Doomsday Engine 1.8.6 on Windows 7
Hi friends,
i am new to this forum so first i want to say "hello" to all users here.
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Okay, and that is my problem. I
i am new to this forum so first i want to say "hello" to all users here.
***Please note: When i post in the wrong thread, feel free to push it to another....
Okay, and that is my problem. I
All the addons are working, except the Environment Pack yes; I am actually in the middle of updating it right now (literally - I just finished the Doom 2 part) to work properly with the music and whatnot. Some users are also saying the MP3 music packs don't work with Beta 6.6, but I can't replicate their issues on my machine - it works 100% for me.
Have you tried to use Direct3D instead of OpenGL? I dont get anything about GL_VERT in my logfile :-O But then again I have no addons in my 1.8.6 install. Let's see what someone more experienced that I has to say.
Oh... and hello
thanks for your reply. In the moment, i am not sitting infront of my rig to test it again. First i will test the D3D setting instead of OpenGL in Doomsday 1.8.6. It would be interesting to know, what the GL output in the console does mean exactly.
I am using the Resource Pack, the Texture Pack, the Music Pack from Ashley Carr and the UI Pack in combination with Doomsday 1.9 Beta 6 - the only things that doesn
Yeah I have no idea what the GL error there is. But I do remember, on 1.8.6, I always had better luck with Direct3D.
Yes you are correct, the new fonts are not appearing in the menu's. They are in the jDUI pack, but something must have changed and broken it. *Sigh* I will look at it when I finish the Environment pack :P
In regards to 1.8.6, don't be surprised if you have problems using all the addons on the official addon site, you will just have to try it and see as I really don't know. But, to be honest, well.... I can't speak for everyone, but I have a feeling that many of us don't really care about 1.8.6 lol (I know I don't anyway, sorry just being honest). I'm just guessing here, but not many of us regulars seem to actually play too much, we have modellers/designers and coders and testers mainly. But I plan to replay soon to find out what addons need fixing up.
And bug reporters of course - like yourself. Luckily, these bugs with the addons is something I myself can check out
You can keep an eye on the thread at ... 131&p=1079 if you want to find out exactly on-the-spot when I finish the environment pack, I will upload and share the link there. BUT it will be untested, I will upload it straight away after a very quick test but the Deng team will probably check it out before submitting it to
thanks again for your reply!
I will follow the thread you posted here and will be one of the first, who grabbed your updated jDEP for testing and give feedback.
Ammm, a thing i do not understood correctly... Why the most users don
Well the addons should work with 1.8.6 aslong as they are pk3 files and put in the auto folder, its just snowberry addons that wouldnt work. Plus there may be newer things, like the shinemaps in the texture pack, which AFAIK wont work in 1.8.6.
Beta 6.6 seems pretty stable to me, but i havnt tested extensively. If you have any problems with it be sure to report it or check the existing threads and many of us can help with it
i agree with you, testing a software in Beta state is a lot of fun, i have done it with Windows 7... (We are MS partner and TechNet suscriber).
Today evening i will do a lot of tests and give you feedback, maybe i can fix something too.
Stay tuned!
No worries, I suppose you could start a new thread if it's about a specific thing you're sure is a bug - or just keep using this thread, doesn't really matter (just that the thread title is a little off-topic now as I can confirm Win7 makes no difference except maybe an average of 1fps less than XP because I only have 2GB RAM which is not too smart on a 64-bit version).
Have fun!
I am back with some good news regarding the D-Engine 1.8.6 Mod with Snowberry, made by RiShooty.
After deleting the whole package from my games partition, re-installing it directly to the root (e:\Doomsday) and setting it to Direct 3D output it is running without any problems.... I thought, i had already installed it directly to root, but i was making a fault putting it into e:\Program Files... Sometimes.... *argh*
I have also tested the OpenGL setting, but i was getting the same error in the console. With Direct 3D all went fine.
I hope, Doomsday 1.9 will soon join the stable state. in this moment i switch between both releases and will report bugs i notice with the Beta 6 of 1.9
Thanks for helping me and give insperation. Hope to see your 1.9 environment package soon! :-)
Best regards,