Crash with MissingClusterError (dse 1.12.2)
Getting this error [MissingClusterError] (BspLeaf::cluster) No sector cluster is attributed.
I've seen the error before, but it happens in this map (HERESIARCH'S SEMINARY) all the time and is basically preventing progress. Could my WAD be broken? It works fine otherwise and I was able to play this far. In any case, an explanation for the error would be appreciated.
I can also provide a savegame right before a point where it crashes with almost 100% certainty.
doomsday.out below
I've seen the error before, but it happens in this map (HERESIARCH'S SEMINARY) all the time and is basically preventing progress. Could my WAD be broken? It works fine otherwise and I was able to play this far. In any case, an explanation for the error would be appreciated.
I can also provide a savegame right before a point where it crashes with almost 100% certainty.
doomsday.out below
Application path: F:\Games\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
Enabled log entry level: MESSAGE
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1036 ]
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.12.2 (Stable 32-bit #1036) Nov 2 2013 14:49:23.
Command line (296 strings):
0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
1: -basedir
2: F:\Games\Doomsday/
3: -file
4: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\Required\jxccp_fx_common.pk3
5: -file
6: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\Required\jxccp_lightmaps.pk3
7: -file
8: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\Required\jxccp_particles.pk3
9: -file
10: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\Required\jxccp_shinemaps.pk3
11: -file
12: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_chandelier.pk3
13: -file
14: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_treedead.pk3
15: -file
16: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_vial_vei.pk3
17: -file
18: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_pottery.pk3
19: -file
20: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_bridge.pk3
21: -file
22: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_treelarge.pk3
23: -file
24: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_impaler.pk3
25: -file
26: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_torch_psy.pk3
27: -file
28: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_gui.pk3
29: -file
30: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_twinedtorch.pk3
31: -file
32: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_afrit.pk3
33: -file
34: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_gargoyles.pk3
35: -file
36: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_rainmap23.pk3
37: -file
38: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_treegnarled.pk3
39: -file
40: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_rubble.pk3
41: -file
42: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_axe.pk3
43: -file
44: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_arcofdeath.pk3
45: -file
46: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_axe.pk3
47: -file
48: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_teleporter.pk3
49: -file
50: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_rainmap25.pk3
51: -file
52: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_fireballex.pk3
53: -file
54: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_tex_sky.pk3
55: -file
56: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_frostshards.pk3
57: -file
58: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_hammer.pk3
59: -file
60: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_fog.pk3
61: -file
62: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_firebull.pk3
63: -file
64: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_corpses.pk3
65: -file
66: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_gempedestal.pk3
67: -file
68: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_bell.pk3
69: -file
70: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_wendwisps.pk3
71: -file
72: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_axe.pk3
73: -file
74: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_shrubs.pk3
75: -file
76: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_flamesdormant.pk3
77: -file
78: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_bloodscourge.pk3
79: -file
80: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_wraithverge.pk3
81: -file
82: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_firestorm.pk3
83: -file
84: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_firebomb.pk3
85: -file
86: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_ironmaiden.pk3
87: -file
88: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_treeswamp.pk3
89: -file
90: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_serpentstaff.pk3
91: -file
92: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_slaughtaur.pk3
93: -file
94: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_sludgesplash.pk3
95: -file
96: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_defender.pk3
97: -file
98: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_swampstumps.pk3
99: -file
100: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_healrad.pk3
101: -file
102: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_bloodscourge.pk3
103: -file
104: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_mace.pk3
105: -file
106: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_barrel.pk3
107: -file
108: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_firestorm.pk3
109: -file
110: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_tombstones.pk3
111: -file
112: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_swampvine.pk3
113: -file
114: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_leafs.pk3
115: -file
116: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_bracers.pk3
117: -file
118: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_device_psy.pk3
119: -file
120: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_blood.pk3
121: -file
122: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_candles.pk3
123: -file
124: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_wraithverge.pk3
125: -file
126: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_pig.pk3
127: -file
128: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_banner.pk3
129: -file
130: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_frostshards.pk3
131: -file
132: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_flamesmall.pk3
133: -file
134: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_arcofdeath.pk3
135: -file
136: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_serpent.pk3
137: -file
138: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_helm.pk3
139: -file
140: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_stalagmites.pk3
141: -file
142: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_firestorm.pk3
143: -file
144: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_flechette.pk3
145: -file
146: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_tex_shinemasks.pk3
147: -file
148: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_arcofdeath.pk3
149: -file
150: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_porkelator.pk3
151: -file
152: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_urn_psy.pk3
153: -file
154: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_frostshards.pk3
155: -file
156: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_watersplash.pk3
157: -file
158: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_flamelarge.pk3
159: -file
160: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_treedestruct.pk3
161: -file
162: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_brasstorch.pk3
163: -file
164: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_chains.pk3
165: -file
166: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_bishop.pk3
167: -file
168: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_lights.pk3
169: -file
170: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_corpseblood.pk3
171: -file
172: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_log.pk3
173: -file
174: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_darkservant.pk3
175: -file
176: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_dirt.pk3
177: -file
178: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_stalactites.pk3
179: -file
180: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_hammer.pk3
181: -file
182: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_gears.pk3
183: -file
184: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_firething.pk3
185: -file
186: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_armor.pk3
187: -file
188: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_shield.pk3
189: -file
190: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_cauldron.pk3
191: -file
192: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_amulet.pk3
193: -file
194: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_wings_psy.pk3
195: -file
196: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_treedestruct.pk3
197: -file
198: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_krater.pk3
199: -file
200: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_bloodscourge.pk3
201: -file
202: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_gems.pk3
203: -file
204: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_serpentstaff.pk3
205: -file
206: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_armor.pk3
207: -file
208: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_bishop.pk3
209: -file
210: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_flameldormant.pk3
211: -file
212: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_keys.pk3
213: -file
214: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_wand.pk3
215: -file
216: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_repulsion.pk3
217: -file
218: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_windmap20.pk3
219: -file
220: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_servant.pk3
221: -file
222: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_xmastree.pk3
223: -file
224: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_throwbomb.pk3
225: -file
226: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_rocks.pk3
227: -file
228: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_poisoncloud.pk3
229: -file
230: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_walltorch.pk3
231: -file
232: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_books.pk3
233: -file
234: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_rainmap01.pk3
235: -file
236: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_treestumps.pk3
237: -file
238: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_centaur.pk3
239: -file
240: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_flask_vei.pk3
241: -file
242: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_mana.pk3
243: -file
244: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_quietus.pk3
245: -file
246: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_tex_walls.pk3
247: -file
248: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_darkservant.pk3
249: -file
250: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_tableshit.pk3
251: -file
252: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_teleport.pk3
253: -file
254: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_ettin.pk3
255: -file
256: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_sfx.pk3
257: -file
258: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_tex_flats.pk3
259: -file
260: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_artipick.pk3
261: -file
262: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_serpentstaff.pk3
263: -file
264: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_vasepillar.pk3
265: -file
266: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_korax.pk3
267: -file
268: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mon_serpent.pk3
269: -file
270: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_wand.pk3
271: -file
272: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_lavasplash.pk3
273: -file
274: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_shrooms.pk3
275: -file
276: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_hud_gauntlets.pk3
277: -file
278: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_boots.pk3
279: -file
280: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_item_hammer.pk3
281: -file
282: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_mis_stalker.pk3
283: -file
284: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_fx_icedeath.pk3
285: -file
286: F:\Games\Doomsday\snowberry\addons\\jxccp_dec_bluecandle.pk3
287: -sfxchan
288: 16
289: -notexcomp
290: -game
291: hexen
292: -iwad
293: F:\Games\WADS\HEXEN.WAD
294: -userdir
295: C:\Users\riipah\Documents\Doomsday Frontend\runtime/
Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/shaders.dei" at path "/data/
doomsday.pk3/data/shaders.dei" (out of archive in read-only native file "(basedir)\data\
Initializing plugins...
(id:1) dehread
(id:2) doom
(id:3) heretic
(id:4) hexen
(id:5) wadmapconverter
Starting GuiApp event loop...
Canvas: Gained focus.
OpenGL information:
Version: 4.2.12422 Compatibility Profile Context
Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Compressed texture formats: 31
Available texture units: 8
Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
Maximum texture size: 16384
Line width granularity: 0.125
Line width range: 1...63
OpenGL Extensions:
AMD extensions:
conservative_depth, debug_output, depth_clamp_separate, draw_buffers_blend,
multi_draw_indirect, name_gen_delete, performance_monitor, pinned_memory,
query_buffer_object, sample_positions, seamless_cubemap_per_texture,
shader_stencil_export, shader_trace, texture_cube_map_array, texture_texture4,
transform_feedback3_lines_triangles, vertex_shader_layer,
vertex_shader_tessellator, vertex_shader_viewport_index
AMDX extensions:
debug_output, vertex_shader_tessellator
ARB extensions:
ES2_compatibility, ES3_compatibility, arrays_of_arrays, base_instance,
blend_func_extended, clear_buffer_object, color_buffer_float, compatibility,
compressed_texture_pixel_storage, compute_shader, conservative_depth,
copy_buffer, copy_image, debug_output, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp,
depth_texture, draw_buffers, draw_buffers_blend, draw_elements_base_vertex,
draw_indirect, draw_instanced, explicit_attrib_location,
explicit_uniform_location, fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_layer_viewport,
fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader,
framebuffer_no_attachments, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, gpu_shader5, gpu_shader_fp64,
half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, imaging, instanced_arrays,
internalformat_query, invalidate_subdata, map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range,
multi_draw_indirect, multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query,
occlusion_query2, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite,
program_interface_query, provoking_vertex, sample_shading, sampler_objects,
seamless_cube_map, separate_shader_objects, shader_atomic_counters,
shader_bit_encoding, shader_image_load_store, shader_image_size, shader_objects,
shader_precision, shader_stencil_export, shader_storage_buffer_object,
shader_subroutine, shader_texture_lod, shading_language_100,
shading_language_420pack, shading_language_packing, shadow, shadow_ambient,
stencil_texturing, sync, tessellation_shader, texture_border_clamp,
texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_object_rgb32, texture_buffer_range,
texture_compression, texture_compression_bptc, texture_compression_rgtc,
texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_gather,
texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample, texture_non_power_of_two,
texture_query_levels, texture_query_lod, texture_rectangle, texture_rg,
texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_snorm, texture_storage, texture_storage_multisample,
timer_query, transform_feedback2, transform_feedback3,
transform_feedback_instanced, transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object,
vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object, vertex_attrib_64bit,
vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev,
viewport_array, window_pos
ATI extensions:
draw_buffers, envmap_bumpmap, fragment_shader, separate_stencil,
texture_compression_3dc, texture_env_combine3, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
EXT extensions:
abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color, blend_equation_separate,
blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract, compiled_vertex_array,
copy_buffer, copy_texture, direct_state_access, draw_buffers2, draw_instanced,
draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit, framebuffer_multisample,
framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters,
gpu_shader4, histogram, multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_float,
packed_pixels, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, provoking_vertex,
rescale_normal, secondary_color, separate_specular_color,
shader_image_load_store, shadow_funcs, stencil_wrap, subtexture,
texgen_reflection, texture3D, texture_array, texture_buffer_object,
texture_compression_bptc, texture_compression_latc, texture_compression_rgtc,
texture_compression_s3tc, texture_cube_map, texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_add,
texture_env_combine, texture_env_dot3, texture_filter_anisotropic,
texture_integer, texture_lod, texture_lod_bias, texture_mirror_clamp,
texture_object, texture_rectangle, texture_sRGB, texture_sRGB_decode,
texture_shared_exponent, texture_snorm, texture_storage, texture_swizzle,
timer_query, transform_feedback, vertex_array, vertex_array_bgra,
IBM extensions:
KHR extensions:
KTX extensions:
NV extensions:
blend_square, conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color, copy_image,
explicit_multisample, float_buffer, half_float, primitive_restart,
texgen_reflection, texture_barrier
SGIS extensions:
generate_mipmap, texture_edge_clamp, texture_lod
SUN extensions:
WGL extensions:
WIN extensions:
Extensions (WGL):
WGL extensions:
ARB_extensions_string, ARB_pixel_format, ATI_pixel_format_float,
ARB_pixel_format_float, ARB_multisample, EXT_swap_control, EXT_swap_control_tear,
ARB_pbuffer, ARB_render_texture, ARB_make_current_read, EXT_extensions_string,
ARB_buffer_region, EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, ATI_render_texture_rectangle,
EXT_pixel_format_packed_float, I3D_genlock, NV_swap_group, ARB_create_context,
AMD_gpu_association, AMDX_gpu_association, ARB_create_context_profile,
NV_DX_interop, NV_DX_interop2, NV_float_buffer
Initializing Render subsystem...
Setting up platform state...
FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2013.
Audio configuration (by decreasing priority):
Music: FMOD/Ext
Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
Initializing Resource subsystem...
Initializing Texture subsystem...
Initializing Material subsystem...
Initializing InFine subsystem...
Initializing UI subsystem...
Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
Locating "DOOM Registered"...
Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
Locating "Heretic Registered"...
Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
Locating "Hexen"...
Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 0166c805
loadCompositeTextureDefs: Loaded all 359 texture definitions from "F:\Games\WADS\
^ : Loaded all 1 texture definitions from "F:\Games\WADS\HEXEN.WAD:(basedir)\
R_InitCompositeTextures: Completed in 0.16 seconds.
R_InitFlatTetxures: Completed in 0.008 seconds.
'ARTIPTN2' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTISOAR' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIINVU' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIPORK' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIEGGC' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTISPHL' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTITRCH' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIATLP' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTISUMN' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIPSBG' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTISPED' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIBMAN' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIBRAC' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTITELO' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIBLST' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTISKLL' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIBGEM' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGEMR' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGEMG' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGMG2' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGEMB' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGMB2' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIBOK1' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIBOK2' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTISKL2' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIFWEP' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTICWEP' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIMWEP' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGEAR' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGER2' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGER3' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIGER4' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
'ARTIHRAD' is not a valid sprite name, ignoring.
R_InitSpriteTextures: Completed in 0.7 seconds.
Parsing primary config "configs\hexen\game.cfg"...
B_BindCommand: Deleting binding 39, it has been overridden by binding 126.
Clearing binding context 'global'...
Clearing binding context 'deui'...
Clearing binding context 'console'...
Clearing binding context 'message'...
Clearing binding context 'chat'...
Clearing binding context 'shortcut'...
Clearing binding context 'gameui'...
Clearing binding context 'menu'...
Clearing binding context 'finale'...
Clearing binding context 'map-freepan'...
Clearing binding context 'map'...
Clearing binding context 'game'...
Parsing definition files...
readAllDefinitions: Completed in 0.13 seconds.
16 animation groups
5 composite fonts
8 finales
69 lights
11 materials
2041 models
195 particle generators
39 songs
245 sound effects
300 sprite names
3038 states
26 surface decorations
37 surface reflections
162 text strings
4 texture environments
402 things
buildSprites: Completed in 0.038 seconds.
R_InitSprites: Completed in 0.038 seconds.
Models_Init: Completed in 1.78 seconds.
Parsing SNDINFO...
SN_InitSequenceScript: Registering sound sequences.
Failed locating image resource for "Particle00".
Loading map "MAP27"...
World::loadMap > WadMapConverter: Recognized a Hexen format map.
Map: Pruned 383 vertexes (0 equivalents, 383 unused).
^ : Geometry bounds:[(-2112, -6336)->(3328, 1728) size:(5440, 8064)]
^ : Line blockmap dimensions:(43, 64)
^ : BSP built: 1165 Nodes, 1166 Leafs, 5774 Segments and 684 Vertexes.
Tree balance is 19:15.
^ : BSP built in 0.23 seconds.
^ : Mobj blockmap dimensions:(43, 64)
^ : Polyobj blockmap dimensions:(43, 64)
^ : BSP leaf blockmap dimensions:(43, 64)
Current map elements:
2467 Vertexes
2180 Lines
9 Polyobjs
368 Sectors
1165 BSP Nodes
1166 BSP Leafs
Map::initNodePiles: Completed in 0 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Completed in 0.002 seconds.
PO_InitForMap: Initializing polyobjects.
Map::initSkyFix: Completed in 0 seconds.
Precaching completed in 1.5 seconds.
Rend_RadioInitForMap: Completed in 0.004 seconds.
Map::initBias: Completed in 0 seconds.
Sector #91 is unclosed near (512, 548).
Sector #94 is unclosed near (256, 96).
Sector #273 is unclosed near (-1322, 256).
Sector #304 is unclosed near (-672, -5632).
Sector #305 is unclosed near (-736, -5632).
Map::initSkyFix: Completed in 0 seconds.
Loop: Uncaught exception during loop iteration:
[MissingClusterError] (BspLeaf::cluster) No sector cluster is attributed
^ : Application terminated due to exception:
^ : Uncaught exception during loop iteration:
^ : [MissingClusterError] (BspLeaf::cluster) No sector cluster is attributed
^ :
^ : Restoring original display mode due to shutdown.
^ > Canvas: Lost focus.
There are various situations where a "missing cluster" error may occur, however they are typically the result of malformed map geometry, which, unfortunately, Hexen has in spades.
I hope it's there, identifying specific saves in Hexen is tricky because it apparently creates multiple files with random names per save slot. The one showing the error should be the last save slot, which I named "crash". You need to kill the flying monster in front of you (actually just shooting it causes the crash most of the time shortly after).
Also, you need the 1.1 version of Hexen and the Hexen Community Compilation Pack (jXCCP) 1.31 from here . I actually tried to disable that addon to see if it was the cause of the error, but doing that causes "segmentation fault" when trying to load the saves, so I assume changing addons on the fly like that isn't supported.
I also redownloaded the HEXEN.WAD file (from Steam) which made no effect, so I assume it's not that.
Edit: oh and one more thing. I managed to pass that part myself by luring the monsters farther from the hallway before killing them, but the same crash happens in multiple places in that same map, which is kinda annoying.
Re: Hexen Community Compilation Pack (jXCCP) -- causes segmentation fault when loading saves made using it
Unfortunately this pack modifies the behavior of the game entities rather than simply providing a set of resources. These modifications mean incompatible save game sessions. In short, if you use an addon pack which changes this stuff then you won't be able to use those save games without it. This is not a Doomsday specific issue either, the same will happen when using DEHACKED patches and vanilla DOOM, for example.
There are also rendering issue in the latest builds with HUD models. There are strange reddish tint appeared on the geometry when I reach the "attack" state. Very clearly see it on mage's lightning or ice spells. The build 971 don't have that issue, see images below.
Though I've not seen it reflect off player hud weapons in earlier versions of Dday. But the dlight code is being rewritten for 1.13 so changes and mistakes may occur (only Deng team can say for sure, whether this is a change or a mistake).
You can load your savegame in the build 971 and play normally without crashes.
The red/purple tint on the HUD weapon is a separate issue.
Speaking of particle effects, the jXCCP addon definitely has plenty of those, sometimes overkill, so not surprised if that was the trigger.
Thanks, I tried it myself, and that earlier build definitely does not have the same issue, worked fine.
The red/purple tint on the HUD weapon is indeed caused by a dynamic light being spawned when the player fires.