control panel? is it completely disabled?
ok, installed new 1.12.2
ok, i know that
for example : ambient lighting, smooth texture disabling, etc
ok, i know that
all of it is good, but where except config can i find some options which was in control panel and can(how) i open control panel?1.12.0
The Control Panel has been replaced with menus that can be accessed via the task bar.
for example : ambient lighting, smooth texture disabling, etc
Renderer Settings
In the renderer settings dialog you'll see a 'gear' icon next to your current appearance profile. If the current profile is "Defaults" then you will first need to create a new profile before you can edit it (duplicate it and give it a new name). Once you have a new profile you can then edit that profile in the Appearance side bar editor (click Edit from the same menu).
Appearance Editor
Here is where you can easily change all of the settings which were formally in the control panel.
This should be documented in the wiki...