Win8.1 and Doomsday v1.14.4 Multiplayer

edited 2014 Jul 31 in Technical Support

I'm having trouble connecting to any multiplayer server through DE on Windows 8.1.
The game runs fine, no problems at all but when I try to connect to any multiplayer game hosted on the net, DE tends to always throw me back to the desktop with a segmentation violation error dialog.

I'm not running any addons or anything, everything is stock, all IWADS are patched to the latest of course and all drivers are completely up to date, Windows is also completely up to date.
This however is the 64bit version of Windows 8.1.

Here's the error message, with ip address X'd out:
Application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1239 ]
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.14.4 (Stable 32-bit #1239) May 24 2014 15:10:35
Command line options:
  0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
  1: -basedir
  2: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday/
  3: -sfxchan
  4: 24
  5: -notexcomp
  6: -game
  7: doom1
  8: -iwad
  9: C:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
  10: -wnd
  11: -userdir
  12: C:\Users\Mr.Rocket_2\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/renderer.pack/
              shaders.dei" [path "/data/doomsday.pk3/data/renderer.pack/shaders.dei"]
              from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\doomsday.pk3"
OpenGL 3.3 supported
Sys_GLInitialize: OpenGL information:
  Version:  4.4.0
  Renderer: GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
  Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
  Compressed texture formats: 23
  Available texture units:    4
  Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
  Maximum texture size:       16384
  Line width granularity:     0.125
  Line width range:           0.5...10
^ : OpenGL Extensions:
^ :     AMD extensions:
        multi_draw_indirect, seamless_cubemap_per_texture
^ :     ARB extensions:
        arrays_of_arrays, base_instance, bindless_texture, blend_func_extended,
        buffer_storage, clear_buffer_object, clear_texture, color_buffer_float,
        compatibility, compressed_texture_pixel_storage, conservative_depth,
        compute_shader, compute_variable_group_size, copy_buffer, copy_image,
        debug_output, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, depth_texture, draw_buffers,
        draw_buffers_blend, draw_indirect, draw_elements_base_vertex, draw_instanced,
        enhanced_layouts, ES2_compatibility, ES3_compatibility, explicit_attrib_location,
        explicit_uniform_location, fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_layer_viewport,
        fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader,
        framebuffer_no_attachments, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
        geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, gpu_shader5, gpu_shader_fp64,
        half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, imaging, indirect_parameters,
        instanced_arrays, internalformat_query, internalformat_query2,
        invalidate_subdata, map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range, multi_bind,
        multi_draw_indirect, multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query,
        occlusion_query2, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite,
        program_interface_query, provoking_vertex, robust_buffer_access_behavior,
        robustness, sample_shading, sampler_objects, seamless_cube_map,
        seamless_cubemap_per_texture, separate_shader_objects, shader_atomic_counters,
        shader_bit_encoding, shader_draw_parameters, shader_group_vote,
        shader_image_load_store, shader_image_size, shader_objects, shader_precision,
        query_buffer_object, shader_storage_buffer_object, shader_subroutine,
        shader_texture_lod, shading_language_100, shading_language_420pack,
        shading_language_include, shading_language_packing, shadow, sparse_texture,
        stencil_texturing, sync, tessellation_shader, texture_border_clamp,
        texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_object_rgb32, texture_buffer_range,
        texture_compression, texture_compression_bptc, texture_compression_rgtc,
        texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
        texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_gather,
        texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge, texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample,
        texture_non_power_of_two, texture_query_levels, texture_query_lod,
        texture_rectangle, texture_rg, texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_stencil8,
        texture_storage, texture_storage_multisample, texture_swizzle, texture_view,
        timer_query, transform_feedback2, transform_feedback3,
        transform_feedback_instanced, transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object,
        vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object, vertex_attrib_64bit,
        vertex_attrib_binding, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader,
        vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, viewport_array,
^ :     ATI extensions:
        draw_buffers, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
^ :     EXT extensions:
        texture_env_add, abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color,
        blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract,
        compiled_vertex_array, Cg_shader, depth_bounds_test, direct_state_access,
        draw_buffers2, draw_instanced, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
        framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, framebuffer_object,
        framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4,
        multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels,
        pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal,
        secondary_color, separate_shader_objects, separate_specular_color,
        shader_image_load_formatted, shader_image_load_store, shader_integer_mix,
        shadow_funcs, stencil_two_side, stencil_wrap, texture3D, texture_array,
        texture_buffer_object, texture_compression_dxt1, texture_compression_latc,
        texture_compression_rgtc, texture_compression_s3tc, texture_cube_map,
        texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_combine, texture_env_dot3,
        texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod, texture_lod_bias,
        texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_shared_exponent, texture_sRGB,
        texture_sRGB_decode, texture_storage, texture_swizzle, timer_query,
        transform_feedback2, vertex_array, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_attrib_64bit,
^ :     EXTX extensions:
^ :     IBM extensions:
        rasterpos_clip, texture_mirrored_repeat
^ :     KHR extensions:
        debug, blend_equation_advanced, blend_equation_advanced_coherent
^ :     KTX extensions:
^ :     NV extensions:
        bindless_multi_draw_indirect, bindless_texture, blend_equation_advanced,
        blend_equation_advanced_coherent, blend_square, compute_program5,
        conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color, copy_image, depth_buffer_float,
        depth_clamp, draw_texture, ES1_1_compatibility, ES3_1_compatibility,
        explicit_multisample, fence, float_buffer, fog_distance, fragment_program,
        fragment_program_option, fragment_program2, framebuffer_multisample_coverage,
        geometry_shader4, gpu_program4, gpu_program4_1, gpu_program5,
        gpu_program5_mem_extended, gpu_program_fp64, gpu_shader5, half_float,
        light_max_exponent, multisample_coverage, multisample_filter_hint,
        occlusion_query, packed_depth_stencil, parameter_buffer_object,
        parameter_buffer_object2, path_rendering, pixel_data_range, point_sprite,
        primitive_restart, register_combiners, register_combiners2,
        shader_atomic_counters, shader_atomic_float, shader_buffer_load,
        shader_storage_buffer_object, texgen_reflection, texture_barrier,
        texture_compression_vtc, texture_env_combine4, texture_expand_normal,
        texture_multisample, texture_rectangle, texture_shader, texture_shader2,
        texture_shader3, transform_feedback, transform_feedback2, vertex_array_range,
        vertex_array_range2, vertex_attrib_integer_64bit, vertex_buffer_unified_memory,
        vertex_program, vertex_program1_1, vertex_program2, vertex_program2_option,
        vertex_program3, shader_thread_group, shader_thread_shuffle
^ :     NVX extensions:
        conditional_render, gpu_memory_info, nvenc_interop
^ :     S3 extensions:
^ :     SGIS extensions:
        generate_mipmap, texture_lod
^ :     SGIX extensions:
        depth_texture, shadow
^ :     SUN extensions:
^ :     WGL extensions:
^ :     WIN extensions:
^ :   Extensions (WGL):
^ :     WGL extensions:
        ARB_buffer_region, ARB_create_context, ARB_create_context_profile,
        ARB_create_context_robustness, ARB_extensions_string, ARB_make_current_read,
        ARB_multisample, ARB_pbuffer, ARB_pixel_format, ARB_pixel_format_float,
        ARB_render_texture, ATI_pixel_format_float, EXT_create_context_es_profile,
        EXT_create_context_es2_profile, EXT_extensions_string, EXT_framebuffer_sRGB,
        EXT_pixel_format_packed_float, EXT_swap_control, EXT_swap_control_tear,
        NVX_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop2, NV_delay_before_swap,
        NV_float_buffer, NV_multisample_coverage, NV_render_depth_texture,
FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2013
Audio configuration:
  CD:    FMOD/CD
  Music: FMOD/Ext
Initialized 24 sound effect channels
Using SteamApps path: c:\program files (x86)\steam\SteamApps\common
User-supplied IWAD path: "C:/Doomports/IWADS/"
Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
 ! hacx.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
 ! chex.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
 ! tnt.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
 ! plutonia.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
 - doom2.wad or doom2f.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM2.WAD"
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
 - doom.wad or doomu.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad"
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "DOOM Registered"...
 - doom.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad"
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
 ! doom1.wad: missing 
 - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
 - heretic.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HERETIC.WAD"
 - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Heretic Registered"...
 - heretic.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HERETIC.WAD"
 - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
 ! heretic1.wad: missing 
 - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
 - hexen.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HEXEN.WAD"
 - hexdd.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HEXDD.WAD"
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Playable
Locating "Hexen"...
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 - hexen.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HEXEN.WAD"
 => Playable
Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
 ! hexen.wad: missing 
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
 ! hexen.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
 ! hexen.wad or hexenbeta.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
 - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
 => Not playable (incomplete resources)
Selecting game 'doom1'...
Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jdoom\auto"
Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jdoom\auto"
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 0xdb003a
ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
    Loaded all 125 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
^ : Loaded all 162 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
Parsing primary config "configs\doom\game.cfg"...
Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
^ : Definitions:
^ :   28  animation groups
      6   composite fonts
      8   finales
      9   lights
      29  map infos
      11  materials
      19  particle generators
      4   skies
      33  songs
      110 sound effects
      138 sprite names
      974 states
      49  surface decorations
      368 text strings
      8   texture environments
      140 things
ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
Available maps:
  E1M1-E1M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
  E2M1-E2M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
  E3M1-E3M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
  E4M1-E4M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad

DOOM Registered

S_StartMusic: Starting music 'intro'
MasterWorker: Received 3 servers from master
^ : Received 3 servers from master
FIC_SetPatch > ResourceSystem::declarePatch:
    Failed to locate lump for "Patches:HELP2"
FIC_SetPatch: Missing Patch 'HELP2'
Selecting game 'doom1-ultimate'...
Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jdoom\auto"
Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jdoom\auto"
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 0xdb003a
ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
    Loaded all 125 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
^ : Loaded all 162 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
Parsing primary config "configs\doom\game.cfg"...
Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
^ : Definitions:
^ :   28  animation groups
      6   composite fonts
      9   finales
      9   lights
      38  map infos
      11  materials
      19  particle generators
      4   skies
      33  songs
      110 sound effects
      138 sprite names
      974 states
      49  surface decorations
      368 text strings
      8   texture environments
      140 things
ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
Available maps:
  E1M1-E1M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
  E2M1-E2M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
  E3M1-E3M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
  E4M1-E4M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad

Ultimate DOOM

Net_StartConnection: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (port 13209)...
Segmentation Violation

Unloaded game
Restoring original display mode due to shutdown



  • Hi,

    Still trying to connect, but without luck. :|
    Curious as to why and if anyone else is having this problem?
  • An seg fault causing oversight where Dday was looking for a Dday background graphic that no longer exists, when a client tried to join an MP game, was fixed in 1.15 unstable build 1241.

    1.14.4, being build 1239, probably still exhibits this seg fault.
  • Vermil wrote:
    An seg fault causing oversight where Dday was looking for a Dday background graphic that no longer exists, when a client tried to join an MP game, was fixed in 1.15 unstable build 1241.

    1.14.4, being build 1239, probably still exhibits this seg fault.
    The background image in question was never removed in the 1.14 branch, so this must be caused by some other problem.

    I tried 1.14.4 myself in Windows 8 and connecting to an MP game worked normally.
  • My apologies.

    It was just that I was getting the error about a missing graphic in one unstable. Then in the next build, it changed to a seg fault. I thought they were one and the same. Both of these builds were before the mentioned fix was committed.
  • edited 2014 Jun 4

    Okay this is strange, now all of the sudden I can connect and spawn in game!
    Nothing changed on this end. Has the server admin changed something? the dup or rate for example? ~ I'm able to connect to the DooM2 games hosted, although the timing (actually firing rate) is off. ~ strangely enough the movement seemed almost unchanged though.

    The Ult-Doom server still does the same thing however, segmentation violation.
    ~ Although I noticed that the Ult-Doom server is running version 1.15.x though, so that maybe the reason here?

    Could all this be due to a latency issue?, perhaps if the ping is over 100 or 200 or more, the client gets an segmentation violation? ~ I could see that happening!

    If this is the case? Is there, or could there be a way that the client/connecting user might have an idea of the latency? ~ maybe as a feature request, said server with a high ping could show up in red or maybe a connection issue icon of sorts?
    Or perhaps a round abouts latency # could be displayed somewhere between "Joinable" and "Players"?

    This way the client would have a better idea as to why he/she gets a segmentation violation if trying to connect to a server on the other side of the world. Also maybe instead of a segmentation violation to the desktop, the client gets a soft error in-game? ~ Saying something to the nature of:?

    "Error ~ Unreachable Server"
    "Connect Anyway? - Yes | No"

    If yes, try to connect, if it doesn't then loop the above question. ~ maybe after 3 times perhaps a segmentation violation?
    If no, stay in game and try a different server.

  • There was a 'ping' field in each MP game's information box. However, it was discovered not to be working (i.e it always showed 0) and so was disabled until it could be fixed.

    This new segfault might be related to differing builds between client and server; the MP information box only mentions the engine version of the server, not the build number. I get a segfault when trying to join Kuri Kai's 1.14.4 MP games with my 1.15 unstable build for instance.
  • Ah I see, and it makes sense that it would do that.
    A segmentation violation is a pretty rough exiting of the game though it seems.

    Perhaps it should be an in-game error also like mentioned above?
    ~ where "Error Unreachable Server" could mean one of two things, client/server version mismatch or really poor latency?
  • The old MP GUI used to warn clients when their Iwad wasn't the same as the servers (i.e different Iwad versions); it displayed a message in the bottom left corner of the GUI when you highlighted a server using a different Iwad version to yours.

    Though I don't know if the new GUI has that feature yet.

    The point being, that Dday may already have a bunch of the code there to read the servers build number.
  • Hey,

    Ah yeah I remember that, was a nice feature!
    And true, the new UI is under development so I should consider that.
    But at the same time It's probably good to talk about these things.
    I'm sure they have a lot on their plate and this is no doubt one of the many they are aware of.

  • Yesterday I turned of the unstable NZ/AU servers and fired up the stable servers as
    I noticed the unstable servers wasn't working.
  • well i see a problem the AU/NZ dm server says it's a DWANGO5 dm server but dose not have DWANGO5 in the Pwads section so it's just regular doom2.
  • Gordon wrote:
    well i see a problem the AU/NZ dm server says it's a DWANGO5 dm server but dose not have DWANGO5 in the Pwads section so it's just regular doom2.
    I am able to join it from another computer,
    Dwango 5 is loaded using the -file option, not the -pwad option.

    Try join it
  • i am able to join it but if i have Dwango5 loaded the weapons/items are in the wrong spot if you have it loaded correctly then the doomsday shell should see the dwango5 maps and show it in the status area. technically your loading a pwad using the -file option thats how i got it to work on my server witch i named Dwango5.

    Edit: the pwad thing when viewing the server shows you what wads the server has loaded so you can load the same.
  • Mr.Rocket wrote:

    I'm having trouble connecting to any multiplayer server through DE on Windows 8.1.
    The game runs fine, no problems at all but when I try to connect to any multiplayer game hosted on the net, DE tends to always throw me back to the desktop with a segmentation violation error dialog.

    I'm not running any addons or anything, everything is stock, all IWADS are patched to the latest of course and all drivers are completely up to date, Windows is also completely up to date.
    This however is the 64bit version of Windows 8.1.

    Here's the error message, with ip address X'd out:
    Application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
    Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
    Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1239 ]
    Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.14.4 (Stable 32-bit #1239) May 24 2014 15:10:35
    Command line options:
      0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
      1: -basedir
      2: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday/
      3: -sfxchan
      4: 24
      5: -notexcomp
      6: -game
      7: doom1
      8: -iwad
      9: C:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
      10: -wnd
      11: -userdir
      12: C:\Users\Mr.Rocket_2\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
    RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/renderer.pack/
                  shaders.dei" [path "/data/doomsday.pk3/data/renderer.pack/shaders.dei"]
                  from archive in read-only "(basedir)\data\doomsday.pk3"
    OpenGL 3.3 supported
    Sys_GLInitialize: OpenGL information:
      Version:  4.4.0
      Renderer: GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
      Vendor:   NVIDIA Corporation
      Compressed texture formats: 23
      Available texture units:    4
      Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
      Maximum texture size:       16384
      Line width granularity:     0.125
      Line width range:           0.5...10
    ^ : OpenGL Extensions:
    ^ :     AMD extensions:
            multi_draw_indirect, seamless_cubemap_per_texture
    ^ :     ARB extensions:
            arrays_of_arrays, base_instance, bindless_texture, blend_func_extended,
            buffer_storage, clear_buffer_object, clear_texture, color_buffer_float,
            compatibility, compressed_texture_pixel_storage, conservative_depth,
            compute_shader, compute_variable_group_size, copy_buffer, copy_image,
            debug_output, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, depth_texture, draw_buffers,
            draw_buffers_blend, draw_indirect, draw_elements_base_vertex, draw_instanced,
            enhanced_layouts, ES2_compatibility, ES3_compatibility, explicit_attrib_location,
            explicit_uniform_location, fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_layer_viewport,
            fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader,
            framebuffer_no_attachments, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
            geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, gpu_shader5, gpu_shader_fp64,
            half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, imaging, indirect_parameters,
            instanced_arrays, internalformat_query, internalformat_query2,
            invalidate_subdata, map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range, multi_bind,
            multi_draw_indirect, multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query,
            occlusion_query2, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite,
            program_interface_query, provoking_vertex, robust_buffer_access_behavior,
            robustness, sample_shading, sampler_objects, seamless_cube_map,
            seamless_cubemap_per_texture, separate_shader_objects, shader_atomic_counters,
            shader_bit_encoding, shader_draw_parameters, shader_group_vote,
            shader_image_load_store, shader_image_size, shader_objects, shader_precision,
            query_buffer_object, shader_storage_buffer_object, shader_subroutine,
            shader_texture_lod, shading_language_100, shading_language_420pack,
            shading_language_include, shading_language_packing, shadow, sparse_texture,
            stencil_texturing, sync, tessellation_shader, texture_border_clamp,
            texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_object_rgb32, texture_buffer_range,
            texture_compression, texture_compression_bptc, texture_compression_rgtc,
            texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
            texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_gather,
            texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge, texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample,
            texture_non_power_of_two, texture_query_levels, texture_query_lod,
            texture_rectangle, texture_rg, texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_stencil8,
            texture_storage, texture_storage_multisample, texture_swizzle, texture_view,
            timer_query, transform_feedback2, transform_feedback3,
            transform_feedback_instanced, transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object,
            vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object, vertex_attrib_64bit,
            vertex_attrib_binding, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader,
            vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, viewport_array,
    ^ :     ATI extensions:
            draw_buffers, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
    ^ :     EXT extensions:
            texture_env_add, abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color,
            blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract,
            compiled_vertex_array, Cg_shader, depth_bounds_test, direct_state_access,
            draw_buffers2, draw_instanced, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
            framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, framebuffer_object,
            framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4,
            multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels,
            pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal,
            secondary_color, separate_shader_objects, separate_specular_color,
            shader_image_load_formatted, shader_image_load_store, shader_integer_mix,
            shadow_funcs, stencil_two_side, stencil_wrap, texture3D, texture_array,
            texture_buffer_object, texture_compression_dxt1, texture_compression_latc,
            texture_compression_rgtc, texture_compression_s3tc, texture_cube_map,
            texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_combine, texture_env_dot3,
            texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod, texture_lod_bias,
            texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_shared_exponent, texture_sRGB,
            texture_sRGB_decode, texture_storage, texture_swizzle, timer_query,
            transform_feedback2, vertex_array, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_attrib_64bit,
    ^ :     EXTX extensions:
    ^ :     IBM extensions:
            rasterpos_clip, texture_mirrored_repeat
    ^ :     KHR extensions:
            debug, blend_equation_advanced, blend_equation_advanced_coherent
    ^ :     KTX extensions:
    ^ :     NV extensions:
            bindless_multi_draw_indirect, bindless_texture, blend_equation_advanced,
            blend_equation_advanced_coherent, blend_square, compute_program5,
            conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color, copy_image, depth_buffer_float,
            depth_clamp, draw_texture, ES1_1_compatibility, ES3_1_compatibility,
            explicit_multisample, fence, float_buffer, fog_distance, fragment_program,
            fragment_program_option, fragment_program2, framebuffer_multisample_coverage,
            geometry_shader4, gpu_program4, gpu_program4_1, gpu_program5,
            gpu_program5_mem_extended, gpu_program_fp64, gpu_shader5, half_float,
            light_max_exponent, multisample_coverage, multisample_filter_hint,
            occlusion_query, packed_depth_stencil, parameter_buffer_object,
            parameter_buffer_object2, path_rendering, pixel_data_range, point_sprite,
            primitive_restart, register_combiners, register_combiners2,
            shader_atomic_counters, shader_atomic_float, shader_buffer_load,
            shader_storage_buffer_object, texgen_reflection, texture_barrier,
            texture_compression_vtc, texture_env_combine4, texture_expand_normal,
            texture_multisample, texture_rectangle, texture_shader, texture_shader2,
            texture_shader3, transform_feedback, transform_feedback2, vertex_array_range,
            vertex_array_range2, vertex_attrib_integer_64bit, vertex_buffer_unified_memory,
            vertex_program, vertex_program1_1, vertex_program2, vertex_program2_option,
            vertex_program3, shader_thread_group, shader_thread_shuffle
    ^ :     NVX extensions:
            conditional_render, gpu_memory_info, nvenc_interop
    ^ :     S3 extensions:
    ^ :     SGIS extensions:
            generate_mipmap, texture_lod
    ^ :     SGIX extensions:
            depth_texture, shadow
    ^ :     SUN extensions:
    ^ :     WGL extensions:
    ^ :     WIN extensions:
    ^ :   Extensions (WGL):
    ^ :     WGL extensions:
            ARB_buffer_region, ARB_create_context, ARB_create_context_profile,
            ARB_create_context_robustness, ARB_extensions_string, ARB_make_current_read,
            ARB_multisample, ARB_pbuffer, ARB_pixel_format, ARB_pixel_format_float,
            ARB_render_texture, ATI_pixel_format_float, EXT_create_context_es_profile,
            EXT_create_context_es2_profile, EXT_extensions_string, EXT_framebuffer_sRGB,
            EXT_pixel_format_packed_float, EXT_swap_control, EXT_swap_control_tear,
            NVX_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop2, NV_delay_before_swap,
            NV_float_buffer, NV_multisample_coverage, NV_render_depth_texture,
    FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2013
    Audio configuration:
      CD:    FMOD/CD
      Music: FMOD/Ext
      SFX:   FMOD
    Initialized 24 sound effect channels
    Using SteamApps path: c:\program files (x86)\steam\SteamApps\common
    User-supplied IWAD path: "C:/Doomports/IWADS/"
    Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
     ! hacx.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
     ! chex.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
     ! tnt.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
     ! plutonia.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
     - doom2.wad or doom2f.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM2.WAD"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
     - doom.wad or doomu.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "DOOM Registered"...
     - doom.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad"
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
     ! doom1.wad: missing 
     - libdoom.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jdoom\libdoom.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
     - heretic.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HERETIC.WAD"
     - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "Heretic Registered"...
     - heretic.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HERETIC.WAD"
     - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
     ! heretic1.wad: missing 
     - libheretic.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jheretic\libheretic.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
     - hexen.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HEXEN.WAD"
     - hexdd.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HEXDD.WAD"
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Playable
    Locating "Hexen"...
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     - hexen.wad: "c:\Doomports\IWADS\HEXEN.WAD"
     => Playable
    Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
     ! hexen.wad: missing 
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
     ! hexen.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
     ! hexen.wad or hexenbeta.wad or machexendemo.wad or hexendemo.wad: missing 
     - libhexen.pk3: "(basedir)\data\jhexen\libhexen.pk3"
     => Not playable (incomplete resources)
    Selecting game 'doom1'...
    Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jdoom\auto"
    Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jdoom\auto"
    Loading game resources...
    IWAD identification: 0xdb003a
    ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
        Loaded all 125 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
    ^ : Loaded all 162 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
    Parsing primary config "configs\doom\game.cfg"...
    Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
    ^ : Definitions:
    ^ :   28  animation groups
          6   composite fonts
          8   finales
          9   lights
          29  map infos
          11  materials
          19  particle generators
          4   skies
          33  songs
          110 sound effects
          138 sprite names
          974 states
          49  surface decorations
          368 text strings
          8   texture environments
          140 things
    ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
    Available maps:
      E1M1-E1M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
      E2M1-E2M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
      E3M1-E3M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
      E4M1-E4M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
    DOOM Registered
    S_StartMusic: Starting music 'intro'
    MasterWorker: Received 3 servers from master
    ^ : Received 3 servers from master
    FIC_SetPatch > ResourceSystem::declarePatch:
        Failed to locate lump for "Patches:HELP2"
    FIC_SetPatch: Missing Patch 'HELP2'
    Selecting game 'doom1-ultimate'...
    Path "auto" now mapped to "data\jdoom\auto"
    Path "auto" now mapped to "defs\jdoom\auto"
    Loading game resources...
    IWAD identification: 0xdb003a
    ResourceSystem > loadCompositeTextureDefs:
        Loaded all 125 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
    ^ : Loaded all 162 texture definitions from "c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad:(basedir)\
    Parsing primary config "configs\doom\game.cfg"...
    Def_Read: Parsing definition files...
    ^ : Definitions:
    ^ :   28  animation groups
          6   composite fonts
          9   finales
          9   lights
          38  map infos
          11  materials
          19  particle generators
          4   skies
          33  songs
          110 sound effects
          138 sprite names
          974 states
          49  surface decorations
          368 text strings
          8   texture environments
          140 things
    ResourceSystem: Model init completed in 0.00 seconds
    Available maps:
      E1M1-E1M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
      E2M1-E2M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
      E3M1-E3M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
      E4M1-E4M9 c:\Doomports\IWADS\DOOM.wad
    Ultimate DOOM
    Net_StartConnection: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (port 13209)...
    Segmentation Violation
    Unloaded game
    Restoring original display mode due to shutdown

    Dude, I have the same version of Windows - 8.1 x64. I had installed Doomsday 1.14.5 with my upgraded WADs. I played went to any server on presented no problems.
    Then I decided to play on the original WADs and here the problems began. The same problem that you have "Segmentation Violation". Most likely your problem. I uninstalled the port and set favorite 1.8.6, so I can not check if I'm right. But you can try to download the original images WADs and put them, and try to connect to servers It is possible that it will work.
    A better - this version of Doomsday uninstall and clean all traces of the program. Then install the new version of Doomsday. Put it in the original WADs. Everything should work.
  • I have a problem: I can not change the configuration of the multiplayer port 1.14.5 for Windows 8.1 x64.
    I want to change the settings: Level; Skill; Turn off the monsters, etc. I understand that all this is done from a command line window Shell?
    All done, on instructions from WiKi. Created the file "autoexec.cfg" in which recorded my settings. But to apply this file on the command line, I could not!
    Enter the command "-p some / path / autoexec.cfg" and then my config file will apply, but the command line with Shell typing the first characters "-p" writes that this parameter does not exist. It is possible that information on WiKi outdated and it is for older versions of the port Doomsday?
    Please help. How can I change its configuration on the host server?
  • It sounds like you are confusing the command line with the interactive console. -p (-parse) is a command line option.
  • Danij

    It turns out that I had to enter this command through Command Prompt from Windows?
    This refers to any Command Line. But where it is not spoken. ... yer_server
  • wiki wrote:
    You can specify the location of your autoexec.cfg using the command line option...
    Although the console allows one to enter commands it is not what is generally referred to as the command line. Whenever the "command line" is mentioned one should think of the set of arguments passed to the application at startup (e.g., from the command prompt, in Windows).

    When using the Shell to manage your Doomsday Server(s), the command line passed to the server is configured using the GUI. You can specify to parse your autoexec.cfg on the Advanced tab, under Options.
  • Danij

    Why was it necessary to do all that hard when in port 1.8.6 all settings were in the multiplayer menu?
  • That UI will return at a later point. It hasn't gone for good.

    As I've already explained, using the Shell to set up a server is "necessary" because we are streamlining the architecture so that there is only one server and one client executable. Once we are able to spawn a server from the client then that UI will return. However because it is not at all "hard" to use the Shell, there is no immediate rush to replace that UI.
  • Danij:

    I'm sorry, but you would not be able to explain in more detail: To enter this code? -p some/path/autoexec.cfg
    I still can not understand what is the "Command Line" in port Doomsday? Thanks for the answer.
  • Danij:

    Look, I'm not doing this right?

  • Assuming that your autoexec.cfg file is in your user documents folder, the Server > Options field should be something like:
    -p c:/users/aivar242/documents/autoexec.cfg
    Edit: Removed quotes from path.

    Wikipedia has a full description of what a command line interface is.
  • I tried to type this command - does not work. Tried to add the argument -p some, instead of -p - does not work. I had already put the file on the path you indicated that there was no chance for error.
    The strange thing is that if I dial any Shell console komaandu, for example server-game-skill 4, then all at once triggered. Another way is to edit the file from a folder game.cfg server-runtime, which is also not very comfortable. I thing that if I ask the game options, then they should appear exactly on the Master Server and work.

    In general the whole system extremely convenient. Especially if you remember very convenient system server configuration of the interface port 1.8.6. I would hope that the same interface will appear in new versions of Doomsday.
  • Try removing the quotes around the path to your autoexec.cfg I've just tested this myself and it works fine without the quotes. Sorry about that.
  • Danij;

    I tried, but still could not use his list configuration autoexec.cfg. This Shell 've already registered my settings, and therefore most likely have to create a new server, and record the new setting for him. It will be necessary to inscribe the new server name and a new password of public. I decided not to do it, because I'm not sure what will work, besides me that is tired. It's a real pain in the ass.
    I found a simple way: In the "App Data" folder is located - "Deng Team" in it, at the end of the file "game.cfg". This file contains all of the current configuration of the server is what you need. I just created a shortcut to it on my desktop, and simply edit the settings in this file. The second way - is to enter commands in Shell console to change the config.
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