I don't change Ultimate Doom level from E2M1 to E2M2
When I finish level E2M1 of Ultimate Doom I restart E2M1 instead to continue to E2M2. I can warp to E2M2 but well it's surprising this basic doesn't work. Am I using the wrong WAD or what? I'm using Doomsday 1.9 b6.6 OS X version, no addon. And the WAD is coming from the Id Anthology Mac CD.
I just tested it and E2M1 map finishes properly for me in Ultimate Doom. Here - give this jdoom.pk3 a go (for Beta 6.6 only, this includes the map hotfix). Remove the .zip extension because .pk3 is banned for some reason.
EDIT: Yes that fix you linked solved the problem, thanks for the help. One thing is strange, I renamed it jdoom.pk3, put it in addon folder, refresh addons and see it... with the name jdoom.pk3.zip. Ha well as soon as it works. :-)
I believed they have redo graphics for the Mac and SNES version to have them in 640*400 instead of 320*200 but I am clearly wrong they just implemented some tricks to increase graphics size dynamically.
The port was rather impressive anyway for it behavior similarities, most weird behaviors on some wads happened in an exact same way in Mac version, there's still few very rare bug special to Mac version with some later wads made with some later wad builders.
EDIT: Still about clean port and quite out of topic, the Mac port wasn't that good because the mouse support was a little weird with only one setup where up/down produced move forward/backward, and you could not change keys setup. Thanks a guy produce a fix allowing setup your own keys and disable moving with mouse to only let mouse look enabled. But this Mac Port had some nice features too like a standard file save (no weird in game limited system) and doom click on a pwad was launching the application and loading it automatically.
Ah that's where I fabricated my assumption from heh. Yeah well, SNES may be double res and have cool music, but those missing roof textures sure do look odd! Anyway let us know how it goes when you get a chance to try that pk3.
About the Mac version, I checked the Mac Doom II CD, there's the date 1995 but not sure it's the CD production date. But sure this GTI pack had a full Doom package. You should realize that in 1995 Internet wasn't widely spread. In fact Doom promote more BBS first, modems and enterprise TCP/IP Net use for gaming, before Internet become popular.
I probably have the Doom I Mac package too but not sure where I stored it.
EDIT: Mac Doom had all textures and was looking brilliant in comparison to PC version.
The closer to it is deep inside a file doomsday.pk3 and in it after unzip, a data folder. But in this data folder, only 3 folder, fonts, graphics, keymaps.
Noewhere I see a jdoom directory.
EDIT: I finally found it, it's in: Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/jDoom.bundle/Contents/Resources/jDoom.pk3
To open a .bundle it's like opening a package .app. And if I unzip jDoom.pk3, in it defs/jdoom/*.ded like doom1maps.ded