[solved] graphic bug under Linux
My Problem is a graphical bug with the sky in Doom II (tested also with DOOM Plutonia experiment, same problem occured)
It seems like the game can't locate the image to display for the sky so it will just keep what was displayed before at the same place on the screen, see the captures below
I tried to reset texture, it didn't solve the problem but it shows a message "Failed locating image resource for "Particle00"", probably this missing image for "Particle00" is the source of my problem
Any idea how to fix it ?

My Problem is a graphical bug with the sky in Doom II (tested also with DOOM Plutonia experiment, same problem occured)
It seems like the game can't locate the image to display for the sky so it will just keep what was displayed before at the same place on the screen, see the captures below
I tried to reset texture, it didn't solve the problem but it shows a message "Failed locating image resource for "Particle00"", probably this missing image for "Particle00" is the source of my problem
Any idea how to fix it ?



Application path: /usr/bin/doomsday
Enabled log entry level: MESSAGE
Created a new 32,0 MB memory volume.
Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1036 ]
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.12.2 (Stable 64-bit #1036) Nov 2 2013 14:53:44.
Command line (15 strings):
0: doomsday
1: -sdlmixer
2: -sfxchan
3: 16
4: -fullscreen
5: -nohighpat
6: -nohightex
7: -notexcomp
8: -noramp
9: -game
10: doom2
11: -iwad
12: /home/steph/jv/DOOM2.WAD
13: -userdir
14: /home/steph/.doomsday/runtime/
Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/shaders.dei" at path "/data/
doomsday.pk3/data/shaders.dei" (out of archive in read-only native file "(basedir)/data/
Initializing plugins...
(id:1) libdehread
(id:2) libdoom
(id:3) libdoom64
(id:4) libexample
(id:5) libheretic
(id:6) libhexen
(id:7) libwadmapconverter
I_InitJoystick: No joysticks found
Starting GuiApp event loop...
OpenGL information:
Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 310.14
Renderer: GeForce 8400 GS/PCIe/SSE2
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Compressed texture formats: 23
Available texture units: 4
Maximum texture anisotropy: 16
Maximum texture size: 8192
Line width granularity: 0.125
Line width range: 0.5...10
OpenGL Extensions:
ARB extensions:
arrays_of_arrays, base_instance, blend_func_extended, clear_buffer_object,
color_buffer_float, compatibility, compressed_texture_pixel_storage,
conservative_depth, copy_buffer, copy_image, debug_output, depth_buffer_float,
depth_clamp, depth_texture, draw_buffers, draw_elements_base_vertex,
draw_instanced, ES2_compatibility, ES3_compatibility, explicit_attrib_location,
explicit_uniform_location, fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_layer_viewport,
fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader,
framebuffer_no_attachments, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex,
imaging, instanced_arrays, internalformat_query, internalformat_query2,
invalidate_subdata, map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range, multisample,
multitexture, occlusion_query, occlusion_query2, pixel_buffer_object,
point_parameters, point_sprite, program_interface_query, provoking_vertex,
robust_buffer_access_behavior, robustness, sampler_objects, seamless_cube_map,
separate_shader_objects, shader_bit_encoding, shader_objects, shader_texture_lod,
shading_language_100, shading_language_420pack, shading_language_include,
shading_language_packing, shadow, stencil_texturing, sync, texture_border_clamp,
texture_buffer_object, texture_buffer_range, texture_compression,
texture_compression_rgtc, texture_cube_map, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine,
texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_mirrored_repeat,
texture_multisample, texture_non_power_of_two, texture_query_levels,
texture_rectangle, texture_rg, texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_storage,
texture_storage_multisample, texture_swizzle, texture_view, timer_query,
transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object,
vertex_attrib_binding, vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader,
vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, viewport_array, window_pos
ATI extensions:
draw_buffers, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
EXT extensions:
texture_env_add, abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color,
blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract,
compiled_vertex_array, Cg_shader, depth_bounds_test, direct_state_access,
draw_buffers2, draw_instanced, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, framebuffer_object,
framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4,
multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels,
pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, provoking_vertex, rescale_normal,
secondary_color, separate_shader_objects, separate_specular_color, shadow_funcs,
stencil_two_side, stencil_wrap, texture3D, texture_array, texture_buffer_object,
texture_compression_dxt1, texture_compression_latc, texture_compression_rgtc,
texture_compression_s3tc, texture_cube_map, texture_edge_clamp,
texture_env_combine, texture_env_dot3, texture_filter_anisotropic,
texture_format_BGRA8888, texture_integer, texture_lod, texture_lod_bias,
texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_shared_exponent, texture_sRGB,
texture_sRGB_decode, texture_storage, texture_swizzle,
texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV, timer_query, vertex_array, vertex_array_bgra,
x11_sync_object, import_sync_object
EXTX extensions:
IBM extensions:
rasterpos_clip, texture_mirrored_repeat
KHR extensions:
KTX extensions:
NV extensions:
alpha_test, blend_minmax, blend_square, complex_primitives, conditional_render,
copy_depth_to_color, copy_image, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp,
ES1_1_compatibility, explicit_multisample, fbo_color_attachments, fence,
float_buffer, fog_distance, fragdepth, fragment_program, fragment_program_option,
fragment_program2, framebuffer_multisample_coverage, geometry_shader4,
gpu_program4, half_float, light_max_exponent, multisample_coverage,
multisample_filter_hint, occlusion_query, packed_depth_stencil,
parameter_buffer_object, parameter_buffer_object2, path_rendering,
pixel_data_range, point_sprite, primitive_restart, register_combiners,
register_combiners2, shader_buffer_load, texgen_reflection, texture_barrier,
texture_compression_vtc, texture_env_combine4, texture_expand_normal,
texture_lod_clamp, texture_multisample, texture_rectangle, texture_shader,
texture_shader2, texture_shader3, transform_feedback, vdpau_interop,
vertex_array_range, vertex_array_range2, vertex_buffer_unified_memory,
vertex_program, vertex_program1_1, vertex_program2, vertex_program2_option,
NVX extensions:
conditional_render, gpu_memory_info
OES extensions:
compressed_ETC2_RGB8_texture, compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_texture,
compressed_ETC2_punchthroughA_sRGB8_alpha_texture, compressed_ETC2_RGBA8_texture,
compressed_ETC2_sRGB8_alpha8_texture, compressed_EAC_R11_unsigned_texture,
compressed_EAC_R11_signed_texture, compressed_EAC_RG11_unsigned_texture,
compressed_EAC_RG11_signed_texture, compressed_paletted_texture, depth24,
depth32, depth_texture, element_index_uint, fbo_render_mipmap,
get_program_binary, mapbuffer, packed_depth_stencil, point_size_array,
point_sprite, rgb8_rgba8, read_format, standard_derivatives, texture_3D,
texture_float, texture_float_linear, texture_half_float,
texture_half_float_linear, texture_npot, vertex_array_object, vertex_half_float
S3 extensions:
SGIS extensions:
generate_mipmap, texture_lod
SGIX extensions:
depth_texture, shadow
SUN extensions:
Initializing Render subsystem...
Setting up platform state...
Warning:DS_SDLMixerInit: Linked version of SDLMixer (1.2.12) is newer than expected
Audio configuration (by decreasing priority):
Music: SDLMixer::Music
Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
ExampleHook: Hook successful!
Initializing Resource subsystem...
Canvas: Gained focus.
Initializing Texture subsystem...
Initializing Material subsystem...
Initializing InFine subsystem...
Initializing UI subsystem...
Locating "HACX - Twitch 'n Kill"...
Locating "Chex(R) Quest"...
Locating "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution"...
Locating "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment"...
Locating "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth"...
Locating "Ultimate DOOM"...
Locating "DOOM Registered"...
Locating "DOOM Shareware"...
Locating "Doom 64"...
Locating "Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders"...
Locating "Heretic Registered"...
Locating "Heretic Shareware"...
Locating "Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel"...
Locating "Hexen"...
Locating "Hexen v1.0"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Demo"...
Locating "Hexen 4-map Beta Demo"...
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 010424c4
loadCompositeTextureDefs: Loaded all 428 texture definitions from "~/jv/DOOM2.WAD:
R_InitCompositeTextures: Completed in 0.16 seconds.
R_InitFlatTetxures: Completed in 0.017 seconds.
R_InitSpriteTextures: Completed in 0.27 seconds.
Parsing primary config "configs/doom/game.cfg"...
Failed locating image resource for "Particle00".
Failed locating image resource for "Particle00".
B_BindCommand: Deleting binding 39, it has been overridden by binding 113.
Clearing binding context 'global'...
Clearing binding context 'deui'...
Clearing binding context 'console'...
Clearing binding context 'message'...
Clearing binding context 'chat'...
Clearing binding context 'shortcut'...
Clearing binding context 'gameui'...
Clearing binding context 'menu'...
Clearing binding context 'finale'...
Clearing binding context 'map-freepan'...
Clearing binding context 'map'...
Clearing binding context 'game'...
Parsing definition files...
Canvas: Lost focus.
^ : Gained focus.
readAllDefinitions: Completed in 0.065 seconds.
30 animation groups
6 composite fonts
11 finales
9 lights
33 map infos
11 materials
27 particle generators
3 skies
36 songs
110 sound effects
138 sprite names
974 states
51 surface decorations
368 text strings
11 texture environments
140 things
buildSprites: Completed in 0.023 seconds.
R_InitSprites: Completed in 0.023 seconds.
Models_Init: Completed in 0.00 seconds.
Failed locating image resource for "Particle00".
DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
Loading map "MAP01"...
World::loadMap > WadMapConverter: Recognized a Doom format map.
Map: Pruned 67 vertexes (0 equivalents, 67 unused).
^ : Geometry bounds:[(-1304, -960)->(2072, 2688) size:(3376, 3648)]
^ : Line blockmap dimensions:(27, 29)
^ : BSP built: 205 Nodes, 206 Leafs, 1062 Segments and 131 Vertexes.
Tree balance is 13:12.
^ : BSP built in 0.039 seconds.
^ : Mobj blockmap dimensions:(27, 29)
^ : Polyobj blockmap dimensions:(27, 29)
^ : BSP leaf blockmap dimensions:(27, 29)
Current map elements:
447 Vertexes
370 Lines
0 Polyobjs
59 Sectors
205 BSP Nodes
206 BSP Leafs
Map::initNodePiles: Completed in 0 seconds.
P_PtcInitForMap: Completed in 0 seconds.
Map::initSkyFix: Completed in 0 seconds.
Precaching completed in 0.15 seconds.
Rend_RadioInitForMap: Completed in 0.001 seconds.
Map::initBias: Completed in 0 seconds.
Map 1: Entryway
Author: id Software
Saved screenshot: doom2-000.png
Saved screenshot: doom2-001.png
> texreset
All DGL textures deleted.
Failed locating image resource for "Particle00".
Saved screenshot: doom2-002.png
Stopping GuiApp event loop
GuiApp event loop exited with code 0
Shutting down the console...
Z_Shutdown: Used 1 volumes, total 33554432 bytes.
Restoring original display mode due to shutdown.
Canvas: Lost focus.
It looks like you are running some variation of Unix, it would help to know which. I know that there has been some recent issues with beta video drivers on Ubuntu, for example.
My video card is a NVIDIA 8400GS and I'm using Nvidia Driver version 331.20
I've also tried using older versions of nvidia driver (173, 304 and 310) but I didn't noticed any difference
I've also tried the nouveau driver but it wasn't even able to display 1280*1024
Hope you can recommend something that will make my game works better
I've installed Linux Mint 16 and re-installed nvidia drivers and Doomsday and now everything works fine