Newbie question: playing arbitrary level

edited 2014 Feb 3 in General
I only discovered this site yesterday, when I was looking for a system that could play my WAD files under Windows 7. I am thoroughly impressed by the amazing graphics of your engine. I used Doom95 before however, and that program had an option to jump to any arbitrary level. I've looked high and low today to see if Doomsday Engine has a similar feature, but I can't seem to find it. Can anybody enlighten me?


  • The Doom95 launcher's level select is purely a GUI that calls a the '-warp xx' command line option that existed in the original Dos version (indeed some dos versions of Doom games came with a launcher program called 'Deathmanager' that also included a level select gui). -warp still works in Dday; if using the Snowberry launcher, you can enter it on the 'custom options' field under the 'developer' panel in the settings tab.

    There is also the IDCLEVxx (where xx is the level number) in game level select cheat that was in the original game and still exists in Dday.

    In Dday, you can also bring down the console in game and type 'Map xx' (again xx is the level number) to warp to a map of your choice.
  • In using the Console during a game to jump to a different map I think you will need to use "warp XX". I cannot seem to get "Map XX" to work but "Warp XX" seems to always work and no "-" needs to proceed "Warp", at least on my system. Maybe I am missing something.
  • Thanks for the information. I'll know what to do during the next days.
  • John wrote:
    In using the Console during a game to jump to a different map I think you will need to use "warp XX". I cannot seem to get "Map XX" to work but "Warp XX" seems to always work and no "-" needs to proceed "Warp", at least on my system. Maybe I am missing something.
    "warp" (no hyphen) is a console command introduced in doomsday. (And probably many other sourceports) "-warp" is the original commandline option.

    Note also that "warp" will ignore a space between episode and level, so "warp 22" works just as well as "warp 2 2". "-warp", however, requires the space, i.e. "-warp 2 2", else it will just default to e1m1.
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