Not all hi res textures appearing
I'm playing the wad Interception ... 05918ae1e2 with the latest hi res pack from august 2013 with the unstable #1252 build and I notice some textures are not appearing despite it being selected. For example, the off 'sw1loin' switch texture appears low res, but when I flick it on, the hi res version activates. This can't be right. I notice the same thing with some of the lever and button switched. Also I see it present in the pack like it should be, yet it isn't showing up in game. Here is an example of sw2satyr:

FYI: In cases like this the console commands listmaterials, listtextures, inspectmaterial and inspecttexture are very useful for determining whether the correct resource is being loaded. If a resource is classified as belonging to the "game" then it means Doomsday has determined its from the IWAD (thus the relevant selection behavior applies). If classified as "addon" then it means its determined to originate from some other source. If you find an IWAD resource classified as "game" that is not being replaced by a hires texture then your first action should be to double check you actually have one loaded.
This is without external with pwads:
This is with external with pwads:
Also, I did a complete install and even downloaded the new pack and this is how it happens.
Here is a picture of some commands I entered showing that the texture exists in an addon being used though clearly it isn't drawn in game:
I ran the inception pwad and dhtp with no other add-on's loaded and inspect texture says sw2satyr comes from the Doom2 Iwad, not an add-on.
Perhaps you are running an additional add-on that includes a duplicate of the iwad texture or remaps it's individual patches (it doesn't matter if the duplicate(s) are identical to the iwad ones, dday still considers it a custom texture)?
This is the Doomsday folder:
My doomsday.out is very large, especially after using the inspect materials. The forum won't let me post it in code because it exceeds 60,000 characters. If I must, I can post it via PM instead of multiple posts...
Well, it doesn't seem I can upload doomsday.out here on the forum or PMs. Maybe you can point me to a good file hosting site for sharing non picture items. I'm looking but don't know which is best to use.
Edit: It still does this even when I'm only using the texture pack as an addon along with the interception wad. So it isn't the fault of other addons. Of course allowing external with iwads makes them all appear. I guess moving them over manually texture by texture in a folder along with allowing externals is the only way for me. Also, I use windows 7 64. I don't think you use the same OS.
This is my doomsday.out with only the hi res pack and interception wad and the 'allow external with pwads' turned off:
@gary It is looking like this is a configuration issue on your end (or perhaps a misunderstanding regarding the expected behavior).
One thing that has caught my eye from Gary's latest out file.
All three versions on the website Gary linked to, have the map in question in the Map06 slot: the Inception pwad from all three download links on that website are identical. One of the three downloads also comes with a readme and an external duplicate of the wads dehacked file (the dehacked file is also inside the inception pwad).
Given that the wad went through revisions (as shown by the readme on the mentioned website), maybe Gary is using a different version of it (i.e to the one on the website). Or Gary has altered it.
I just did a test on normal Doom 2 and that texture appears fine when I went on map 7. So it must be the custom wad. Are you guys saying that when you load up interception and see that same texture, that it appears in hi res and not low res for you? Did you try Interception? With my settings, it appears fine in the normal Doom 2 wad, just not Interception. But most textures appear fine in Interception. Also I don't think it would be any suppression in Interception because the satyr on state or lion switch off state isn't a custom texture and the hi res version will appear even in Interception if I toggle to allow external with pwads. But it appears fine in Doom 2 on its own.
With the different version of the wad you linked to in your original post, the issue doesn't occur.
Indeed with this version of Interception I can replicate the issue you originally reported. I'll see whats going on...
I tried the one above that I linked in the original post and it is working now. Texture appears like it should. Thanks for your time.
At least until someone makes hi-res textures for the Plutonia rock animation; once made, those could go into the Plutonia sub folder, where they would overrule the root folder.
TNT and Plutonia don't add any all new texture animations and each simply repurpose some of the Doom1/2 ones.
Dday includes a material definition that makes FIREBLU1-2 full bright (for reference Vanilla Doom didn't support full bright textures/flats), for the Doom1-2 and TNT animation. However, Plutonia also uses this material definition, when it actually needs it's own due to the Plutonia animation having a different number of frames to the Doom1-2 and TNT animation.
This mistakenly causes the Plutonia animation to flicker when it calls the frames named FIREBLU1-2.