Beta 6.3: Addon and particle issues
Hello to all who joined us in the new forum so far. 
Please apology for the bug reports in my very first post in the new forum. But then again they need to be addressed, right?
With the re-re-release of beta 6.3 the game still crashes with a segmentation violation error (see attached image) when using the updated jDRP-Reflections addon I posted in the Newdoom forums (download link below).

Please apology for the bug reports in my very first post in the new forum. But then again they need to be addressed, right?
With the re-re-release of beta 6.3 the game still crashes with a segmentation violation error (see attached image) when using the updated jDRP-Reflections addon I posted in the Newdoom forums (download link below).
There are two problems when running with this addon. The first, is a logic error within Doomsday which does not catch the fact that the reflection textures are not being loaded, yet is still attempting to draw using them (leading to the seg fault). Secondly, the resource locator is only checking the /lightmaps directory and the base path when trying to find these textures even though the path specified in the addon is already Doomsday base-relative. However, when checking the base-relative path Doomsday is not currently checking for all supported file extensions and is merely using the path specified as-is (which, is sans extension). So, the resource locator is failing to find them and consequently leading to a seg fault.
Clearly there is a problem with the resource locator and the search priority isn't correct (surely, we should be determining if the path is base relative to begin with and if it is, check there first).
I've not yet looked at the detail textures issue (its most likely the exact same scenario as with the reflections). The double menu sound issue is a trivial one so expect that to be fixed for the next release.
BTW, can you please add those links to your signature like you used to have in the Newdoom forum (DengDEV, SourceForge, CIA Project, etc.)? It was kinda neat to always have them at hand like that.
EDIT: The problem of the resource locator not being able to find the shinemaps used by the addon "jDRP Reflections v1.2" has been fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.4 There remains an additional issue when this mod is used in conjunction with jDRP 1.01 that I am currently investigating.
Although I'm confident that the same problems were also affecting the detail texture mod (and thus should now be fixed in rev #6655), I'll spend some time debugging that too before release.
EDIT2: I've just checked and the detail texture packs mentioned above are now working for me also in rev #6655.
Has a decision been made regarding a idea of SkyJake I read somewhere about nightly builds of Doomsday? Now would be a sweet opportunity to have them available rather than to wait for the next beta release.
I think it might be a good idea to have users interested in such nightly builds required to volunteer for nightly build access in the forum or by e-mail in order to avoid that every average Joe downloads these and starts complaining about certain things not working without having the proper background (proper background like from being a experienced Doomsday user and regular forum visitor). Of course this is not meant as a plan to create a member circle of Doomsday elitists.
I will probably post about this at dengdevs soon so that we can thrash out the logistical issues and once those have been satisfied we can begin thinking about how to release them. It may be that we simply make them available to anyone and everyone (but covered in flashing lights and warning insigna, so to speak).
EDIT: The problem of particle generators spawning inconsistently (i.e., even though the maximum number of active generators had not been reached) has been fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.4