I'm using 1.12.2 or 1.13.0. Doomsday Engine starts fine. It's when you try to start a game that doomsday engine stops responding. Any Ideas.
Does it load the start screen / logo of any Doom game? Or is the engine starting blank without any game selection? I had this problem, and my path to .wad file was wrong.
No it doesn't. As soon as the the game try's to start that's when Doomsday Engine quits. I've also tried multiple path's to the .wad files and that doesn't seem to be the problem.
An oversight with Nvidia cards that caused Dday to boot into a black screen in 1.13 and 1.13.1 (admittedly not 1.12.2) was fixed for 1.13.2. Have you tried downloading 1.13.2?
If that doesn't fix it, can you post the contents of Doomsday.out file in code tags?
If you are using Snowberry, the out file will be found in '/documents/doomsday frontend/runtime/'.
Another thing to consider is deleting all your config files to allow Dday to re-create them?
While they nearly always are, config files from older versions of Dday are rarely not compatible with newer versions. If you are using Snowberry, the config files can be found in the configs subfolder in the above mentioned frontend folder.
@Noggin79s: Doomsday does not currently support Freedoom. An official, original game IWAD is required to play.
Something to note is that you can use the Freedoom IWAD with a megawad (PWAD) that uses doom2 format for mapping. Some examples are Hell Revealed series, Alien Vendetta, Memento Mori series and others.
I did a clean Install of 1.13.2. This time Doomsday Engine didn't stop responding. When it tried to play the game the screen disappeared. Like nothing happened. Here's the Doomsday.out file. Let me know what you see.
I think you forgot to click on the "code" bottom before pasting your Doomsday.out file beneath it. This should put your Doomsday.out file in a scrollable box so we can see all of it.
Hi, im also having a problem running Doomsday. Ive just installed it on both my pc and laptop. pc has XP and it runs fine, but my laptop has win7 and the program stops running instantly as i click on play to run ultimate doom. have no addons or anything, simply installed doom collectors edition then installed Doomsday. would be awesome to get this running and play with my brother after all these years .
In Snowberry, click on the 'settings' tab for the game in question, then the 'developer' option, to bring up an option to increase the verbosity of the out file (called 'verbose messages').
Setting that to max will log much more information in the out file than the default level, though at the cost of performance, hence why the verbosity isn't set to max by default. It may narrow things down more than 'Starting GuiApp event loop...'.
Also, please provide your computers spec's (something everyone forgot to ask the OP).
That said, Snowberry does have some sort of issue, where sometimes clicking Play does nothing other than closing Snowberry (I have Snowberry set to close upon clicking play). But I only get that very rarely.
After looking at a know good Doomsday.out file from Windows 7 and comparing it to the Doomsday.out file from Windows 8.1 I discovered why it stopped working at Starting GuiApp event loop... Windows 8.1 didn't support the OpenGL 3.3 for my ATI 4870 HD graphics card. AMD had a beta driver software that overcame this problem. Once installed the games start fine now. The whole problem was ATI drivers were not up to speed with Windows 8.1.
Are you launching Doomsday directly or are you using the build in launcher?
If that doesn't fix it, can you post the contents of Doomsday.out file in code tags?
If you are using Snowberry, the out file will be found in '/documents/doomsday frontend/runtime/'.
Another thing to consider is deleting all your config files to allow Dday to re-create them?
While they nearly always are, config files from older versions of Dday are rarely not compatible with newer versions. If you are using Snowberry, the config files can be found in the configs subfolder in the above mentioned frontend folder.
Application path: C:\Program Files\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
Enabled log entry level: MESSAGE
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.13.2 (Stable 32-bit #1109) Jan 14 2014 08:52:47.
Command line (12 strings):
0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
1: -basedir
2: C:\Program Files\Doomsday/
3: -sfxchan
4: 16
5: -notexcomp
6: -game
7: doom2-plut
8: -iwad
9: C:\Users\Dale_2\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\profiles\plutonia.wad
10: -userdir
11: C:\Users\Dale_2\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/renderer.pack/
shaders.dei" at path "/data/doomsday.pk3/data/renderer.pack/shaders.dei"
(out of archive in read-only native file "(basedir)\data\doomsday.pk3")
Initializing plugins...
(id:1) dehread
(id:2) doom
(id:3) heretic
(id:4) hexen
(id:5) wadmapconverter
Starting GuiApp event loop...
Setting that to max will log much more information in the out file than the default level, though at the cost of performance, hence why the verbosity isn't set to max by default. It may narrow things down more than 'Starting GuiApp event loop...'.
Also, please provide your computers spec's (something everyone forgot to ask the OP).
That said, Snowberry does have some sort of issue, where sometimes clicking Play does nothing other than closing Snowberry (I have Snowberry set to close upon clicking play). But I only get that very rarely.