Original doom patch texture mode?
This is going to seem like a vary odd question but with all the hi-res textures that are being made would it be possible to make it so that you could use doom's patch process with Hi-res Textures so that yes we get the hi-res but using it how doom would put it together. Maybe have both options? i do not know how it would work and the hi-res textures are awesome. in some ways it would cut down on file size i think.
Allowing hi-res patches would allow Dday to theoretically apply hi-res textures in mods that make new textures out of the vanilla Doom patches (i.e mods that take one of the vanilla Doom switch patches and stick it on a new background graphic, to make a new switch texture).
But certainly, texture patches are largely Doom engine specific. Wolf3D engine games, for instance, don't have texture patches, though some Wolf3D mods do add a similar feature to get around limits on the number of textures Wolf3D can handle, by placing sprites over the top of textures in the same way as a two patch Doom texture. I admit that I don't know if Build has texture patches.
Deng Team are more likely to make such drastic alterations if other game engines also benefitted; remember the ultimate aim of Dday2.
That said, the material system will be dramatically enhanced in future with things like support for multiple layers; maybe external graphic features will be looked at then as well (I only say maybe, because obviously the material system is not the same system as the external graphic system).
That said, thinking about it, given that the material system will, ultimately, allow things like individual layer scrolling, how will we be able to make external replacements for such materials (i.e ones with scrolling layers, I'm aware that multilayer materials without scrolling layers would just be a standard texture) without external graphic support for texture patches (or layers)? You'd have to make a separate external graphic replacement for each scrolling layer surely?
Apologies if any of the above is difficult to read, particularly the last half; I had some difficulty writing it.
in the off chance i am talking out my ass sorry but this is how i look at it.