Unable to download Heretic 3d models
I'm new to the forums here, so thanks in advance for any suggestions. I've got Doomsday installed on a Mac Pro running 10.7 Lion OS. All is well- excellent game engine. I've been able to download all the models, textures, music etc for everything but Heretic. I've got the texture pack downloaded and installed, but cannot get anything from the torrent file for the model addons. Is there a file that can be downloaded form somewhere containing the 3d sprite models?
I'm new to the forums here, so thanks in advance for any suggestions. I've got Doomsday installed on a Mac Pro running 10.7 Lion OS. All is well- excellent game engine. I've been able to download all the models, textures, music etc for everything but Heretic. I've got the texture pack downloaded and installed, but cannot get anything from the torrent file for the model addons. Is there a file that can be downloaded form somewhere containing the 3d sprite models?
If so, you need to extract the contents of the zip-file into your addons directory. When you have done it right you will have a folder in your addons directory named 'jhrp1_01.box' containing a lot of pk3-files and two directories.
Hope this helps.
Is there some other site that has this file available for download or somebody that could host it temporarily so it is accessible.
It's still working for me in 1.14.1 - don't know about newer versions though.
And it sounds really interesting about the updates, Tea Monster. Looking forward
Thanks Much.....