plugins\
                                                           wadmapconverter.dll: Määritettyä
                                                           osaa ei löydy.
    Failed to load "/bin/wadmapconverter.dll": [LoadError] (Library::Library) Cannot load
                                               library C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday\Bin\
                                               plugins\wadmapconverter.dll: M��ritetty� osaa
                                               ei l�ydy.
    Canvas: Using requested maximum texture size of 4096 x 4096
    OpenGL 3.3 supported
    Sys_GLInitialize: OpenGL information:
      Version:  4.4.12874 Compatibility Profile Context
      Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
      Vendor:   ATI Technologies Inc.
      Compressed texture formats: 18
      Available texture units:    8
      Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
      Maximum texture size:       16384
      Line width granularity:     0.125
      Line width range:           1...63
    ^ : OpenGL Extensions:
    ^ :     AMD extensions:
            blend_minmax_factor, conservative_depth, debug_output, depth_clamp_separate,
            draw_buffers_blend, framebuffer_sample_positions, gcn_shader, gpu_shader_int64,
            interleaved_elements, multi_draw_indirect, name_gen_delete, performance_monitor,
            pinned_memory, query_buffer_object, sample_positions,
            seamless_cubemap_per_texture, shader_atomic_counter_ops, shader_stencil_export,
            shader_stencil_value_export, shader_trace, shader_trinary_minmax, sparse_texture,
            stencil_operation_extended, texture_cube_map_array, texture_texture4,
            transform_feedback3_lines_triangles, transform_feedback4, vertex_shader_layer,
    ^ :     AMDX extensions:
    ^ :     ARB extensions:
            ES2_compatibility, ES3_compatibility, arrays_of_arrays, base_instance,
            bindless_texture, blend_func_extended, buffer_storage, clear_buffer_object,
            clear_texture, color_buffer_float, compatibility,
            compressed_texture_pixel_storage, compute_shader, conservative_depth,
            copy_buffer, copy_image, debug_output, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp,
            depth_texture, draw_buffers, draw_buffers_blend, draw_elements_base_vertex,
            draw_indirect, draw_instanced, enhanced_layouts, explicit_attrib_location,
            explicit_uniform_location, fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_layer_viewport,
            fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader,
            framebuffer_no_attachments, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
            geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, gpu_shader5, gpu_shader_fp64,
            half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, imaging, instanced_arrays,
            internalformat_query, internalformat_query2, invalidate_subdata,
            map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range, multi_bind, multi_draw_indirect,
            multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query, occlusion_query2,
            pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite, program_interface_query,
            provoking_vertex, query_buffer_object, sample_shading, sampler_objects,
            seamless_cube_map, seamless_cubemap_per_texture, separate_shader_objects,
            shader_atomic_counters, shader_bit_encoding, shader_draw_parameters,
            shader_group_vote, shader_image_load_store, shader_image_size, shader_objects,
            shader_precision, shader_stencil_export, shader_storage_buffer_object,
            shader_subroutine, shader_texture_lod, shading_language_100,
            shading_language_420pack, shading_language_packing, shadow, shadow_ambient,
            sparse_texture, stencil_texturing, sync, tessellation_shader,
            texture_border_clamp, texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_object_rgb32,
            texture_buffer_range, texture_compression, texture_compression_bptc,
            texture_compression_rgtc, texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array,
            texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3,
            texture_float, texture_gather, texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge,
            texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample, texture_non_power_of_two,
            texture_query_levels, texture_query_lod, texture_rectangle, texture_rg,
            texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_snorm, texture_stencil8, texture_storage,
            texture_storage_multisample, texture_swizzle, texture_view, timer_query,
            transform_feedback2, transform_feedback3, transform_feedback_instanced,
            transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object,
            vertex_attrib_64bit, vertex_attrib_binding, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program,
            vertex_shader, vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev,
            viewport_array, window_pos
    ^ :     ATI extensions:
            draw_buffers, envmap_bumpmap, fragment_shader, separate_stencil,
            texture_compression_3dc, texture_env_combine3, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
    ^ :     EXT extensions:
            abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color, blend_equation_separate,
            blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract, compiled_vertex_array,
            copy_buffer, copy_texture, depth_bounds_test, direct_state_access, draw_buffers2,
            draw_instanced, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
            framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4,
            gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4, histogram, multi_draw_arrays,
            packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels, pixel_buffer_object,
            point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal, secondary_color,
            separate_specular_color, shader_image_load_store, shader_integer_mix,
            shadow_funcs, stencil_wrap, subtexture, texgen_reflection, texture3D,
            texture_array, texture_buffer_object, texture_compression_bptc,
            texture_compression_latc, texture_compression_rgtc, texture_compression_s3tc,
            texture_cube_map, texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
            texture_env_dot3, texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod,
            texture_lod_bias, texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_rectangle,
            texture_sRGB, texture_sRGB_decode, texture_shared_exponent, texture_snorm,
            texture_storage, texture_swizzle, timer_query, transform_feedback, vertex_array,
            vertex_array_bgra, vertex_attrib_64bit
    ^ :     IBM extensions:
    ^ :     INTEL extensions:
    ^ :     KHR extensions:
    ^ :     KTX extensions:
    ^ :     NV extensions:
            blend_square, conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color, copy_image,
            depth_buffer_float, explicit_multisample, float_buffer, half_float,
            primitive_restart, texgen_reflection, texture_barrier
    ^ :     SGIS extensions:
            generate_mipmap, texture_edge_clamp, texture_lod
    ^ :     SUN extensions:
    ^ :     WGL extensions:
    ^ :     WIN extensions:
    ^ :   Extensions (WGL):
    ^ :     WGL extensions:
            AMDX_gpu_association, AMD_gpu_association, ARB_buffer_region, ARB_create_context,
            ARB_create_context_profile, ARB_extensions_string, ARB_make_current_read,
            ARB_multisample, ARB_pbuffer, ARB_pixel_format, ARB_pixel_format_float,
            ARB_render_texture, ATI_pixel_format_float, ATI_render_texture_rectangle,
            EXT_extensions_string, EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, EXT_pixel_format_packed_float,
            EXT_swap_control, EXT_swap_control_tear, I3D_genlock, NV_DX_interop,
            NV_DX_interop2, NV_float_buffer, NV_swap_group
    FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2013
    Audio configuration:
      CD:    FMOD/CD
      Music: FMOD/Ext
      SFX:   FMOD
    Initialized 16 sound effect channels
    Using SteamApps path: c:\program files (x86)\steam\SteamApps\common
    User-supplied IWAD path: "C:/250gig WD/wads/"
    Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
     ! hacx.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
     ! chex.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
     - tnt.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\TNT.WAD"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
     - plutonia.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\PLUTONIA.WAD"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
     - doom2.wad or doom2f.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\DOOM2.WAD"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
     - doom.wad or doomu.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\DOOM.WAD"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "DOOM Registered"...
     - doom.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\DOOM.WAD"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
     ! doom1.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
     ! heretic.wad: missing 
     - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Heretic Registered"...
     ! heretic.wad: missing 
     - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
     ! heretic1.wad: missing 
     - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
     - hexen.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\HEXEN.WAD"
     - hexdd.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\HEXDD.WAD"
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "Hexen"...
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     - hexen.wad: "c:\250gig WD\wads\HEXEN.WAD"
     => Playable
    Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
     ! hexen.wad: missing 
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
     ! hexen.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
     ! hexen.wad or hexenbeta.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Selecting game 'doom2'...
    Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jdoom\auto"
    Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jdoom\auto"
    Loading game resources...
    IWAD identification: 0x10424c4
    ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
        Loaded all 428 texture definitions from "c:\250gig WD\wads\DOOM2.WAD:(basedir)\
    ^ : Loaded all 965 texture definitions from "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD:(basedir)\TEXTURE1.lmp"
    Parsing primary config "configs\doom\game.cfg"...
    Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
    ^ : Definitions:
    ^ :   30  animation groups
          6   composite fonts
          10  finales
          9   lights
          33  map infos
          7   materials
          27  particle generators
          3   skies
          36  songs
          110 sound effects
          138 sprite names
          974 states
          51  surface decorations
          368 text strings
          11  texture environments
          140 things
    ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
    Known maps:
        0: MAP01          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        1: MAP02          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        2: MAP03          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        3: MAP04          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        4: MAP05          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        5: MAP06          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        6: MAP07          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        7: MAP08          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        8: MAP09          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
        9: MAP10          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       10: MAP11          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       11: MAP12          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       12: MAP13          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       13: MAP14          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       14: MAP15          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       15: MAP16          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       16: MAP17          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       17: MAP18          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       18: MAP19          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       19: MAP20          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       20: MAP21          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       21: MAP22          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       22: MAP23          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       23: MAP24          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       24: MAP25          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       25: MAP26          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       26: MAP27          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       27: MAP28          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       28: MAP29          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       29: MAP30          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       30: MAP31          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
       31: MAP32          "C:\wads\ETERNALL.WAD"
    Found 32 maps in total.
    DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
    OpenGL 3.3 supported
    S_StartMusic: Starting music 'dm2ttl'
    MasterWorker: Received 1 servers from master
    Loading game from "/home/savegames/doom2/"...
    Starting music 'messg2'
    Loading map "MAP26"...
    WorldSystem::loadMap > Wad::cacheLump:
        Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
    Current map elements:
      3595 Lines
      752  Sectors
      4389 Vertexes
    Forced pause for 28 tics
    Map: map26 - The Abandoned Mines
    Author: Unknown
    Game loaded
    No clipping mode ON
    No clipping mode OFF
    No clipping mode ON
    No clipping mode OFF
    S_StartMusic: Starting music 'dm2int'
    Updating archive in "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache\"
    from directory "%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime\cache"
    Starting music 'romer2'
  • Question how many Eternal dooms are there and is the OP talking about the first one?
  • Eternal Doom Map27 appears to work fine for me on build 1318.

    There were three releases of 'Eternal Doom', all for Vanilla Doom and each adding more maps on top of the last, with the third reaching 32 maps. The third releases pwad is called 'Eternall.wad' and is what the OP is using, looking at their out file.

    There was also a much newer aborted ZDoom Eternal Doom four (well, the exact name for it eludes my memory at the moment), that contained only a few maps, but one of them has gone down as something of a classic.
  • Thanks for the input. Hmmmm. In the eternall playthrough I have fixed my corrupted profile 2 times by deleting the config files from frontend file also. Was thinking if something else is also broken and corrupted and prevents it to load. Sometimes eternall doom just crashes when you normally quits it just like trying to move from map 26 to map 27. This has been terribly buggy playthrough.
  • Okay Okay.

    I think you just tried to load the map with IDCLEV code, which of course works, but somehow it doesn't work when you load up the map26 save and enter the exit to get on with map 27.

  • I tied making and loading a savegame on Map26 and then progressing to Map27, to attempt to mimic your out file. I got no crash in the 1.15 unstable.

    Can you upload your save game somewhere, so we can try using it? It may be that you have a corrupted save gamme of some sort that is in turn corrupting the game state when moving to the next map?

    Yeah here we go. It would be corrupted game.
  • Just a quick note to say that I can replicate the problem and am looking into a fix. The crash has nothing at all to do with savegames (yours is not corrupted) and is in fact an issue with interpreting a seemingly malformed map hack on MAP26, which is leading to a memory release error when switching to another map. Interestingly, it doesn't occur if one loads MAP26 and then warp to another map immediately.
  • Is this still under development? I upgraded like half year newer version and sadly it's still not working. :(
  • Just a quick reminder that it still doesn't work. I have latest version.
  • I gather no bug report was created for this, so I made one:

    Maybe this will get the issue sorted out eventually. :)
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