How to run a game?
I'am sorry for possibly dumb question, but I readed Wiki pages here (Installation, Starting a game), some post on Ubuntu forums and I'am still unable to run any game at all.
I downloaded Doomsday 1.12.2 64 bit from here and installed into Ubuntu 13.10. Then I bought Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, HeXen: Beyond Heretic and HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel from Steam. And downloaded Shareware Doom 1 for testing. Wad files I placed into .doomsday/games/ and I tried to run it with theese commands:
Analogically with other games (Heretic, Hexens). In all cases doomsday starts, but does not show any game available and says, that no game is loaded into bottom bar. What I'am doing wrong?
doomsday.out file content:
I downloaded Doomsday 1.12.2 64 bit from here and installed into Ubuntu 13.10. Then I bought Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, HeXen: Beyond Heretic and HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel from Steam. And downloaded Shareware Doom 1 for testing. Wad files I placed into .doomsday/games/ and I tried to run it with theese commands:
doomsday -game jdoom -file /home/disnel/.doomsday/games/DOOM1.WAD
doomsday -game doom1share -file /home/disnel/.doomsday/games/DOOM1.WAD
Analogically with other games (Heretic, Hexens). In all cases doomsday starts, but does not show any game available and says, that no game is loaded into bottom bar. What I'am doing wrong?
doomsday.out file content:
Application path: /usr/bin/doomsday
Enabled log entry level: MESSAGE
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1036 ]
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.12.2 (Stable 64-bit #1036) Nov 2 2013 14:53:44.
Command line (5 strings):
0: doomsday
1: -game
2: doom1-share
3: -file
4: /home/disnel/.doomsday/games/DOOM1.WAD
Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/shaders.dei" at path "/data/
doomsday.pk3/data/shaders.dei" (out of archive in read-only native file "(basedir)/data/
Initializing plugins...
(id:1) libdehread
(id:2) libdoom
(id:3) libdoom64
(id:4) libexample
(id:5) libheretic
(id:6) libhexen
(id:7) libwadmapconverter
I_InitJoystick: No joysticks found
Starting GuiApp event loop...
OpenGL information:
Version: 4.3.0 NVIDIA 319.60
Renderer: GeForce GTX 675M/PCIe/SSE2
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Compressed texture formats: 23
Available texture units: 4
Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
Maximum texture size: 16384
Line width granularity: 0.125
Line width range: 0.5...10
OpenGL Extensions:
AMD extensions:
ARB extensions:
arrays_of_arrays, base_instance, blend_func_extended, clear_buffer_object,
color_buffer_float, compatibility, compressed_texture_pixel_storage,
conservative_depth, compute_shader, copy_buffer, copy_image, debug_output,
depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, depth_texture, draw_buffers, draw_buffers_blend,
draw_indirect, draw_elements_base_vertex, draw_instanced, ES2_compatibility,
ES3_compatibility, explicit_attrib_location, explicit_uniform_location,
fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_layer_viewport, fragment_program,
fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader, framebuffer_no_attachments,
framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, get_program_binary,
gpu_shader5, gpu_shader_fp64, half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, imaging,
instanced_arrays, internalformat_query, internalformat_query2,
invalidate_subdata, map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range, multi_draw_indirect,
multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query, occlusion_query2,
pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite, program_interface_query,
provoking_vertex, robust_buffer_access_behavior, robustness, sample_shading,
sampler_objects, seamless_cube_map, separate_shader_objects,
shader_atomic_counters, shader_bit_encoding, shader_image_load_store,
shader_image_size, shader_objects, shader_precision,
shader_storage_buffer_object, shader_subroutine, shader_texture_lod,
shading_language_100, shading_language_420pack, shading_language_include,
shading_language_packing, shadow, stencil_texturing, sync, tessellation_shader,
texture_border_clamp, texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_object_rgb32,
texture_buffer_range, texture_compression, texture_compression_bptc,
texture_compression_rgtc, texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array,
texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3,
texture_float, texture_gather, texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample,
texture_non_power_of_two, texture_query_levels, texture_query_lod,
texture_rectangle, texture_rg, texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_storage,
texture_storage_multisample, texture_swizzle, texture_view, timer_query,
transform_feedback2, transform_feedback3, transform_feedback_instanced,
transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object,
vertex_attrib_64bit, vertex_attrib_binding, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program,
vertex_shader, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, viewport_array, window_pos
ATI extensions:
draw_buffers, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
EXT extensions:
texture_env_add, abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color,
blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract,
compiled_vertex_array, Cg_shader, depth_bounds_test, direct_state_access,
draw_buffers2, draw_instanced, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, framebuffer_object,
framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4,
multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels,
pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal,
secondary_color, separate_shader_objects, separate_specular_color,
shader_image_load_store, shadow_funcs, stencil_two_side, stencil_wrap, texture3D,
texture_array, texture_buffer_object, texture_compression_dxt1,
texture_compression_latc, texture_compression_rgtc, texture_compression_s3tc,
texture_cube_map, texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_combine, texture_env_dot3,
texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod, texture_lod_bias,
texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_shared_exponent, texture_sRGB,
texture_sRGB_decode, texture_storage, texture_swizzle, timer_query,
transform_feedback2, vertex_array, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_attrib_64bit,
x11_sync_object, import_sync_object
EXTX extensions:
IBM extensions:
rasterpos_clip, texture_mirrored_repeat
KHR extensions:
KTX extensions:
NV extensions:
blend_square, compute_program5, conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color,
copy_image, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, draw_texture, ES1_1_compatibility,
explicit_multisample, fence, float_buffer, fog_distance, fragment_program,
fragment_program_option, fragment_program2, framebuffer_multisample_coverage,
geometry_shader4, gpu_program4, gpu_program4_1, gpu_program5,
gpu_program5_mem_extended, gpu_program_fp64, gpu_shader5, half_float,
light_max_exponent, multisample_coverage, multisample_filter_hint,
occlusion_query, packed_depth_stencil, parameter_buffer_object,
parameter_buffer_object2, path_rendering, pixel_data_range, point_sprite,
primitive_restart, register_combiners, register_combiners2,
shader_atomic_counters, shader_atomic_float, shader_buffer_load,
shader_storage_buffer_object, texgen_reflection, texture_barrier,
texture_compression_vtc, texture_env_combine4, texture_expand_normal,
texture_multisample, texture_rectangle, texture_shader, texture_shader2,
texture_shader3, transform_feedback, transform_feedback2, vdpau_interop,
vertex_array_range, vertex_array_range2, vertex_attrib_integer_64bit,
vertex_buffer_unified_memory, vertex_program, vertex_program1_1, vertex_program2,
vertex_program2_option, vertex_program3
NVX extensions:
conditional_render, gpu_memory_info
S3 extensions:
SGIS extensions:
generate_mipmap, texture_lod
SGIX extensions:
depth_texture, shadow
SUN extensions:
Initializing Render subsystem...
Setting up platform state...
Warning: loadAudioDriver: Loading of "fmod" failed.
Warning: Failed initializing audio driver "FMOD"
Audio configuration (by decreasing priority):
Music: SDLMixer::Music
ExampleHook: Hook successful!
Initializing Resource subsystem...
Canvas: Gained focus.
Initializing Texture subsystem...
Initializing Material subsystem...
Initializing InFine subsystem...
Initializing UI subsystem...
Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
Locating "DOOM Registered"...
Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
Locating "Doom 64"...
Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
Locating "Heretic Registered"...
Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
Locating "Hexen"...
Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
R_InitCompositeTextures: Completed in 0 seconds.
R_InitFlatTetxures: Completed in 0 seconds.
R_InitSpriteTextures: Completed in 0 seconds.
Parsing definition files...
readAllDefinitions: Completed in 0.01 seconds.
1 finales
11 materials
buildSprites: Completed in 0 seconds.
R_InitSprites: Completed in 0 seconds.
Models_Init: Completed in 0.00 seconds.
Automatic game selection failed
Canvas: Lost focus.
^ : Gained focus.
^ : Lost focus.
^ : Gained focus.
^ : Lost focus.
Also, it's okay to leave out the -game option. If there are multiple IWADs in your .doomsday/games directory, you can select one manually from a menu. Otherwise it automatically starts the available game.
Also, see "man doomsday" for the list of valid values for -game (under Game Modes).