Just thanks
Hi, i just registered (very good the captcha!
) ) to say thaaaank yoooou for this amazing engine for DooM.
I'm playing it for years, by the way, and I never came here to show my gratitude to this community. Your work is absolutly fantastic. Thanks!

I'm playing it for years, by the way, and I never came here to show my gratitude to this community. Your work is absolutly fantastic. Thanks!
Awesome work! This indeed is a cultural heritage preserved well by the deng-team!
We salute you!
I've been using this engine for like 10 years. It was called jdoom back then as far as I now. I'm glad that it keeps getting updated.
Features like 3D and Oculus Rift support are awesome. Keep up the good work!
But anyway, this is the best doom-port ever. Thanks!
The explanation is quite simple: multiplayer has had a very low priority in recent times. We've been moving more and more toward a rendering focus with features like the new model renderer with skeletal animation. I will take it into consideration whether an MP sprint would make sense in the near future, particularly when it comes to things like starting an ad-hoc server directly within the client (like in the old days), and providing some basic GUI settings for MP games (which map to play, etc.).